What toys/equipment are you looking at for 2011?
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Topic: What toys/equipment are you looking at for 2011?
Posted By: Sandknob
Subject: What toys/equipment are you looking at for 2011?
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 8:30pm
After seeing the post about toys/equipment for 2010 I thought I'd post a new one. What are you looking at aquiring in 2011 for collection/farm/etc. Maybe somebody will see what your looking for and can help out.
I am looking at picking up:
DMI 7 knife no till mounted NH3 bar - hadn't planned on picking it up, but just kind of fell in my lap (not really as that would hurt!!! LOL)
78 Gleaner M2 with 18ft platform and 438 corn head (corn head is for sale by the way) - I have spoken for it and put money down on it, just have to go get it.
LM 630 corn head - will be looking for one of these.
67 Ford F600 grain truck 300 bu bed - once again just fell into it.
EZ flow 200 bu gravity bed - I have been told I can have it, just waiting for them to take it off gear.
Have a happy new year and good luck everybody.
Posted By: Rick
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 8:49pm
Well,Adam...I'm hoping to get another loader later on in the year for one of my 180's,since I guess my brother isn't going to give my tractor back that he's been using for the last ten years! LOL! Other than that,it's really hard to tell. I never plan on buying anything,but things turn around pretty quickly when I see something I like and want! Rick
Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 10:03pm
An Allis disc either 2300, 2500 or 2600 (probably be 2300 cause of price) in the 22 to 28 foot size or there about. Sat on my hands a year ago and watched a 22' 2300 sell for $800.
Also a 6 or 7 bottom Allis plow. I have seen them in the $200 to $400 range at sales and in good shape but for some reason never gave any thought on buying one. So I will be looking.
------------- -- --- .... .- -- -- .- -.. / .-- .- ... / .- / -- ..- .-. -.. . .-. .. -. --. / -.-. .... .. .-.. -.. / .-. .- .--. .. ... - Wink I am a Russian Bot
Posted By: Dave in il
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 10:15pm
For the farm an IH 490 or 496 disk around 24' Possibly an 8070 or 8050
Toys... Need to get rid of some stuff to replentish the "Fun funds", but always looking for weights, parts, implements and of course tractors.
Posted By: JohnCO
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 10:41pm
I've got a line on a roto baler, rake and bale loader that were all bought with one check by a neighbor's mom about 55 years ago. Have to deal with some politics but it is almost a done deal. Of course nothing is a done deal until it's in my yard. Hope to get the '49 C running in the next couple weeks and start on the '39 B. Maybe get the NF D17 going, basically just want to finish a bunch of started projects.
------------- "If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer" Allis Express participant
Posted By: split51
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 11:10pm
My goal this year is to get an OT Rumely Oil Pull.
------------- 1929 20-35 sn17662 B1 w/snow blade B10 w/sickle mower B110 w/mower deck B110 w/tiller B112 w/grader blade B210 w/plo
Posted By: wi50
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 11:15pm
I'd like to buy a new Massey 2150 large square baler. The old one is just fine, it's like a good girl, take a lot down the throat before it'll choke but it's got some time and hard use so it may be time to upgrade.
------------- "see what happens when you have no practical experience doing something...... you end up playing with calculators and looking stupid on the internet"
Posted By: Reeseholler
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 11:24pm
I'd like to get my Uncle's Oliver Super 77 Diesel. Don't see any around and it's just sitting in the shed. I'm also hoping to do a deal on a C (I think) that has cultivators and spoked front wheels with rubber tires. I've never seen rims like them so I don't know if they're factory or not.
Posted By: Curt-Indiana
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 11:29pm
I would like to get another allcrop 72, so I can run more clover seed and play with it in some wheat that I have planted.
Posted By: DarrylinWA
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2011 at 11:29pm
Waiting on a 7080 Maroon Belly local. My friend Bob ordered it from the factory new and sold it local to a large farmer in the area. Has been sitting under cover with original 18.4x16.1 diamonds on front and 30.5x32's in the rears. Will wait for this one.
Good subject Darryl
------------- B 10 Custom. Serial # 1001 D21, First D21 built 69 #4498 and Last D 21 Built #4609. 1946 MM UTU. And 2000, 2005 Pete's. AC custom Hauling.
