Your Dream plane
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Topic: Your Dream plane
Posted By: BLee Mn
Subject: Your Dream plane
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:21am
This is mine North American  P51-D. both are for sale top one 1.4 mill, bottom one 2.145 mill. Id just settle for a ride once.
------------- Cowboy UP
Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 10:19am
My dad had a chance to buy one for $10K, including a years worth of fuel and all the dual needed to get him solo'd! that was back in the mid '50's though! should'a, could'a, would'a! oh well!
to be fair to dad though, that $10 grand probably relates to in excess of $100K today
------------- I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27
Posted By: Eddie(IL)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 10:50am
The P-51 is without a doubt, a spectacular piece of engineering and design. We have a collector at the Vermilion County Airport, here at Danville, that has a P-51, along with a P-47 and an AT-6. My folks live just a mile from the airport, and you can here that Merlin coming long before you see the plane. We hired the owner a couple of years back, to take my father up for his birthaday in the 51, and he still raves about what a ride it was!
I still prefer the big bombers of that era, the B-17, 24, and 29. Every couple of years a group flies in a 17 and a 24 for viewing and rides. Here's some pics I took of my favorite, the B17 on take-off from the airport here in Danville.
Posted By: Byron WC in SW Wi
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 11:14am
If I could have any plane right now I'd take an A-10 Warthog. Maneuverable, very durable and relatively inexpensive to fly. Wouldn't hurt if it came with a few of them there bullets either. Course, I like the Beech Super III's too.
Posted By: Greg (Hillsboro, OH)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 11:14am
My Dad put in a lot of hours in the B-17, P-38 and I believe C46 (He flew over 30 missions 'over the hump' to China during WWII. He flew 37 types of aircraft in his career.
He said the P-38 was by far the one he enjoyed flying the most. That said, he believes the P-38 is what probably cost him his flying status due to hearing problems. The cockpit sits right between the engines. It was real noisy.
My brothers and I once wanted to buy him a ride in a B-17 so we could see him in it, but he said no, that there is no way he would pay money to fly in something they used to pay him to fly.
Posted By: Dakota Dave
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 12:57pm
I like a F4U in Marine blue. I'd need a big fuel budjet to go with it. I guess I'll just stay with the PA 20 and C150 that I already have.
Posted By: jmm
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 1:04pm
Posted By: michaelwis
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 1:08pm
I SAW ON military channel last fall (sometimes they run free for a cpl days ).. it said the P51 .. was chosen best of the best .. they even included the new jets of today and all military planes from other countries ...
my favorite will always be the B 17
------------- WD WD45 DIESEL D 14 D-15 SERIES 2 190XT TERRA TIGER ac allcrop 60 GLEANER F 6060 7040.and attachments for all Proud to be an active farmer
Posted By: GlenninPA
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 2:23pm
How many on here have their pilots license? I have Single engine land, Day and night, but never took my instrument test.
Posted By: AllisFreak MN
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:02pm
I love the Corsair and it's gull wing design.
------------- '49 A-C WD, '51 A-C WD, '63 A-C D17 Series III, 1968 A-C One-Seventy, '82 A-C 6060, '75 A-C 7040, A-C #3 sickle mower, 2 A-C 701 wagons, '78 Gleaner M2
Posted By: morton(pa)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:06pm
When I get the money, or rather, when my parents are able to hold up their end of the deal (that started in the beginning of HS, I'm in college now) I will finish my flight instruction, take my test, and get my license.
I would just love to have the plane my grandfather flew in to canada every year. A very good family friend was a pilot and owned the plane. Dad located it a few years ago and found it was owned by another local flying family that were very well known aviators. It happened to be for sale, sadly the timing just wasnt right, as he had bought a motorcycle the week before. It was later sold and is currently on long island. I'm going to contact the owners at some point and ask to have first right of refusal.
If you ever see N2765K, say Hi to it for me. It's a Luscombe 8E. What I wouldn't do to have that thing...
