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D17 Pulling 5 Bottom Plow

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: D17 Pulling 5 Bottom Plow
Posted By: irongill
Subject: D17 Pulling 5 Bottom Plow
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 8:28pm
Just was wondering if anybody has pictures of a d17 pulling a 5 bottom plow. Or have stories about pulling a 5 bottom.

Posted By: Allis Fields
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 8:32pm
Theres a video from Allis showing it. Like the intro to the d-17 a family affair. I got it from O.K. Tractor.

Allis orange blooded by family. Allis Diehard by choice

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 8:35pm
I hooked my D17 SIV diesel up to my McCormick 4-18 trailer plow and pulled it at least 8" deep...170D also pulled it in alfalfa ground. I am sure it will pull a 5-16, just a matter of how deep and how fast.

This year:

Posted By: D17 owner
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 8:42pm
well I know for a fact it would not pull it by me ( clay). About three 14's max. Are 1105 MF has trouble somtimes with 5/16's

Posted By: Clay
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 11:08pm
4-16 on a model 74 plow behind our 1962 gas D-17 pulls well in low side of second gear in gumbo.  Pulling 8" deep.
The key is having the plow in good condition and properly set.

Posted By: Wayne (IN)
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 7:30am

One of my favorite video is Ted Buisker's WD45 plowing with the four-bottom semi mount plow.  Its on youtube.  That 45 really barks!

Posted By: PBSoMd
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 7:43am
It all depends on your type of soils, I have some low land that the D17 will pull 4-16 all day. But most of my land 3-16 is a plenty, I droped my D 19 back to four from 5. There is a differance in pulling them and keeping the tractor in a strain  all day.

Posted By: Dave (Mid-MI)
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 9:27am
In the heavy ground where I grew up, our D17 diesel had its hands full at times with 3-16's. Early D-17 brochures showed it pulling a 5 bottom semi-mounted plow. Allis advertised the D-17 as a 5-plow tractor right up until the D19 was introduced. -

Posted By: AC220
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 11:52am
Are 7080 Will stop dead in it's tracks pulling are IH 735  5 bottom Vari width, power is not a problem, weight and traction is, we plow around 10-14", deep.

7080,7040,220,185,&6080 FWA that was sold to Larry Karg.

Posted By: Bryan
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 11:58am
It could probably pull a 5 bottom 12 inch plow. Don't know where to find one, if they even make one.

Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 1:01pm
quite some time ago, someone (can't remember who) had a very interesting story about a D 17 pulling 5 bottoms. I'm no plowing expert, but from everything I've heard, having a snap coupler plow verses a trailer type one makes all of the difference in the world. Darrel

Posted By: acd21man
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 4:31pm
i read the same story bout the 5 bottom D17 guy also said he pulled it in 3 and 4 gear i think to i think sounds out there to me tho

2 wd 45,2 D-17 diesel/gas 3 pt, 220,d21, 4020,2 4430s used daily

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 4:58pm
Seen a 520 John Deere pull a 6-18  semi mount plow.... into a shed to store it.
 5-14 plow if set right a D17 will pull it but it better be flat land, a consistant loam soil and trtactor set up with enough weight to not spin.  We had a 4-14 plow that was used mostly on the D17Diesel and the 190 gas. otherwise we pulled 3-14 mounted. That way you can run in 2& 3 high range and get the soil to flow but when you hit the clay, you find second low pulled easier. Then we got 4-16 plow and 190XT and we didn't plow any faster.. 3rd high was to fast. Bought a Oliver 5-16 plow and was afraid to hook it behind XT and when I did, found the plow to pull just a tad harder...but hit the clay -2nd low.

