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D17 IV

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 28 Feb 2025 at 7:30pm
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Topic: D17 IV
Posted By: Bob D. (La)
Subject: D17 IV
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 1:57pm
Hopefully, I can add photos of stump I pulled this morning. Tried with my WC but not enough tractor. No problem, just go to barn and bring out my big gun. Problem solved, stump gone.

When you find yourself in a hole,PUT DOWN THE SHOVEL!!!

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 2:23pm
Did you dig the yard up with the WC or the 17. I see you lifted it out with an old rim. That "little" stump had a lot of surface area contacting the dirt. Good job done!

-------------" rel="nofollow -
Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

Posted By: Bob D. (La)
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 2:30pm
Actually, I was impressed with now more digging than it did. It was less than 6 inches deep and only about 5 feet long. The WC has no fluid in tires, but has a single set of weights installed. It started the dig,though I didn't let it dig. The D17 dug some but just kept going forward. Since it was only minor, I kept moving. Actually when it was out I was surprised at just how much root there was and it pulled it out. Front never came off the ground, but kept the draw bar low to prevent unwanted sky views. 

When you find yourself in a hole,PUT DOWN THE SHOVEL!!!

Posted By: captaindana
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 7:23pm
Hey Bob the big gun done good! [gee try saying that 5 times real fast] LOL Do you like the lift arms controlling your drawbar? I was thinking of doing the D15 like that for when I am tedding and want to lift it so as to not ted dirt when I get to ruts, rough spots, ridges etc. Lemme know. Dana

Posted By: Bob D. (La)
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 8:01pm
It would probably work great for that. Wouldn't want to try any heavy tillage with hooked up proper so you'd have traction boost though.

When you find yourself in a hole,PUT DOWN THE SHOVEL!!!

Posted By: Pat the Plumber CIL
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 8:08pm
Nice job Bob! got to love those D-17 SerIV's.
I have always been told there is just as much of a tree below the ground as above.Your pics prove it.

You only need to know 3 things to be a plumber;Crap rolls down hill,Hot is on the left and Don't bite your fingernails

1964 D-17 SIV 3 Pt.WF,1964 D-15 Ser II 3pt.WF ,1960 D-17 SI NF,1956 WD 45 WF.

Posted By: irlbeck A-C'S
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 9:11pm
Hey Bob!! Great minds think a like. The wife was on one of the series IV diesels pulling some 6 and 8" diameter  stumps out of the flower beds. Ground was real soft. The tractor dug quite a bit but just kept on going. I've got a good woman who is glad to do chores like that. Now if I can only get her trained to get off the tractor to hook and unhook the chain,she will really be a keeper!!!! LoL      I'm still working on that.

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