Posted By: MilesGray (CO/KS)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:15pm
Commercial Pilot, Single Engine Land, Single Engine Sea, Multi Engine Land, Instrument Airplane... Sadly, I can't work for 14,000.00 a year...
And this would be mine....
------------- Miles Gray (CO/KS)
5 1938 B's, 1940 B, 1944 WF C, 1948 NF C, Gleaner A, White Top Rotobaler, 1957 IH Golden Jubilee... I'm either a collector, or crazy!
Posted By: GlenninPA
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:27pm
I hear you Miles. I was 18 and on top of the world. Was gonna see the world on somebody elses dime....
I had the chance to piggy back on some charters and realized the job meant flying other people cool places and waiting around for them to finish having fun. Decided just to do enough to have fun myself, and figured if it was bad enough to need instruments, I didn't want to be up there! LOL
And I loved the B25.............
Posted By: BLee Mn
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:29pm
Commercial SEL, this is what i used to fly
------------- Cowboy UP
Posted By: TexasAllis
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:30pm
Nothing better than the sound of that Merlin engine wound tight.
Posted By: MilesGray (CO/KS)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:35pm
An Instrument rating is a good thing to have, it allows you to get above a cloud deck, or through one if you need to land. I'll never forget the first time I popped out on top of the fluffy white clouds, it was the second best thing ever, after getting my license.
------------- Miles Gray (CO/KS)
5 1938 B's, 1940 B, 1944 WF C, 1948 NF C, Gleaner A, White Top Rotobaler, 1957 IH Golden Jubilee... I'm either a collector, or crazy!
Posted By: MilesGray (CO/KS)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 3:43pm
Av Gas is 5.38/Gallon in Wichita for Self Serve... within the last 30 days... guess I'll keep driving nine hours each way!
Texas Allis - Except for the sound of the round engines... but they both give me goose bumps!
------------- Miles Gray (CO/KS)
5 1938 B's, 1940 B, 1944 WF C, 1948 NF C, Gleaner A, White Top Rotobaler, 1957 IH Golden Jubilee... I'm either a collector, or crazy!
Posted By: AllisChalmers37
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 4:14pm
I love the Mustang!! Very beautiful airplane.. But you also have to give credit to the P-40 Warhawk for being a mean fighter and doing the part of the P-51 until they put the Rolls Royce Merlin in it.

------------- 1937 WC, 1950 CA, 1959 D14, 1967 190XT, 2006 Ram 3500
Posted By: Creek Jenkins
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 5:21pm
Fastest P47 (K?) was faster than the fastest P51, but the Mustang was prettier and got all the attention. Same with the B24 v B17.
I read Bob Johnson's "Thunderbolt" - he was one of the top aces and did it all with a P47. Good book. One tough plane, kinda big and homely though. Kinda reminds me of one of my old girlfriends....
Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 5:42pm
I didn't remember reading the P47 was faster but it's been a while since I studied these WWII war birds. WWII airplanes used to be my favorite topic until I got the Allis bug. My favorite used to be the P51 but cause it seemed to be everybodies favorite I think it might now be the P38 Lightning.
------------- -- --- .... .- -- -- .- -.. / .-- .- ... / .- / -- ..- .-. -.. . .-. .. -. --. / -.-. .... .. .-.. -.. / .-. .- .--. .. ... - Wink I am a Russian Bot
Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 5:50pm
Creek Jenkins wrote:
Fastest P47 (K?) was faster than the fastest P51, but the Mustang was prettier and got all the attention. Same with the B24 v B17.
I read Bob Johnson's "Thunderbolt" - he was one of the top aces and did it all with a P47. Good book. One tough plane, kinda big and homely though. Kinda reminds me of one of my old girlfriends....
Creek |
From what I've read on the B24 was that it wouldn't take the beating a B17 would and still make it home. I just like them all and have lately gottin interest in the Japan zero and the formidable German 109 and 190 and the Russian Yaks.
