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Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
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Topic: Not sure how to title this.
Posted By: Byron WC in SW Wi
Subject: Not sure how to title this.
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 1:00pm
maybe slowly but surely getting on without AGCO?

Selling my AGCO RT100 hopefully Monday.  Last year I bought a Kuhn rotary rake, Kuhn Tedder and Vermeer Baler all of which would have been AGCO/Hesston products, (most likely), if AGCO didn't drop orange.  Today I ordered my Vermeer disc mower and when the tractor sells I need another one.  I'd really like to end up with a low houred 8010 PS and hopefully/probably will.  Only trouble is that I'll have to get parts through AGCO if I get an 8010.  I went from being one of AGCO's biggest fans to a critic when they dropped orange.

I'm going to be sad to see the RT100 go.  It's the only tractor I've ever drove that gave me goose bumps the first time I drove it.  In it's class I think it is hard to beat and it'll probably be the nicest tractor I'll ever own.  I know I'm psycho and weird but I just can't get past the dropping of the orange. 

Posted By: Joe(OH)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 1:11pm
If your happy with the tractor then why sell it?  That would be like selling your Allis tractors off because you dont want to give AGCO business.  Wouldn't make a better statement to them if you were still wanting/only buying parts for orange?  If you like what you have and you know what you have, I dont think I would sell it.  Just my 2 cents.

Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

Posted By: Charlie (NC)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 1:24pm
Byron it's a nice gesture of loyalty but I fear you are cutting off you nose to spite your face.  I doubt anyone at AGCO cares about your protest.  The decision is yours and I respect that but do what is best for you.  Don't worry about getting even with AGCO.
The guys at the local AGCO shop don't like the change any more than you do and your relationship with them is the only thing that is going to change.

Posted By: jeffnil
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 1:47pm
Having had a rt115 and rt120, why would you willingly go backwards. I love driving my 8070, but it doesn't even come close to comfort and ease of operating of the agco tractors. I think you will really regret this decision, but good luck.

Posted By: Steve M C/IL
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 1:48pm
If you like  the RT100 keep it.Maintain it and run it till the wheels fall off.That eliminates trade value issues and it just might outlast you!Now if your making payments to AGCO on it that might change things.

Posted By: Daehler
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 2:00pm
I'd say stay with what your happy with. I'm along with ya on buying other branded equipment now since they have discontinued the orange but i'm still going to stick with the brand for parts and Gleaner (as long as it can hold on). I will buy new from AGCO as long as I can get a Hesston brown, if its painted that crappy red color, i'm not affraid to tell my dealer to go to h?!! and to reply that to the company. I love Allis but I would take a RT any day. The name AGCO stands for Allis in my mind

Posted By: Fred in Pa
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 5:07pm
What a STORY !!

Posted By: Byron WC in SW Wi
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 5:16pm
It's tough to tell if it'll be a good financial decision or not.

I know AGCO doesn't care anything about me because I don't own any stock in the company.  I don't think it matters to them if your a big commercial farmer or small guy like me they only care about stockholders.

You know I've maybe explained it like this once before but this is really how I feel.  The RT to me is kind of like my first wife.  When I first met her I was all giddy.  I fell in love, got married thinking we'd be together forever.  Then she went and cheated on me and I forgave her and asked her to come back but she wanted to be with her old boyfriend so she didn't.  I had to go through a divorce.  It was a difficult time and oddly my gut feels similar now to when it did then.  I was giddy for the RT, fell in love, bought it thinking they'd make orange forever as they said they always would as long as people bought them.  Well orange led sales and they still dumped it.  I feel like I did everything I could and they still dumped it.  So now every time I see the RT I don't see the tractor I fell in love with I see a company that cheated on me. 

So, now like my first wife time, I see plenty of other tractors but now the first question I ask is how are you going to disappoint?  My first wife had some abuse in her life that affected her and me.  Before I got serious with my wife now I asked her if she had every been abused.   I bought Vermeer stuff as much for their design and quality as I did for the kind of company Vermeer is.  I drove five hours away just to visit the company and ask a lot of questions.  Anyway, AGCO has changed me probably for the better but we'll see.  The big thing is it's hard to find but I prefer family owned ones to wall street owned ones. 

I know.  I'm weird and psycho.  It's me and I can't explain it any better than that.  I don't expect people to understand but I appreciate you all listening.

Posted By: gleaner1
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 5:41pm
Byron, your not the only one thats finished with Agco,  on our farm we are keeping the classics (AC) but the main pieces as they come time to be traded are all going Red (case ih)
We have already started the transition, I was never a fan of IH,  but what else is a guy to run?  
It will be a cold day in _ell before we have a massey labeled piece of equipment ever again.
I used to be proud to have AGCO signs on my shop,  those came down this past spring.

ALLIS CHALMERS "The color is orange"

Posted By: Carl(NWWI)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 5:55pm
Yeah, its a big deal, but i dont see getting that mad over it. I'd keep what you got and be proud of it. run it till it quits. it would be no different then getting rid of all our allis stuff because agco went under. whats the difference, you still have to deal with them

Posted By: nowversatile
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 6:29pm
Originally posted by Byron WC in SW Wi Byron WC in SW Wi wrote:

maybe slowly but surely getting on without AGCO?