Posted By: Bertman
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 2:18am
The time and money to goto canada to visit a friend and bring home a allcrop 60
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 2:22am
was hoping to pick up another 7080 or maybe a 4x4 AC, but with my crop this year, will have to wait!
Posted By: gleaner1
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 8:30am
For my compact collection need an Allis 6140, and a Deutz Allis 5220 FWA
------------- ALLIS CHALMERS "The color is orange"
Posted By: GlenninPA
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 8:34am
Posted By: Jeff-in-Kunkletown
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 8:56am
a snap coupler plow for my WD45. And to finish my B this spring.
------------- Sucess is how high you bounce after hitting bottom. Gen. George S. Patton
Posted By: Daehler
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 9:34am
I'd like to get a 8070 FWA with 42 inch rears for spring tillage at a resonable price. Have one in sight but to high of price for the hours
Posted By: OrangePowerGA
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 9:40am
I'd like to get a flat top WC. I like the hundred series and would like anything from a 160 to a 175.
------------- AC - WD JD - 650
Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 10:20am
I just want time to work on the projects I've started, Heat in my shop and to get the red (Massey Ferguson 50 with death trap multipower) out of my yard. Oh and some G rear tires and tubes.
Posted By: acwdwcman
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 10:47am
i would like to restore my 38 wc, 56 wd 45, and 50 wd. oh and get an allis g.
i dont think i will get a g though.. i need to finish restoring before i buy something else.
------------- wd with a freeman model 90 trip loader, wd45, 38 unstylled wc, b 10 garden tractor and 2-14 ac trip plow. grandpa has a 56 wd45. wd. allis chalmers snap coupler blade and 3 bottom snap coupler plow
Posted By: tractorchuckie
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 1:30pm
Iam looking at an 1938 wf, but some of the off brands will have to go. thxchuck
------------- still looking for the holy grail of Allis
Posted By: TerrySWIA
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 5:30pm
Right now I am looking for an Allis truck tractor, a D-21 w/ FWA, and an M Gleaner with a 6 row head. I'd be the talk of my area if I got into the 1970's or 80's with my equipment. I always tell people I liked the 60's so I just stayed there. LOL
Posted By: chevytaHOE5674
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 5:38pm
Like to pick up an All Crop and then try my hand at combining some wheat and oats. Also like to pick up a 4btm plow to pull behind my ford 5000. Have to see what the year brings though.
Posted By: B26240
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 5:57pm
Posted By: Iowa Farmer
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2011 at 6:15pm
I wouldn't mind getting rid of the IH 806 and trying to find a good D-21 Series II, or moving up to a 7000 series.
Posted By: Roger Nolin
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2011 at 8:24pm
snow blower for my Allis B210 garden tractor
16 gauge over under shotgun with double triggers.hard to find everyone makes single selective triggers now. < id="gwProxy" ="">< ="ifofjsCall==''jsCall;elsesetTimeout'jsCall',500;" id="jsProxy" ="">
Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2011 at 8:57pm
I'd really like to find a nice AC bulldozer. I'm not too fussy about the size, would like to find one new enough to have the ac engine rather than the GM. A 6 way hydraulic dozer would be a big plus. Cab and heat would be wonderful. A 41 would be a little too big, but if the price was right, I'd have to go for it. Some thing around HD 11 would probably be about perfect. My toy buying budget is a bit slim right now, though, so probably won't be buying much. darrel
Posted By: Allen Dilg
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2011 at 9:01pm
HELLO SANDKNOB !!! AFTER you win the BIG lottery and have av extra $100,000 that you want to give to me, I would like a "10-18", a "6-12", and a "d21" to complete our collection. Many thanks in advance Allen LOL
Posted By: skip(MO)
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2011 at 10:44pm
i want a commemorative issue 1911....i just don't like the prices i'm seeing so far.
as far as farm toys go....i just wanna get an area plowed up and get my old oliver grain drill working and get something planted that the deer will want to eat. maybe they'll stand still so i can shoot them next season. if i can get that much done....then maybe i'll look for an all crop, planter, or some sort of forage harvester later.