------------- -- --- .... .- -- -- .- -.. / .-- .- ... / .- / -- ..- .-. -.. . .-. .. -. --. / -.-. .... .. .-.. -.. / .-. .- .--. .. ... - Wink I am a Russian Bot
Posted By: JW in MO
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 5:51pm
No real reason but I wanted one like this one, Aerospatiale Tobago. Not much more than a Cessna 172, just looks sleaker. I have my sinlge engine land, seems so long ago, took one cross country in a Cesna 150, felt like I could have walked there faster.
Posted By: BLee Mn
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 5:55pm
they said if you want to come back from a mission , fly a P47, if you want to get the girls, fly a P51. Wonder if they ever got all the "Ghost Squadron" 38s lifted out of the ice in the artic?
------------- Cowboy UP
Posted By: Reeseholler
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:04pm
I guess I'm an oddity. For the old planes, I'm a B-17 guy. For modern, F-15's my choice. Just for the heck of it. A U-2. That would be pretty cool to be up that high in the atmosphere. Either that or a C-17.
Posted By: alan-nj
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:05pm
here's a picture of an SBD Dauntless i took today on the carrier Yorktown in Charleston, on my way home from the goto. there's a corsair behind it, but i don't have a picture. so all you guys who like the warbirds, make plans now to come to world war 2 week-end in reading, pa., the first week-end in june. you'll see a lot of planes, including b24,b17, b25, b29, mustang, corsair, and many others. check it out on
Posted By: Flyer
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:15pm
Favorite Warbirds: Tie between the P40-E Warhawk and the F4U Corsair Favorite GA Plane: Twin Beach
Since I can't afford the fuel burn for any of those, I fly a Cessna Cardinal RG.
I'm rated single engine land and instrument.
------------- An optimist sees the glass as half full. The pessimist sees the glass as half empty. The engineer sees a glass with double the required capacity.
Posted By: Flyer
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:17pm
BLee Mn wrote:
they said if you want to come back from a mission , fly a P47, if you want to get the girls, fly a P51. Wonder if they ever got all the "Ghost Squadron" 38s lifted out of the ice in the artic? |
I thought they only retrieved the one now known as Glacier Girl. That's the first one I'd seen at Oshkosh in a long time.
------------- An optimist sees the glass as half full. The pessimist sees the glass as half empty. The engineer sees a glass with double the required capacity.
Posted By: AllisChalmers37
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:43pm
Oh, I just remembered one. I want to change my vote..SR71

------------- 1937 WC, 1950 CA, 1959 D14, 1967 190XT, 2006 Ram 3500
Posted By: Reeseholler
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:45pm
I had thought about that one. Must be nice to burn less fuel the faster you go!
Posted By: Skyhighballoon(MO)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:54pm

Of course it'd have to be an F4U Corsair.
But I love the first pic here as well...the P51D.....and add B17G's and P47N to my list of favorites.
------------- 1981 Gleaner F2 Corn Plus w 13' flex 1968 Gleaner EIII w 10' & 330 1969 180 gas 1965 D17 S-IV gas 1963 D17 S-III gas 1956 WD45 gas NF PS 1956 All-Crop 66 Big Bin 303 wire baler, 716H, 712H mowers
Posted By: Eric[IL]
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 7:23pm
Great photos & shared info... I look for every plane that ever flys over. The radial engines sure have a mysterious drone to them. It think their all cool. Growing up on a farm, I always thought I would grow up to be a crop duster. If there was one in the area, I was watching. I would stop cutting hay, shut down the tractor, watch & listen to those birds pullin up and diving into crops. When I was about 14, I took a ride in a cessna 180 at the local airport. Frankly I could not stomach it. Can you say dramamine... Thats me.
Posted By: RickUP
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 7:26pm
The p-51 is hard to beat. From what I have read, fighter pilots welcomed her with open arms. BUT, since I was 7 yrs old I loved the Corsair, and built a plastic model of it. Also saw it fly close up at Oshkosh. The gull wing purpose is to keep the prop from hitting pavement. Wheel struts could be kept short enough to still retract. Awesome warbirds,all of them.