Selling my AGCO RT100 hopefully Monday.  Last year I bought a Kuhn rotary rake, Kuhn Tedder and Vermeer Baler all of which would have been AGCO/Hesston products, (most likely), if AGCO didn't drop orange.  Today I ordered my Vermeer disc mower and when the tractor sells I need another one.  I'd really like to end up with a low houred 8010 PS and hopefully/probably will.  Only trouble is that I'll have to get parts through AGCO if I get an 8010.  I went from being one of AGCO's biggest fans to a critic when they dropped orange.

I'm going to be sad to see the RT100 go.  It's the only tractor I've ever drove that gave me goose bumps the first time I drove it.  In it's class I think it is hard to beat and it'll probably be the nicest tractor I'll ever own.  I know I'm psycho and weird but I just can't get past the dropping of the orange. 

I'm with you Byron, I just bought a Kubota, also a very nice tractor and after doing the research, has many AC attributes: supremely reliable and a pleasure to drive along with being orange. It would have been an LT85a. You have a lot more company than you think with your decision and, AGCO is feeling it but not admitting it!

Posted By: ChuckLuedtkeSEWI
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 6:34pm
I would keep the tractor and put SCREW in front of the AGCO on the tractor.   That way you still get to have fun with your RT and you get to smile at the "SCREW AGCO" every time you get in the tractor.    And if for some reason, AGCO pulls their head out of their you know what, you will still be enjoying life with your RT!!    
Just think, if the tractor ever has to go in for some major service work, the boys in the shop will get a kick out of your graffiti as well.  

1955 WD45 diesel 203322 was my dad's tractor, 1966 D15 23530, 1961 HD3 Crawler 1918, 1966 D17 IV 83495, 1937 WC 41255, 1962 D19 6221

Posted By: Andrew(southernIL)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 7:24pm
Byron I understand your reasoning. And that would be a tough decision to make. If I was still making payments it would probably go especially if I knew where a cherry 8010 was. If its paid for then I may keep it. Remember if you get an 8010 isn't there a good chance of getting aftermarket parts so you wont have to deal with Agco.

If fishing is a sport your looking at an athlete

Posted By: redline
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 7:34pm
I bought a Drago cornhead just before the end of the year for much the same reasoning. I was interested in the Drago anyway, but I was nudged a little closer to it by the loss of the Agco brand. If we were to trade for a non Gleaner (as in Non Agco) the switch should be that much easier with a more universal head.

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done!

Posted By: Herb(GA)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 8:14pm
Bryon, currently you have a good tractor in good operating condition.  What is the rush; wait a year or two.  If your feelings have not appreciably changed during that time, then go ahead and trade. 
No one has mentioned this; by trading tractors you risk the possibility of winding up with a tractor that causes your regretting having traded.  Then what?

Posted By: GBACBFan
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 8:25pm
Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.    Moliere

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they
are genuine." - Mark Twain

Posted By: Oldoug
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 8:58pm
It's been over a year now, let it go.  Good or bad, everything happens for reason and life is to short to continue to be angry at AGCO.   I guess to me it's not worth it, I'd rather be happy, so do whatever makes you happy and helps you get over this. 

Matt Folkers


Restoring vintage things to last so the future can enjoy our past.

Posted By: ScottinSWIL
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 10:01pm
 If the RT has the CVT, that would really be hard to part with.  Who knows what will happen in the next several years.  I was a little suprised when the orange came back in the early nineties.  The bottom line  to me is the name more than the color direction they have taken.  Lets just see what happens and hope they drop the MF name in North America in the next few years.

Posted By: JohnCO
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 11:09pm
I seriously doubt they will drop the MF name but there is a good chance the Valta line will be a larger presence in NA.  It is my understanding the MF, AGCO and Cat, excuse me, Challenger brands are pretty much Valta tractors with some Fendt parts and MF sheetmetal.  Not to put down Vemeer, but don't they have a working agreement with McCormic?  I believe I read that the haying equipment Vemeer markets (except the balers) are made in Europe by someone else.
As for Byron's decision to rid himself of AGCO equipment, it's his right to do what he wants.  Personally, If I liked the tractor, I'd keep it.  To me it's more like my ex wife's parents did me wrong then my wife.  I have to admit I've never been married so I really can't be considered an expert on the matter.

