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What to title? The nerve of some. I hate liars.

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Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
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Topic: What to title? The nerve of some. I hate liars.
Posted By: Sandknob
Subject: What to title? The nerve of some. I hate liars.
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2011 at 9:52pm
I told you all about the A2 Gleaner I sold a while back.  Well the buyer had the nerve to call me today and ask if I wanted to sell the 303 IH combine I had (he had asked when he picked the A2 up if I had any other old combines as he liked to mess with them, I told him I had an old junk 303 IH, he only offered $100 at that time.)  Anyway he called and asked about it tonight.  I told him no I already cut it up.  He asked what I got and was suprised when I told him $800.  He then asked where I hauled it to, I told him same place you hauled my A2.  He just stuttered and said "what do you mean".  I said you are the one who bought my A2 right?  He said "yes".  I said well did you get it home?  He said he did and I replied thats interesting considering its sitting on the scrap yard in the next town over.  He said "I didn't scrap it, its up here at my place".  I hung up.  Nothing burns me like a liar, but to keep lying after he was caught red handed...  I know it was my A2 on the scrap pile by certain add ons I put on it and the paint (it wasn't completed when I sold it, so certain parts were rusty black and others were shiny, and I knew which parts were which.)  I had also switched out the rear rims and they didn't match.
By the way he is from Monticello Indiana and bought this one off of Craigslist.  Just to warn you incase he tries to buy anything from the rest of you.

Posted By: Rfdeere
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2011 at 10:23pm
   Hmm. I live just six miles east of Monticello. What's his name ?

Randy Freshour,Member Indiana AC Partners," rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Osage_Orange
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2011 at 10:47pm
I always get a buzz out of the guys who say "my buddy bought one better than this for lots less money".  My response is always, "get your buddy to buy one for you".  Then I tell them to leave my property. 

Why is there never time to do it right the first time, but always time to go back and fix it?

Posted By: Sandknob
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 7:26am
Last name is Morris

Posted By: ac45
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 8:10am
not to be nosy and its not my business, but you must have sold that a2 pretty dang cheap for him to go from Monticello In over into Illinois to buy a combine and im not even sure were Oblong is , he also must have done some research on where the junkyards are, around here the yards wouldnt take the machines withthe wheels still on them, and youd have to have the oil and antifreeze drained out.  I hae a lo tof old iron around and if i dont want somethign to get scrapped I always price it just below what scrap is worth so it is not worth somebody junking it out, therefore if they really want it for what it is and not  to junk they will still pay it, cause its worth close to that in scrap.

Posted By: ac45
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 8:12am
meant price it just above what scrap is worth

Posted By: Sandknob
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 11:02am
I had priced it above scrap when he told me he'd take it, then scrap went up.  I was trying to sell the combine and head for appx $1000, but when somebody bought the head I sold the combine for what was left as I offered it on here for quite a while and nobody wanted it.  Its not the scrapping that bugs me its the lying.

Posted By: Skyhighballoon(MO)
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 2:03pm
Adam - don't apologize for being upset that it was scrapped...a bunch of us here agree with you and don't like seeing a field ready machine scrapped.   But we all understand the economics of having to get your investment back and sometimes it has to happen when nobody wants it to run/restore/etc.  Totally agree about the lying part too.  Mike

1981 Gleaner F2 Corn Plus w 13' flex
1968 Gleaner EIII w 10' & 330
1969 180 gas
1965 D17 S-IV gas
1963 D17 S-III gas
1956 WD45 gas NF PS
1956 All-Crop 66 Big Bin
303 wire baler, 716H, 712H mowers

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 7:21pm
That stinks, both the lying and the scrapping. I would venture to say it wasn't so much nobody wanted your A2, if it would have been closer I would have been interested, it's the cost and trouble involved to have it hauled. There was an E Gleaner for sale a while back that would have been ideal for what I want to do. My truck and trailer are too small...

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 7:35pm
That would piss me off also. A combine you thought would be saved for future generations of AC fans going to scrap. Ryan

Posted By: ToddSin NY
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2011 at 9:17pm
Well hind sight is 20/20. When he said "well it's still sitting here" you should have said GREAT!! I want to come and see it! I miss it so much! Then see what he had to say.

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