Posted By: JimD
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 7:34pm
I guess just knowing it's history is the thing for me.
------------- Owner of" rel="nofollow - PM for an instant response on parts. Open M-F 9-6 Central.
We have new and used parts. 877-378-6543
Posted By: BLee Mn
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 7:40pm
notice the fuel leaking on the SR-71, leaks fuel tell it gets up to speed then skin shrinks and seals fuel tanks. I got up close and personal with one this winter at Tuscon Air Museum. Awesome Airplane, took a tour through the boneyard also. Ever get a chance to go to PIMA air Museum you have to do it
------------- Cowboy UP
Posted By: paulkil
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 7:41pm
I still have my pilot license, issued in 1946, private only, never had need for any other.
Posted By: captaindana
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 7:45pm
Aw c'mon guys I've been flying today since 6 am and gotta get some rest lol!! "I've never met a plane I didn't like!" I believe my friend from Down Under made the above pic a few years back. Dana
Posted By: wbecker
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 8:09pm
I have my Decathlon, my wife has a Cessna 152 with an O320 engine.
Here is mine.
By the way LouSWPA, a P51 now sells for $750,000 and up over $1 M.
------------- Allis B, IB, Low B, G, D10, JD M, 8KCAB, C152
Posted By: Byron WC in SW Wi
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:07pm
Yeah, I like the F4U and the lightening too. SR-71 is just plane amazing and WAY ahead of it's time. I bet it'd be fairly mundane to fly though as it was mostly just straight high and fast. But, the views had to be amazing and watching your air speed indicator would be cool.
I'm not current but have my SEL license. I need to get current and my wife and I talked about it today. We got a little nephew we want to go see.
Posted By: Gerald J.
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:12pm
There are blackbirds on display around the country. In Nebraska at the museum near Ashland that used to be at Offut, in Kansas at the Cosmosphere at Hutchinson, and in Seatle at the Museum of Flight. Those I've visited. There are more.
The skin didn't shrink in flight, it expanded and sealed up the fuel leaks. About the only volume that didn't have fuel were the cockpits, and the air passages to the engines. The engines grew 3/4" in diameter when up to white hot operating temperature. I don't recall how much the aircraft grew but it had to be serious because I know the Chinese steam loco at the Boone and Scenic valley the boiler grows about 3/4" when up to temperature and pressure and its shorter than a Blackbird and running at only 395 degrees, not 900 degrees. It took a hour on the ground to cool off enough that ground crews could approach so I guess the crew had to sit that long to get out.
There are good aircraft museums at Tillimook and McMinnville OR that I hope to visit in a couple months and smaller museums at Vancouver WA, Hillsboro OR (with a couple MIGs) and at Hood River, OR.
There is a good museum at the SE corner of Topeka KS on Forbes Field of WW2 and more recent equipment that mostly looks ready to fly and by the placards, much was flown there on their own or on a hook under a skycrane. And there's a sky crane dripping oil in a hangar. Every engine has a drip pan under it with an accumulation of oil.
Then there's the National Air and Space museum in Virginia that I've not seen and the other one at Wright-Patterson in Ohio. This year I'm traveling west, maybe next year.
Gerald J.
Posted By: BrettPhillips
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:16pm
I've got a Private ticket that has been gathering dust since college, but I am planning on dusting it off this spring so I can play with our (Me & Dad's) toy. It's a Pietenpol Air Camper that is now disassembled for repairs due to a previous owner's mishap, but Dad and I should be getting it back together this summer if work and hobby farming permit. I'm working on losing some weight so I can fly it, gotta get down to 200 or so to keep the weight and balance right. 20 lbs down, 20 to go... 
Posted By: frankmi
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:29pm
I have my pilot license also. Have Cessna Skyhawk and J-3 Kitten ultralight. Never cared to get instrument rating, it's no fun flying if the weather is that bad. Frank/Mi.
Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 10:29pm
Here is one three boys thought would be cool to fly in real life when they grew up, the tri-motor airplane. They built this model so that rubber bands would turn all three props from the wheels. circa 1927
but alas two had died before they were twenty and the third stayed home and farmed and passed away in 1995.
I always thought the P51 would have been fun to own and fly but they weren't cheap.
Anyone ever see the documentary of finding an old war bird up on the ice and they brought in 4 new engines and put them on and bulldozed a runway for it and as they were taxing around , the generator in the back fell over and the plane caught on fire and burnt to the ground? What a shame... It was nearly perfect inside yet from what I remember them saying.
Posted By: clovis
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 11:27pm
Dream airplanes? You'll need to be more specific, LOL. Mine are US WWII war birds:
Single engine fighter: P-51, with a close second being the gull winged Corsair. Two engine fighter: P-38 Two engine bomber: B-25 Four engine bomber: B-17
If we are talking German war birds:
Jet: Me 262 Prop driven: Bf 109
I could go on for hours, and hours and hours about this subject!!!
Posted By: JohnCO
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 1:04am
Speaking of the fuel leaks on an SR71, a friend was in the Air Force back in the late 60's and worked in intelligence. One of his jobs was to unload the film out of the plane after a mission. He tells of going out to a plane and a guy is welding something on the underside of the plane with a torch of some sort. Fuel is dripping out of various spots into buckets. He asks the guy if he isn't concerned about blowing everything up. Guy says "Nah, this s**t doesn't burn easily." He then stuck the torch into one of the buckets of leaked fuel and it just hisses like water. Another friend flew one once, usually flew F16's but got the chance to fly a SR71. From the description of what was done to his body before he got into the plane, something similar to getting a colonostrephy (sp) I don't think I would want that opportunity.
------------- "If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer" Allis Express participant
Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 7:07am
I do like the Corsair and I forgot about the F6F Hellcat which is another of my favorites and I think I'd rank it as maybe the best fighter in WWII. These look like land based aircraft that the Marines would have but most were carrier based. There are just so many good war birds in that era that I just can't pick one.
Here are a couple P61s. Not well known cause they came fairly late.
To me the best US fighters were the P51 Mustang, P38 Lightening, P61 Black Widow, F6F Hellcat, F4U Corsair, and the P47 Thunderbolt and not necessarily in that order.
Then there were the not quite as good but did the job F4F Wildcat, P40 Warhawk, P41, SBD5 or A24 Dauntless, P43, P39 and so on.
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Posted By: TexasAllis
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 7:43am
AllisChalmers37 wrote:
Oh, I just remembered one. I want to change my vote..SR71

A plane way ahead of it's time. For pure speed it's still king of the hill.
Posted By: TexasAllis
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 8:06am
JohnCO wrote:
Speaking of the fuel leaks on an SR71, a friend was in the Air Force back in the late 60's and worked in intelligence. One of his jobs was to unload the film out of the plane after a mission. He tells of going out to a plane and a guy is welding something on the underside of the plane with a torch of some sort. Fuel is dripping out of various spots into buckets. He asks the guy if he isn't concerned about blowing everything up. Guy says "Nah, this s**t doesn't burn easily." He then stuck the torch into one of the buckets of leaked fuel and it just hisses like water. Another friend flew one once, usually flew F16's but got the chance to fly a SR71. From the description of what was done to his body before he got into the plane, something similar to getting a colonostrephy (sp) I don't think I would want that opportunity. |
The fuel was specially blended for the SR-71 it was JP7 and did not burn easily. The oil for the plane was solid at 80 degrees and the ground crew wore rain coats because the plane rained fuel. The spikes on front of the engines moved to control the air moving through the engine and the point had to be covered so the ground crew would not impale themselves.
Posted By: Dakota Dave
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 8:11am
B-52H Nothing like 550 knots 500 agl in a half a million pound airplane. I was a flying crewchief on one for 15 years. any where in the world nonstop. the 36hr round the world flights did get old.
