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D-17 head casting #'s

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Topic: D-17 head casting #'s
Posted By: amo1977
Subject: D-17 head casting #'s
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 1:52pm
Kinda forgot to ask this in the other thread.  My old head had a crack in an (exhaust I think) valve.  So I got a different head.  The one that was on there had this-K13H.  Then on the other side was MM with 472-3 below it.  The one I got says-4659. 

The only difference I can see is the first # was solid on both ends.  The one I got had holes in front and back end of the head.  Someone had shoved some "stuff" in there.  The machine shop guy pulled that out and died it and screwed some plugs in there.

So whats the scoop?  I don't think what he did is going to hurt anything, but Im a rancher, not a mechanic.  Looks like it should bolt up alright.  Just wondering I guess.


Posted By: Steve M C/IL
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 2:22pm
HMMM...the one I have off an E gleaner has a plug of some sort in the back end and I couldn't say about the front without going and having a look see....I'm sure it will work fine....One of my uncle's D17's has a grey head on it so I'd say it's off a Gleaner E.

Posted By: amo1977
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 2:29pm
I was kinda hoping thats what it is, but I doubt it.  I think the paint just got removed when it was plained and re seated the last time.  Machine shop guy thought the #'s off my old head wern't "Allis" numbers.  The K13H one.  He thought maybe the had another supplier build some extras for them.  

Posted By: Brian G. NY
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 3:34pm
The two D-17 Casting numbers I've come across are AM4472 and AM4659.
I can't tell you the difference between the two.
Interestingly, the part numbers in the A-C parts catalogs for the WD-45 and D-17 heads are the same; #241524, but the casting number on my WD-45 head is AM3820.
I would guess that the head "you got" is the correct head for the D-17 and probably the latest version.

Posted By: Steve M C/IL
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 5:41pm
Just seen my uncle's 17 w/E head.Sure enough,plugs in each end. They are 7/16? hex head with some rubber behind them.Some kind of expansion plug?

Posted By: amo1977
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 7:38pm
Ya, thats what mine sounds like.  He didn't show me what was in there.  Said it was some kinda cork stuff he thought.  He thought it looked kinda cheesey.  So he dug it out, tapped in some threads, and added pipe plugs.

Can't explain the #'s any better, but thats whats on mine.

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