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OT-diesel fuel price

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Topic: OT-diesel fuel price
Posted By: Eric[IL]
Subject: OT-diesel fuel price
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 5:56pm
I just fueled up on diesel at the coop pump $3.789 / gallon road diesel.  Manager there says we should see $5.00 / gallon by summer. 

Posted By: AllisChalmers37
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:08pm
This is scary!!! I was just looking on the internet for reasons that diesel fuel is more expensive than unleaded gasoline. The reason that I kept finding is that diesel is in more demand than it used to be.

I was actually going to post this same thing in the Other Topics forum.

To say the truth I'm pissed with how things have gotten. When we first got our 2001 Dodge Ram with the Cummins diesel, fuel was 84 cents per gallon!! The day we bought it new the dealer gave us $50 to fill it up and we got to pocket the rest. Now I drive the truck everyday to school and diesel is about $3.40 PER GALLON. It is a real pain in the rear to fill up that 34 gallon fuel tank. What cost about $40 in 2000 cost me $95 now. I don't see how the hell this can keep going. Thank God a tank of fuel will last me about 2 1/2 weeks.

Sorry for my attitude. The more I thought about it the dumber it seemed and the madder I got.

1937 WC, 1950 CA, 1959 D14, 1967 190XT, 2006 Ram 3500

Posted By: Orange Blood
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:13pm
I feel your pain '37, I used to drive my '95 chevy diesel to work everyday, average trip is around 250 miles a day, started to kill me, that was when fuel was in the low 2s.  I can't even imagine now.  I bought a little acura gasser, then that went over $3 a gallon, now it's back.  And the company gives me 11.5 cents per mile, doesn't pay for everything anymore.

Still in use:
HD7 WC C CA WD 2-WD45 WD45LP WD45D D14 3-D17 D17LP 2-D19D D19LP 190XTD 190XTLP 720 D21 220 7020 7030 7040 7045 3-7060
Projects: 3-U UC 2-G 2-B 2-C CA 7-WC RC WDLP WF D14 D21 210 7045 N7

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:19pm

$ 3.67 last night and have been using about 30 gal as day for last 4 days.

Yes getting paid for the use of truck but rate has not changed so every time fuel price rise i loose money out of my pocket.
 Yet with car and pickup also as one day filled car at $3.14, next day it was $3.11 and now $3.26. Put $80.00 into pickup the other night to plow snow and see I have 1/4 tank left now. 15 hours of plowing and all the profit into the tank, sure makes one wonder why ones stays up all night.

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:21pm
I am in the process of getting set up to burn mostly used motor oil in my power stroke.
You could go to diesel stop and read about it in the alternate fuels section.
They even address the legality of it.

Posted By: Denis in MI
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:22pm
I dont want to look like a smart you know what but,

1938 B, 1945 B, 1941 IB, 1949 C, 2 1938 WCs, 3 1950 WDs, 1951 WD, 2 1955 WD45, 1957 D-14

Posted By: 7060
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:24pm
I just put 29 gallons in my truck night before last and it was 3.39 per gallon. $98.57 and it wasnt even empty yet. Glad I get 550 miles to a tank.

Posted By: Dipstick In
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:28pm
Back when fuel went to $4 per gallon, diesel inverted over gasoline pricewise, and has not come back down. The best reason that I heard then and it made sense then and now was that all of Europe had switched to fuel from gas, to the point that they were running short on diesel, and were long on gas. Specially our beloved friends and allies who cut our throats every chance that they get, France! We were shipping diesel over to France, and exchanging it for gasoline, and then importing gas here. I can see how some bright minded souls could figure a profit in this kind of exchange, both from the available differences in fuel prices and the fact of having a loaded boat in both direction. Just good to know we are supporting "true friends" in this fashion, as I suspect nothing has changed!!!   Dipstick

You don't really have to be smart if you know who is!

Posted By: chllngr528
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 6:33pm
Hell its $3.85 in up by albany NY. I read somewhere recently its suppose to be around $5 this summer. Its costing $90-$100 to fill my tank every week! There's so many things I want to do but can't afford because of the price of fuel. Plus with the crap thats going on in the rest of the world right now I wouldn't be suprised if it hit $6 this summer.

Posted By: Alberta Phil
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 8:13pm
$5.04 Cdn. a gallon here now and still going up! I'm sure there will be fewer guys hauling tractors to shows this summer!!