Posted By: Tricky Dickie
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2011 at 4:33am
An Allis-Chalmers Model A. I have recently been offered one and hope to get it!
Tricky Dickie
Posted By: David(Stockbridge)MI
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2011 at 5:44am
Since this is a wish list...................
H3 crawler with dozer blabe.
D21 Series 2 with 3 point and pto.
Starting this business last year has taken all my tractor money and alot more.
http://www.djstractorparts.intuitwebsites.com - www.djstractorparts.intuitwebsites.com
------------- All "NEW" Web Site http://www.djstractorparts.com
2035,A,U,UC,WF unstyled,WF styled,WC High Crop (cane),RC,B,IB,C,CA,WD,WD45,G,D10,D12,D14,D15,D15 II,D17,D19,WC styled,WC unstyled H3 crawler
Posted By: Fred in Pa
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2011 at 6:12am
Allen what about a 18-30 .
Posted By: JayIN
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2011 at 7:06am
Looking for a rear mount tiller for my recently acquired 912 Hydro with v-18 Kohler Command. Power steering for my ol 45!
------------- sometimes I walk out to my shop and look around and think "Who's the idiot that owns this place?"
Posted By: Embellem
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2011 at 1:20pm
My father-in-law passed away a month ago, so I'm thinking about bringing home his John Deere 1020 tractor. I know, wrong color, but it wasn't used all that much the 16 years he owned it and it's too nice to pass up.
Posted By: beeman
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 8:27pm
I'm trying to decide if I want a 3pt hitch for my B or find a good 2 disk belly plow for it. I know the 3 pt would be more useful,but my Dads old B had the belly plow. I learned to drive and plow with that rig . Since I have'nt seen a plow like that for sale anywhere ,I'll probably wind up with the 3 pt.
------------- 1949 B 3930 Ford- Have owned other Orange ,green,red,yellow,dark green tractors and equipment.
Posted By: DREAM
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 8:38pm
Hmm, rate i'm going, i'll be lucky to keep the C going and maybe get some new bolts, nuts, and paint for the new(to me,LOL!) #4 plow. Unless the gentleman decides to sell the sweet little 5020 i've had my eye on.(800 hours, 1976 model, never been wet) In which case, i'll be making a little more room in the shed.
------------- I didn't do it! It was a short, fat, tall, skinny guy that looked like me!
Posted By: MNLonnie
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2011 at 8:33pm
Reeseholler wrote:
I'd like to get my Uncle's Oliver Super 77 Diesel. Don't see any around and it's just sitting in the shed. I'm also hoping to do a deal on a C (I think) that has cultivators and spoked front wheels with rubber tires. I've never seen rims like them so I don't know if they're factory or not. |
The spoked fronts on that model C are most likely steel cut-offs.
I just need to finish 3 or 4 tractors that need restoring but I'm sure I'll find something I can't live without.
------------- Waukesha B, B, IB, G, styled WF, D15, 615 backhoe, 2-Oliver OC3's, 4 Ford Model T's, 3 Model A Fords, AV8 Coupe, AV8 Roadster, 1933 Ford Wrecker
Posted By: Calvin Schmidt
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2011 at 9:16pm
Maybe a 7 furrow 2500 monoframe pull type plow with an onland hitch for the 220 with duals.
------------- Nothing is impossible if it is properly financed
Posted By: tractorchuckie
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2011 at 9:27pm
I don't know about an plow. but mine two case tractors went down the road today to make room for an 25-40 that wasn't on my wish list. thxchuck
------------- still looking for the holy grail of Allis
Posted By: DSeries4
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2011 at 9:39pm
Any AC that catches my interest (and at a reasonable price!)
------------- '49 G, '54 WD45, '55 CA, '56 WD45D, '57 WD45, '58 D14, '59 D14, '60 D14, '61 D15D, '66 D15II, '66 D21II, '67 D17IV, '67 D17IVD, '67 190XTD, '73 620, '76 185, '77 175, '84 8030, '85 6080
Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2011 at 9:48pm
The WC in a fence row about a mile and a half from my house. Hope to contact the property owner in a few weeks.