"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer"
Allis Express participant

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 1:22am
Byron, there are many roads, the road you choose today might notbe the road you should take...specially while one is tired or drunk.
  Example... 1968 Dodge Super Bee w383Magnum and 4 spd.decked out. Fast, chick magnet, good gas milage (if you didn't put your toe in the carb) Then traded it for 1972 Dodge Challenger with 400 engine... paid money to boot, lesser options, POOR gas milage and a dog to boot.  If the goof would have 1. took a test drive  and 2. looked at it without his shades on, 3. thinking he had to have that car, he would have driven that S.Bee till it was used up.
  Now have you driven anything else to know you want to trade  or sell, will the next power  be as reliable? Will it perform like this one does. Maybe this one will turn into a classic? Are you wearing blinders while you are despising agco/MF traitors?
  Maybe you might stop and think that they don't own your tractor anymore ...even thou it still sports the Agco badge, You do. This is the orphan that you paid big money to adopt and bring it home. As your adopted child has it given you any reason for you to send it back to the orphanage? She's still young, maybe when she gets into her teen years and her hormones start raging you might want to give her to new parents...
   All I can really say is take a step back and look at the whole picturefor you, Don't let agco rule your thoughts.  And what ever road you choose, choose it wisely and not in a fit of rage or hate.  Good luck on your decision.
 ...I wish Allis-Chalmers was still around and building the old XT with an improvement of a power shift tranny or even a cvt in it and a hand clutch and a 25 mph road gear. ... Was following an old farmall 886? last year pulling a loaded spreader of lime, He was traveling 39 mph, I had to look 3 times to make myself believe what the speedo was reading.. He was moving.

Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 1:54am
well byron...i guess my protest to agco is...i'll keep buying the orange tractors, and not buy their new ones, there are plenty of used ones that are in good condition out there to farm with. they will do the same thing the new ones will. and cost alot less...put that money in your pocket! i'm enjoying not making the payments anymore, my tractors are all paid for and have been for quite awhile! if i like my tractors i keep em. i the others on here, you'll be going backwards....but an 8010 is a nice tractor too!

Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 1:57am
shucks..i traded an IH i had for a 190xtD even up! i really didn't need the 190, but the deal was there and i took it! now i have a nice 190xt. guess i'll keep it for a backup machine if i need to! it's not costing me anything cept a space in the shed!

Posted By: Fred in Pa
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 7:08am
What would it be like now if we all sold all the Allis Chalmers stuff we had when D-A started with the ugly green!

Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 7:28am

Fred if that would have really happened, There would be no Agco today. Because if it were not for the old AC guys sticking with DA and then Agco,it would have never got off the ground.  Good point,we should have done it then,and now it would be water under the bridge. But the way it has happened,for the ones of us still farming. Its 25 years ago all over again. That is what most of you on here dont understand. This is the same thing as 1985,we still use them,not just collect them. There is a BIG difference.


Education doesn't make you smart, it makes you educated.

Posted By: David Maddux
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 8:54am
Remember, no matter how many of us sell out, someone else will own them!   Dave.

Posted By: jon
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 9:08am
I may be getting personal here but here goes. You had mentioned that it was like your first marriage and being betrayed.  That is what the company did to you,BUT this tractor is like a child from that marriage.  You would still love that child. So why not love the tractor.  Just a thought

Posted By: michaelwis
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 9:08am
Byron , i,d love to have an 8010 .. but i cant justify the cost of trading off  a 986  that  i bought  new in 80 .. ya i wish the 8000 series would have been around .. wouldnt have went red .. just my two cents

WD WD45 DIESEL D 14 D-15 SERIES 2 190XT TERRA TIGER ac allcrop 60   GLEANER F 6060 7040.and attachments for all Proud to be an active farmer

Posted By: Byron WC in SW Wi
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2011 at 5:12pm
I'm not mad or angry or have hate towards AGCO.  I think I just feel betrayed and disappointed.  The RT isn't the child to me it's the wife.  Richenhagen is just a terrible in law. 

This also isn't a rash decision.  I went to trade in the RT a year ago but backed out because the deal changed once I did a test drive.  I've attempted two other deals but didn't think think tractors compared to what I was giving up and they wanted money to boot. 

Everyone always says put your money where your mouth is.  I do that.  I've bought an AGCO LT, RT, ST, blade, landscape rake, sunflower drill, rotary cutter, etc. because it was Allis to me.   Before every AGCO tractor I bought I asked dealers and AGCO representatives if they were committed to making orange tractors and they said they were.  The ST was bought after an upper management email confirmed that AGCO dropping orange was a rumor and two months latter they did.  Don't get me wrong I like the tractors but I bought them because they were orange and part of the Allis tradition to me.

Gleaner1 understands, IG understands.  Most of you don't own a piece of new AGCO equipment so don't understand.  Maybe if you bought AC back in the 80's or Deutz I don't know.  Thanks for listening though.

Vermeer stuff is all made in the USA except their silage baler and that's made in Europe by a company they own half of.  The cutterbars for the mowers are made by Lely, (out of Europe), but there are only two manufacturers of made in USA cutterbars that I know of.  I'm pretty sure NH is and the other is a small outfit out of TN and their made in Texas.  Both are copies of the Lely design and I'm not to keen on the NH alterations.   Hesston cutterbars are made by a second tier company out of Italy and their a copy of the Lely head too.  Vermeer is a family owned customer orientated company with some quality cutting edge products in their balers and TM mowers.  They have a complete line dedicated to the little guy, (Rebel).

Anyway, thanks for listening.

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