Posted By: TexasAllis
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 8:27am
Dakota Dave wrote:
B-52H Nothing like 550 knots 500 agl in a half a million pound airplane. I was a flying crewchief on one for 15 years. any where in the world nonstop. the 36hr round the world flights did get old. |
I remember these flying overhead out of Carswell AFB. A bomb could have gone off right beside me and the B-52 would still be louder.
Posted By: klinemar
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 8:51am
A friend of mine drove P-38's in Italy during WW2 and that is right they called themselves drivers instead of pilots because the P38 had a wheel instead of a stick.I have been always partial to the P38 because it was way ahead of its time.Yes it had some problems because the Air Force at the time was trying to get Fighter aircraft developed and into combat.The last model built the P38L had all the bugs worked out and was a superb fighter capable of 450mph. in level flight at 20,000ft.and it had dive breaks to solve the compressibility problems in dive because many of these aircraft including the P51 and P47 approached the speed of sound in a dive where their controls would quit and many pilots flew them into the ground.The P38 with its four .50cal. and one 20mm.cannon mounted in the nose gave devastating fire power and the pilot did not have to wait until his victim was at the point of aim as with the P51,P47.The P51 was easier to fly and cheaper to build than the P38 but it could not take battle damage like the P38 and P47 or the Corsair and Hellcat.Here is a tribute to Glacier Gal the P38 dug out of a Greenland Glacier. -
Posted By: Embellem
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 1:18pm

B-58 Hustler
Posted By: jetboater
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 5:34pm
mine has to be the A1 Skyraider. Largest single engine low wing plane ever fielded by the US Military. Could carry more ordnance than a B17 underwing, and loiter over the target for long periods of time.
It was the predecessor to the A10
Posted By: wbecker
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 5:55pm
How about a P80 Sooting Star with an ALLIS CHALMERS J36 Jet Engine?
There is one in a Museum. Allis Chalmers was licenced to build the J36 for the P80.
------------- Allis B, IB, Low B, G, D10, JD M, 8KCAB, C152
Posted By: Tracy Martin TN
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 6:04pm
If my pond was bigger, I would get a PBY Flying Boat. Landing an takeoff will be tight at the present. Tracy Martin
Posted By: captaindana
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 6:12pm
Lonn if my Dad was still alive he'd like your reply. He was a F6F Hellcat fighter pilot and he said for sure it was the best fighter in the war but it never got the recognition which it so deserved. And believe me he was adamant on that subject! Dana
Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 7:07pm
Wright Patterson is incredible. To see it all, you really need at least 2 days. The "Bockscar" B-29 (not sure on the number) the plane that dropped the 2nd atomic bomb on Japan is on display there.
------------- "Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford
Posted By: AllisChalmers37
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 7:38pm
This is he actual production video from Lockheed Martin for the SR-71....Talk about COOL! [TUBE]stzMOnOJAGw&feature=related[/TUBE]
------------- 1937 WC, 1950 CA, 1959 D14, 1967 190XT, 2006 Ram 3500
Posted By: captaindana
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 8:04pm
Anyhow my dream plane...that's a tough one. I love sooo many of them. I own a Pacer with the 160 Lycoming and she is a real spirited ride and simply a gorgeous airplane. My friend has a Pa 11 cub special which I adore. My favorite I have commanded would be the Learjet 31A. However a late model 35A is a close second. I currently am flying a Beechjet 400A and a Citation II. As for ratings:
ATP, MEII, Company Jet instructor. I have taught 40 students to some sort of certificate [private, instrument, commercial, atp, recreational]not counting company part 91 and 135 flying. When I am not flying for hire I like to fly low and slow lol.
Posted By: DaveKamp
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 11:16pm
I love 'em all...
but mine would hafta be a Grumman Albatross!!!
