I want to stay with a "stock appearing head". Just for any times that there are some rules, and it's nice to not raise to much questioning. It's more fun to be the underdog.
I had the foundry make a head just after Christmas. I picked it up last week and they did a wonderful job. I have a friend with unlimeted machining capabilities that we trade a few favors now and then. One of his engineers can do the program in a couple hours and then several hours of machine time. I'll do all the finishing, but it's nice to have a multi axis machine cut the ports. I don't know when I'll finish it, but it's destined for this engine.
I have an OEM head here that we set up at 7 deg in the mill, bored the intake runners completly out of it and installed tubes. We offset the intake valves slightly to allow for a better flow pattern. It's been sitting for a while but wanted to make a couple changes and check things again. A lot of work but I hope it's all worth it. I never put it on my small engine as I figured the block was just to weak, and the head is a poor match for that engine that. That's why the engine on a late block is going togather. The fireing order of these engines and a siamesed port are the limeting factors. It's hard to get them to flow enough and then to overcome the breathing dynamics.
There was a fella here that built a Moline with an overhead cam, alum head. One heck of a nice job. The tractor ran good, but it wasn't that tough, it was good for what it was, but it was just a small engine and poor combination to start with. He has since built a big moline that is verry tough.
Maybe I can get some pictures up on here this weekend or at least next week of the head so you can see what it looks like. I'm slow with the camera but I'll try and at least email them to somebody.
------------- "see what happens when you have no practical experience doing something...... you end up playing with calculators and looking stupid on the internet"