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brake rod...any tricks out there?

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Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: brake rod...any tricks out there?
Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Subject: brake rod...any tricks out there?
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 11:35pm
The 175 I just bought has no brake rod on the LH side...I'm afraid someone twisted it off trying to adjust it.  Anyone have a bright idea how to fix without pulling off the final has a loader on it too, making it more work. Now I know why the brakes were locked together.....

This year:

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2011 at 4:03am
Hi Eldon, no, no real good way to get in there but pulling the tube.  I had the same issue on the 180 two years ago and glad the tube came off as the brake disc was shot and the seal was out, went ahead and did both sides.

Posted By: BobHnwO
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2011 at 4:25am
Twisted mine off my D17,gotta pull the final,loaded tire,had to use my TLB to lift it,pain in the BUTT!!

Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow.

Posted By: skipwelte
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2011 at 11:59am
If there is a little left you can heat it up and let it cool, then try a vice grip and see if it will move.  the only other resort is to pull the final drive, if its the left side, its a peice of cake, the right side is a pain in the behind as the hyd lever mounting bracket bolts to the final drive housing.  Good luck

Posted By: Chris/CT
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2011 at 12:46pm
Sounds like a brake job is in order.

Posted By: jiminnd
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2011 at 9:37pm
185 broke but left about 3/4 inch stub sticking out, got a coupler screwed on and added more thread to rod, temperary fix but does work for now,

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2011 at 9:53pm
AHA!  I like I just have to find a way to look in there to see what's left of the rod. If it is as I think it is, I should be able to rotate the pivot pin (one side should have some threaded rod sticking out) and screw on one of those long nuts...and fab a connecting rod.  Thanks!

This year:

Posted By: Skyhighballoon(MO)
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2011 at 7:55am
Eldon - I had one shear off flush with the pivot block (that was frozen) inside the housing.  I actually managed to drill the bolt out thru the pivot block one size smaller....that was quite a job.   Then I welded a smaller diameter grade 8 bolt that would fit thru the hole onto the brake rode, stuck it thru and put a nut on the back side to hold it.  My patch job has held up for about 2 or 3 years now I think.  Mike

1981 Gleaner F2 Corn Plus w 13' flex
1968 Gleaner EIII w 10' & 330
1969 180 gas
1965 D17 S-IV gas
1963 D17 S-III gas
1956 WD45 gas NF PS
1956 All-Crop 66 Big Bin
303 wire baler, 716H, 712H mowers

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2011 at 9:19pm
Well I tried my idea, but I couldn't get the pivot pin to rotate.  Plenty of thread on the other end, but that rod musta been broken off a long time ago and is frozen solid to the levers.  I was able to make a heavy hook and fabbed a linkage to try the brake out brakes.  So I guess it will be a job for next winter.  I have 2 others that need the brakes done soon anyway, maybe I can get good at it if I do them all at once.

This year:

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