Posted By: TedBuiskerN.IL.
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 6:10pm
I got lured into some gumbo with my WD45 and model 64 fully mounted plow on a challenge from a friend .  Low gear about 6" deep.  was sort of ashamed until they pulled in with an 8030 FWA and 5-16's and spun out when they went deeper than 6". 
The same guy that challenged me later bought a 5-14 slat and pulled it with his D17, but not in the gumbo!  He also pulled a model 53 with his CA, and videoed it.  The whole key is a bright, land polished plow, correctly set, and an operable traction booster.  Someday I hope to hook on his 5-14 slat with my WD45 diesel and video it.

Most problems can be solved with the proper application of high explosives.

Posted By: Pat the Plumber CIL
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 6:19pm
Back in the day we had a 59 D-17 and a 63 D-17.The 59 could pull the 4 btm X 16" snap coupler plow(back wheel lifted w. hyd. cylinder) with little or no problem.The 63 could pull it but only in a lower gear.Grandfather was upset when he bought 63 as it did not work as well.When tranny in 59 got worked on in 70's the mech said gearing was different and believes it was a "Demonstator" that dealers would use to sell tractors.
The D-19 we got later pulled it like it wasn't even there.

Never saw a 5 btm snap-coupler but believe it could pull it.Question is how fast.
Like others have said ;12" 14" 16",set up,soil,tires,speed and weight all make a difference.

You only need to know 3 things to be a plumber;Crap rolls down hill,Hot is on the left and Don't bite your fingernails

1964 D-17 SIV 3 Pt.WF,1964 D-15 Ser II 3pt.WF ,1960 D-17 SI NF,1956 WD 45 WF.

Posted By: JimIA
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 7:06pm
As you guys have all stated soil, plow, tires, weights, conditions all make a difference.  I have talked to some older farmers at the dealership and most said they were using 3-16s or 4-14s on D17s in the sandy flat ground to the west of town, to the east hilly clay ground it was only 3-16s.  One customer talked of getting a new Series IV with a 5-14s for their sandy farm, it would work fine in bean ground and corn stalks but would stop it dead in sod so they brought the 5th bottom back.  A friend of mine has it now and pulls it with his D-19 diesel.  The thing I cant imagine is this plow is fully mounted, how would it be to drive with a fully mounted 5 bottom plow raised behind a D17!

In our soil we always used a 3-16s with the D17.  Years vary, sometimes it plays with it, others it works the heck out of it.  On some easy pulling years I hooked it to my D15 and had a great time plowing, harder years it works the D15 just a little too much. 

We usually plow anywhere from 7-10" deep.  I have several videos of plowing on youtube (account "jimacman") and you would not believe how many posts and messages saying that we are not plowing that deep or were pulling too big or too small plows behind our tractors.  I always reply with what you guys are saying, conditions etc. 

One of my favorite A-C experiences was when I helped out a farmer with field work.  He had a healthy 7040 PS with a 4-16s plow with a clod buster attachment.  He had clay ground that was so hard it would trip the bottoms and make that 7040 work at times!!!!


Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 7:30pm
Plowed many times with a D17 and fully mounted 4x14. 2nd gear low range in real tough black soil mixed with spots of blue clay. 9" deep. I have it on video but have to get it converted to digital so I can show it some time. Turned many heads at this threshing/plowing show. This particular year (the very first year I did this) the ground was especially hard and dry and big 880 Olivers and 720 Deere weren't able to pull a 3x16 pull type but a few inches deep. In fact when I pulled in one of the guys said you can try her out but you won't get far. Surprised him and he still talks about it to this day. Haven't taken the time to bring the tractor and plow the last couple years. Now real big tractors are showing up with 3 and 4 bottom plows and one guy showed up with an 8020 Deere and homemade 8 bottom fully mounted. Not much left to plow after they all take a lap so I don't bother anymore. The horse guys like to have a little to plow and they don't need me with another 4 bottom to do any plowing. I like to visit with folks more than anything anyhow. Geeze, do I stray off topic sometimes.

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Posted By: Olsem
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2011 at 7:36pm
I'd be surprised if a D17 had enough traction!

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