Posted By: tomdavison
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2011 at 9:24am
Hard to pick a favorite from all of these great planes. I believe the B58 Hustler has to be one of the best. It was short lived due to the switch to missiles for delivering atom bomgs. That plane flew an admitted Mach 2 before Mach 2 flight was common.
Posted By: R.W
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2011 at 10:05am
Iv only road in two different planes a big one and a little 13 passenger and i liked them both but when the big one came down in vegas it took almost 4 hours to get my ears to pop and i tryed everything! But the little on took us out to the grand canyon and that one flew lower and my ears didnt pop then! My other favorite is the ones that dont crash! LOL
------------- In Search Of: 1958 Allis Chalmers D17 Diesel serial #9643D
Posted By: Alberta Phil
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2011 at 10:20am
I must be old fashioned as I like the open cockpit planes. My favorite is the 101 Stearman Biplane. Still kicking myself for passing one up in '69 for $1500.
Posted By: TedBuiskerN.IL.
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2011 at 10:42am
to answer Glenn, I had a commercial Airplane, single and multiengine land, rotorcraft helicopter, instrument, airplane instructor and instrument instructor, advanced and instrument ground instructor tickets at one time.
My ideal aircraft would be a UH-1H, a TH-55T in helicopters, and a Cessna 180, An American Tiger, or a Piper Pacer.
------------- Most problems can be solved with the proper application of high explosives.
Posted By: Dutchboy Johan
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2011 at 6:15am
Sorry for you guy's but I prefer the superb Messerschmidt BF109-Gustav as first for the prop's
A plane that was born in 1935 witch the most modern and technically advanced was on unkown class on it's own. At that time there wasn't any other plane that was equivalent
Also I have always a love for the Russian fighters. The looks of this Sukhoi SU-34
------------- ---> Better by Design <---
Johan Straver, Almkerk/ Netherlands
Allis-Chalmers 190XT Ser.III #26829XTD
Posted By: Scott(GA)
Date Posted: 05 May 2011 at 12:09pm
OK, I'll admit it - this is different. But I worked on it at Boeing as an engineer in the late 70's and I thought it was going to be very cool... until the project was cancelled.
Air Transport Pilot - L-188, DC-9, 737, 757, 767
Posted By: jhid
Date Posted: 05 May 2011 at 4:08pm
Mine would be a Piper Cub or Lancair Legacy
------------- red and green are nice for christmas, but orange is all year round
Posted By: Orange Blood
Date Posted: 05 May 2011 at 5:14pm
Anything faster than 400 knots indicated, room for 6, and 300lbs of luggage, fully fueled!!! I am thinking the new Citation X would be just fine!!!
------------- Still in use: HD7 WC C CA WD 2-WD45 WD45LP WD45D D14 3-D17 D17LP 2-D19D D19LP 190XTD 190XTLP 720 D21 220 7020 7030 7040 7045 3-7060 Projects: 3-U UC 2-G 2-B 2-C CA 7-WC RC WDLP WF D14 D21 210 7045 N7
Posted By: morton(pa)
Date Posted: 05 May 2011 at 5:18pm
You'd prolly want one of these then... -
I know it cruises at a little bit slower of a speed then what you want, but it can also take off and land on shorter run ways, which means you can get into more places others can't...
Posted By: Orange Blood
Date Posted: 05 May 2011 at 5:25pm
morton(pa) wrote:
You'd prolly want one of these then... -
I know it cruises at a little bit slower of a speed then what you want, but it can also take off and land on shorter run ways, which means you can get into more places others can't... |
Thanks, but I changed my mind, 210 was too slow, he he he Besides if we are talking dreams, dream big right?! :-) I can always by the cub for low level stuff, if I have enough money to keep the Citation aloft
------------- Still in use: HD7 WC C CA WD 2-WD45 WD45LP WD45D D14 3-D17 D17LP 2-D19D D19LP 190XTD 190XTLP 720 D21 220 7020 7030 7040 7045 3-7060 Projects: 3-U UC 2-G 2-B 2-C CA 7-WC RC WDLP WF D14 D21 210 7045 N7
Posted By: Dave A
Date Posted: 05 May 2011 at 7:49pm
mind would have to be, the ryan PT-22. We sold our Piper Clipper in March, Now my son and I, are building a Breezy RLU-1 Told the flight instrutor my boy will be using , the breezy for his trainer
PT22 -
------------- Play the game for more than you can afford to lose... only then will you learn the game.