Posted By: Nick So. IN.
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 8:22pm
As soon as the weather warms up a little im switching back to vegetable oil in the cummins.  63 cents a gallon to make it.

Posted By: DaveCinIN
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 8:24pm
Most stations around here have been selling ultra low for $3.55 lately. I buy low sulfur diesel at a little station for $3.22. And that station had been selling it for $3.02.

Posted By: Rawleigh
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 1:11pm
I have been told that our outdated refineries produce more gas than diesel, while the process they use in Europe produces more diesel than gas.  I do not know if this is factual or not though.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 1:24pm
Refining process of oil does not generate more diesel or more gas, it is the quantity of volatiles in the oil that determine the quantity of oils or solvents in crude, there is a way to generate more gasoline by passing light ends from refining through a secondary process stack where it is re-engineered to make a gasoline quotient.  The oil coming into the US has a good volatiles level but the fact of demand being high doesn't make the end result cheaper.  Re-refining to remove sulfur is expensive and we now pay the cost of that at the pump as well. 

Diesel here passed the $3.50 mark yesterday and according to our distributor we will see $4.50-5/gallon by end of June.

Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 1:39pm
Again its all non sense what does europe got to do with us.The US cries we dont have enough refineries another joke we never see signs saying temporarily out of diesel like in the 70s there are no shortages nor are we running out of oil!! The mideast mess is all a smoke and mirrors game another tool to dry up the american disposable  income the fall of middle class and the development of a two class society while we put the blame on other nations for  the mess we are in 

Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 1:54pm
Saw a guy on CNN last night talking about gas( diesel has to be same..), billions of barrels in the ground in USA and you could employ lots of people to get them so ALL of America wins, except for the 6 guys who control the market.
Bad news...It's all about their greed and lust for 'power'
Good news...They can't take it with them when they die.

3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water

Posted By: chllngr528
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 3:33pm
Miller hit the nail on the head with ULSD. If you remember when diesel spiked in 07-08 it was supposedly caused by the fact there were only 2 refineries (one in LA and one in CA) that were retrofitted for making ULSD. I don't whats going on now though. Also when ULSD came out everyones fuel mileage went to crap. On the old diesel I would get 21-23 mpg highway and now I get 18-19.
What I really want to know is where all the road tax money goes. I read a article awhile back saying how the goverment makes three times more on a gallon of fuel then the fuel company does. He broke it down buy showing what it cost to import the oil, refine, and distribute it. Then he showed how the goverment taxed it. If it was true it was ridiculas! Our roads and bridges are falling apart but yet they are killing us with the taxes on fuel. Where is our money going?

Posted By: bill2260
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 3:50pm
Maryland is trying to add 35 cents to the gallon tax on fuel to help with their deficit. Need to lay off some dead beat state employees!. Bill

Posted By: chllngr528
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 4:08pm

How about firing politcians..... We probably wouldn't be in debt if WE WOULD START MANUFACTURINGS THING IN OUR COUNTRY AGAIN!!!

Let me give you a example on how screwed up the goverment really is. I'm active duty millitary assigned to a reserve battalion on a reserve base. There 9 active duty in my unit and we work out of a building which on a drill weekend will have 300 plus people in it. Well during the week there only 9 people in the whole building. Its not hard for us to keep clean but since we are on a chair force base we are REQUIRED to have a civilian contractor come in and clean. We field day the whole building once a week and are responsible for maintaining our areas. For instance I am in charge of equipment maintence and operations so I have the largest area to take care of.  I manage prefectly fine. So we have no need to have the contractors come in and sweep the floors and clean the heads that we already cleaned. Now here is the kicker. They charge us $24,000  a year for their service and we can't refuse them.

Posted By: Dipstick In
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 6:52pm
Chllgr528 You would be surprised at how much road tax is used for steel wheels on train tracks. I just can't find any sympathy in my bones when Obammer starts talking high speed rail will save the nation. Maybe in the overgrown corridor on the east coast, but why the hell do our trucks and the rest of us have to support their bad habits, and overpriced expenses. At the same time our roads for rubber tires are going somewhere in a handbasket! Ranks my gears when trains come into a town and switch crews, they'll bs for a half hour or so, then the old crew goes home while the new one gets onboard, meanwhile for all that time the traffic can just wait. High speed rail my catoosie, they don't give a dangit(think that will pass the thought police whie the rest understand what I really meant)!!! I know that nobody ever gave me any money to help expenses when I had my trucks, just gave me the opportunity to spend it!! Joe

You don't really have to be smart if you know who is!