------------- 1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45
Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2011 at 11:14pm
Well I want the CA to have new engine parts so I can run her again but most of all I want the money tree seeds I bought off craigslist to sprout. Maybe an All Crop could be used to harvest the money tree leaves?
------------- http://www.ae-ta.com" rel="nofollow - http://www.ae-ta.com Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF
Posted By: abbaschild95
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 12:39am
probably a B or a C. i wouldnt mind a G either though! something semi small to restore anyways. i also want to get into some implaments!
------------- Great-granfather's WC---- hopefully many more to come!
Posted By: everett048
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 5:38am
1 of the experimental L D crawlers 18 made with GM 6-71 in them.
Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 5:52am
I am looking to a shop on the new place so I can begin the restoration of ANYTHING! I just cannot get any more done to the 180 or have any other machinery until that gets done, except if I come across a really good buy on a tracked loader like a HD6G or a better tractor or a bigger bargain as to price on plows. Oh well, you guys know we cannot pass up a bargain!
I also picked up a older square baler last week, co-worker had a very clean 68 NH baler with newer needles and was just used this last summer on 250 bales, $500.
Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 6:25am
I'd like to get a complete implement setup for my 'naked' G...even just busted bits and pieces,nothing 'show quality'.
a tractor mounted tandem disc for my D-14,right now a winch a pull set onto a trailer, haul, unload, disc the field,put them back on again, go to next fields(x 5 !)
an 8 foot snowblower for my Gleaner A,tired of rebuilding the crummy transaxle of my 'lawn tractor snowblower'.
any of the above would make me happy.
------------- 3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112 Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)
Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water
Posted By: Kurzy
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 6:47am
Howdy Lonn,
Have a AC 2600 disk going to sell soon as this deal is made on my AC 4W-305. 22 foot I think.
Posted By: LloydCentWi
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 1:42pm
I would like an Allis square baler, mounted disc and a 1 row corn picker/snapper/husker. A D15 diesel engine would be great too.
Posted By: Bob-Maine
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 1:59pm
The 3/4 ton pickup with an 8 foot box so I can haul my G to Hutch, Power of the Past and the G Roundup at Gadsden and I can leave the trailer home. Anybody have experience hauling a G in the back of a 3/4 ton? Bob@allisdowneast
------------- I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not sure.
Posted By: LloydCentWi
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 2:13pm
I hauled a G in the back of my 1994 Chev 1/2 ton 4wd from GA to WI. It was about 1000 miles. Didn't have any problems. Backed it in so the engine was behind the cab to center the weight.
Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 3:15pm
Bob, you could probably haul it fine in a 6 foot box on a half ton truck. You would have to leave the tailgate down.
------------- http://www.ae-ta.com" rel="nofollow - http://www.ae-ta.com Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF
Posted By: tractorchuckie
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 3:52pm
WOW! I just drop off my two case tractors today at the guys house that bought them and he had and 1939 RC in the yard which he wants to trade for an massey harris 55 I got from the neghbour when he move and could sell. the wish list is growing. thxchuck
------------- still looking for the holy grail of Allis
Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 7:03pm
I'd really like to find an E Gleaner with a corn and bean head for my little 10 acre farm. Hopefully I can get the D17D mechanically finished in the next month.
------------- "Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford
Posted By: Mark in Iowa
Date Posted: 26 Mar 2011 at 7:11pm
I would like to find an AC 2 row planter to pull with my B.
Posted By: Bob-Maine
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2011 at 8:32am
Lloyd and Charlie, You got me to thinking. I have an extended cab GMC 4 X 4 with a 6 1/2 foot box. It is a nice truck and gets good mileage with a 5.3L engine. Maybe I'll try my G in that before I drop 10 to 14 thou for a used 3/4 ton. I just want to be sure the center of gravity of the G isn't behind the rear axle. With the tailgate down, I'll still need to put planks in the body for the front tires to ride on. When I get the G going, I'll try loading it. drive it around some, make a decision and post the results. Or, if you see me arrive at Paris, IL and Hutchinson in a half ton GMC, you'll know what I decided Bob@allisdowneast
------------- I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not sure.