Winston Churchill
Posted By: Brian G. NY
Date Posted: 05 May 2011 at 9:56pm
I was in High School during the Korean War and I can remember sitting in class daydreaming and sketching pictures of the F-86 Sabre-Jet.
I thought they were the most beautiful thing in the world; well.........
next to Beverly K with the tight sweater. LOL
Posted By: j.w.freck
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 9:18pm never got to fly the 880 convair...what a ride...
Posted By: Clay
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 10:06pm
Always wanted a P40 Warhawk painted up in the Flying Tigers colors. The F4U Corsair is absolutely awesome. Just need to win a couple of lottery jackpots. Most of my flying is in a Piper Aztec and a Piper Seneca. On occasion I fly a Cessna 402 and 414. Sometime within the next few weeks, I am supposed to fly an Aero Commander back from Caldwell, Idaho. As far as fun flying, it is hard to beat a tail wheel airplane. As a flight instructor, I have had the oppertunity to fly many different aircraft. I have flown part 135 but perfer part 91 because there rules are looser and NO DUTY LOGS. If anyone needs a flight review or instrument check let me know. My ratings are CFI, CFII and MEI. Also have ground instructor ratings.
Posted By: Gregor
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 10:18pm
Here's my bread and butter. we must have been in Europe with the castle in the background. My favorite is the F4. Loved the J-79 engine.
Posted By: Scott(GA)
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 10:28pm
j.w.freck wrote: never got to fly the 880 convair...what a ride... |
I did get to fly the DC-8 (unofficially 1-time) - I was a pretty new at the air line and it was driving the Captain nuts that I was never going to get to fly "the queen of the skies". ... that's as close as I got to a Convair 880 era aircraft.
In addition to my type ratings, I do have seat time in a couple of airplanes that are in limited use these days: L-1011 & 727. I flew a H-53 once - flying a helicopter is a guilty pleasure. Ha! I really enjoyed flying that thing around.
Never been supersonic - closest I've gotten is .86 Mach.
I did have a P-3C at 395 knots at 200 feet over New Jersey in 1985.
Best regards,
Posted By: Gregor
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 10:33pm
My other favorite. RF4C Phantom jet. Best was in test cell with the engine. Extremely loud.
Posted By: jhill52
Date Posted: 07 May 2011 at 7:35am
One of my favorites is the A-10. I get 2 or more over my house at low altitude 3 or 4 times a weel. They are flying out of Selfridge AB. Man they are lou when they are low.
Posted By: j.w.freck
Date Posted: 07 May 2011 at 9:09pm
say scott,have you ever heard of or saw a howard 350 or a howard 500 airplane? quite an awsome machine for its time.if not look it up on the internet.used as an excutive a/c in the late 50,s and early 60,s...
Posted By: Scott(GA)
Date Posted: 07 May 2011 at 10:21pm
j.w.freck wrote:
say scott,have you ever heard of or saw a howard 350 or a howard 500 airplane? quite an awsome machine for its time.if not look it up on the internet.used as an excutive a/c in the late 50,s and early 60,s... |
I was completely unfamiliar with that aircraft and the company that made it. Thanks for letting be know about it so I could check it out via Google.
Best regards,
Posted By: JR Maley
Date Posted: 10 May 2011 at 4:23pm
Most attainable plane (no license needed either): -
Attainable with a license: American Champion Scout 
Unlikely will ever be attainable without a winning lotto ticket: P-51D Mustang
Unlikely will ever be attainable without many winning lotto tickets: F-15C Eagle
Unattainable: SR-71 Blackbird