Posted By: allis1984
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 6:53pm

Gas and diesel prices are just outta control. Its making someone all of money. Just a shame that it almost shuts down all of small trucking companys and small time farmers. I'd rather ride a bike than put fuel in my truck

Posted By: chllngr528
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 7:14pm

Dipstick, unfortunally most americans are stupid (or ill informed) and they don't realize that EVERYTHING someway somehow is moved or powered by diesel. Every store in america gets their products delivered. From the food that comes from farms to trucks that deliever clothes to the store in mall. Everything sold reflects the price of fuel. People complain about the price of milk at the store but that milk is transported by truck atleast 3 times. I mean come on when are people going to wake up. Hell gasoline gets delievered to the gas station how??????

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 8:14pm
Currently the US has 149 refineries, they are scattered to the four corners and across the middle, all of which produce all form of refined oil products.  The cost of doing business has a lot to do with both gas and diesel, gas for the small trucks for the small grocers/meat markets, diesel for all else.

What many do not realize is that there is as much oil in pipeline as there is in tank farms.  It can be gas, diesel, kerosene or raw oil but it can be pipelined to/from any of the refineries in service.  The one commodity that cannot be pipelined is ethanol, it is too small a atom and can leach out of the smallest fault in pipelines, it also generates hellacious static charge when pushed through a pipe leading to explosive results.

Posted By: Tricky Dickie
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2011 at 4:50am
You guys should try living in England where the price of road diesel equates to about $10 per gallon!!! Unfortunately, successive governments in the UK have used fuel tax as another way of grabbing even more of our hard-earned money to squander on "public services" (like the nhs etc etc etc etc..) which they have half convinced the masses that they need!! It's crazy over here, so be glad that you are in the 'States!
Tricky Dickie

Posted By: chllngr528
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2011 at 9:23am
Originally posted by Tricky Dickie Tricky Dickie wrote:

You guys should try living in England where the price of road diesel equates to about $10 per gallon!!! Unfortunately, successive governments in the UK have used fuel tax as another way of grabbing even more of our hard-earned money to squander on "public services" (like the nhs etc etc etc etc..) which they have half convinced the masses that they need!! It's crazy over here, so be glad that you are in the 'States!
Tricky Dickie
This is true. I was in roto spain for 2 weeks before we deployed to the desert in 04. We rented a car for a few days to drive to barcelona and I can't remember how much it was in euro per liter but I think it ended up being like 6 dollars a gallon in american money.

Posted By: indiana2door
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2011 at 4:19pm
A 42 gallon barrel of crude oil makes about 19 gallons of gasoline and about 14 gallons of distillate fuels. No more, no less.

Posted By: robinson_trucking
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2011 at 8:08pm
Try running a trucking company ! I have to pay 550.00 per year, per truck times 5 trucks in order to purchase a 1700.00 + or - licence plate per truck each year. Fuel is around 3.69 a gallon around here and my trucks get around 5 1/2 to 6 MPG. Each truck holds around 300 gallons of fuel. We pay fuel taxes at the pump and IFTA makes us pay fuel taxes quarterly to each state. (CAN ANYONE SAY DOUBLE TAXATION !) Freight pays anywhere from 1.50 to 2.50 per mile right now but after you pay drivers, pay fuel bill, pay for permits and other crap, figure .76 per mile to run the POS down the road, I find myself askin myself is it really worth it ! Thinkin bout gettin a good horse and doin day work out on neighboring ranches. Had to vent, sorry so long !

Posted By: Dipstick In
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2011 at 8:32pm
Robinson Trucking, a year ago in March I had a rear axle break, not sure whether the power divider or the back one, never explored far enough to find out. This was the last truck I had  after doing away with drivers who didn't care and etc. I was hauling grain at the time and had gone through a very slow harvest because of the moisture and slow drying capacity. Expenses were eating me alive with the decreased income and when that axle broke I decided enough was enough. At 69 years, I just simply did not want to put more money into repairs with not a very good outlook ahead. As the rest of the year turned out, hauling was minimal because the grain graded so poorly much of it was shipped by rail to Illinois to alcohol plants instead of Lafayette, In for food grade usage, by truck. Turned out I was right because my friends had a very rough summer ahead. They did well last fall, but does one ever re-coop lost revenue? I now drive a fertilizer tender and get paid very well and have no regrets.   When these idiots yammer for more business taxes, more control(ie: laws to fine outlaw trucks), more freebies for the poor working stiff who is lazy to begin with, it is just very hard for me to sypathize with their plight!!!! 

You don't really have to be smart if you know who is!

Posted By: Dipstick In
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2011 at 8:42pm
Robinson   Plates are 19-2000 in Indiana, more like 3000 in Illinois, Insurance runs what 5-6000 per truck, every quarter extra in fuel taxes you need 2-300 dollars more for IFTA, Tires at about 350-400 a pop, now if you have a light bulb burnt out that goes on your license whether you own the truck or not, isn't it 12 points for this they can lift your license?  OMG! ain't trucking fun?  Wasn't hard for me to quit at all at all!!!!

You don't really have to be smart if you know who is!

Posted By: BennyLumpkin
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2011 at 8:56pm
3.85 a Gallon in Central PA....put my Dually up for sale yesterday....Having 2 diesels is stupid at this point....for all the more the camper gets moved, I'll buy a big block chevy and spend less in the long run....and a gasser doesnt mind sitting like my Powerstroke does....6.0's dont like to sit....another thing that is ridiculous, and I'll argue my point if I have to.....I do all the time because my BIL is in the trucking buisness...its absolute bull that we have to pay road tax because we buy diesel in a pickup truck, VW diesel, etc....that tax was set up for the wear that BIG trucks put on our highways....yet all the money they take our roads are still crap....there is no reason for it.

Central PA Allis Express
1934 WC254
1945 WF
1945 WC135755
1951 WD68085
1953 WD45-150217
1957 WD45D-230744D

Posted By: Jamie NC
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2011 at 9:13pm

Allis tractor puller CA WC WD D17

Posted By: robinson_trucking
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 1:02am
I guess it really is true when they say TRUCKIN AINT FOR SISSIES ! I would quit as well if people had money to fix their equipment like they ought to. All the expenses nowadays make it to where a small diesel repair shop like mine lose work as well.

Posted By: Andrew(southernIL)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 4:44am
Sunday I went with a couple of friends to pick up a 4500 gallon fuel tank. They are hoping to buy a tanker load of fuel at a discount with a neighbor and try to have a years supply of diesel there to farm with since it only looks to be higher as the year goes on.

If fishing is a sport your looking at an athlete

Posted By: DarrylinWA
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 6:59am

Between $3.89 and $3.97 here in Lynden WA.Thats why I am driving my Honda to work everyday and limit my wifes Suburban as much as we can.Milk prices start getting a little better around here and then fuel goes up. Time to start drilling in Alaska and the "Black Hills " in the Dakotas.


B 10 Custom. Serial # 1001 D21, First D21 built 69 #4498 and Last D 21 Built #4609. 1946 MM UTU. And 2000, 2005 Pete's. AC custom Hauling.

Posted By: Dave Everett
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 12:03pm
Run a semi in England and enjoy the fun........$9.90 a gallon today !!!! one days local work $421.00  in deisel alone   !!!! then taxes and insurance and wages etc etc for a return of $694 50. as was said before all at 5.5 to 6.5 to the gallon.

Posted By: Curt IA
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 8:55pm
If any of you live around Niagra Falls NY, check out - . Web site says they turn plastic back to diesel and gasoline. If true would be GREAT for enviroment (says we only recycle 7% of plastic rest to land fills) and might be able to get fuel cheaper.

Posted By: Byron WC in SW Wi
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:00pm
It makes you wonder as all the price increase is speculative and profit taking.  So why didn't the price of oil go up last year after the well explosion in the gulf?  I know it wasn't tapped yet but they could've easily used it as an excuse.   Big oil is as much about making politically correct moves as anything.  The sooner we become less dependent on oil the better IMO.

Posted By: Stan R
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:04pm
Byron: don't try to compare one oil well explosion with a somewhat major oil exporting country in turmoil.

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 9:35pm
Dave are the prices in the UK jumping up too?

This year:

Posted By: Byron WC in SW Wi
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2011 at 10:47pm
Stan, I agree.  But, you listen to the crap excuses they come up with as to why the market goes up or down or commodity prices go up or down.  Most of it is here say and profit taking.  It's only loosely based on supply and demand now most of it is speculation.

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