allis square baler-
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Topic: allis square baler-
Posted By: mike 44
Subject: allis square baler-
Date Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 5:56am
anyone know if they were any good? Or were i could find 1?
Posted By: Jim Lindemood
Date Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 8:10am
I have an Allis 442 square baler that is great. Actually picked it up off of e-bay a few years back. They come up from time to time and at auctions. Just have to kind of look for them. Like all old equipment - some are in great shape and others are not. Ya never know what you might find out there.
Posted By: HagerAC
Date Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 8:53am
Ya they are pretty good machines, we got a 303 with a thrower that is basically wore out from front to back. My dad used to work for the original owner back when the machine was new, and they would bale over 300 bales an hour with it. We still use it some, and it makes pretty good bales yet, but it does need some work.
------------- 30+ A-Cs ranging from a 1928 20-35, to a 1984 8070FWA, Gleaner R52
Posted By: mike 44
Date Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 11:13am
thanx il have 2start looking for one
Posted By: Ky.Allis
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2010 at 10:40am
I have a model 444 baler and really like it. I have had it for about 14 years. I'm not sure but I think this was the last model Allis built. It has a better pick-up than other models. It has 5 rows of teeth and the teeth are spaced closer together-kind of like NH super sweep pick-up. The knotters are same as New Holland and very reliable.
Posted By: Ron Eggen
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2010 at 11:20am
There is a model 442 on Columbia Missouri's craiglist for $700.00 and they said that they baled with it Nov 2. The pictures of it look good. This is like the 444 but only has a 2 joint power line. Call David @ 660-341-1762 . Good Luck ! I have a 444 and really like it.
Posted By: TedBuiskerN.IL.
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2010 at 11:32am
I have a 302 that bales like a champ.
------------- Most problems can be solved with the proper application of high explosives.
Posted By: buckeyeag
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2010 at 11:53am
We have a pair of 303's. One bought new and another purchased as a parts machine but we were able to repair it. They have both been good balers and we have never had any major problems.
Posted By: JohnCO
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2010 at 11:59pm
Yesterday I was at a farm just out of Colorado Springs and noticed what looked like an AC baler, walked over and sure enough, it was a 303. They really look a lot like a Ford 532, which was built by Long. Anyone know if they are Longs? This one had the cover over the plunger shaft messing an a few other minor missing parts. The owner said it had some problems and they bought a JD 337? to replace it then found the needed parts and got it running. It's sitting outside with bales in the chamber. Told him if he wants to sell it, give me a call. Don't really need it but it is orange.
------------- "If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer" Allis Express participant
Posted By: shane
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 11:18pm
we bought a 303 late last year at a auction it looks good no signs of hard use, brought it home and tried it out. it will make a bale then the twine on the left side pulls out. it makes a knot and when you take the twine and pull it just slips out of a knot, just wondering if you have any problems like that and what can we do to fix this and where can we gets parts if we need. I have read that new holland is the same(as knotters) which new holland is that if you know. any help would be great.
Posted By: Rfdeere
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 11:55pm
The model 200 was imported from the UK and was built by a company named Jones. All other AC balers were built at Laporte, IN .
------------- Randy Freshour,Member Indiana AC Partners," rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Teddy (punchie)
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 9:00am
There were a few 444's down in VA about 6-8 wks ago. Down south and western part of the state. One around the same area at an auction. One more around south central part of the state. I have two, yes last square baler by AC. early 70's . Good balers, like a 273 New Holland, just a little faster on the ram speed. Can run them with a WD, I got a d19, to run my, but I'm thinking of A d17. The 19's,190's all jump if you are baling, and that is just not a fun ride. 302 303 balers are not in the same class as a 444. But they are good balers if not beat up. 444, if set right can bale anything. We run about 8000 bales a year through one. Got one with a belt thrower, getting ready to run her this year. Average in heavy hay is about 100-160 balers an hour, for a 444.
------------- Ac D-19, a Number of WD's, One WD45, Two 444 balers, Ac plows and etc.
Posted By: HagerAC
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 9:13am
Ours used to bale 300+ bales an hour when my dad worked for the original owner. That was our 303, it doesn't bale that many an hour now.
------------- 30+ A-Cs ranging from a 1928 20-35, to a 1984 8070FWA, Gleaner R52
Posted By: Tracy Martin TN
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 12:27pm
Shane, my 303 sometimes misses a tie on LH side. Probably just needs adjusting. Maybe Ted Buisker or one of the guys can straighten us out. Tracy Martin
Posted By: Brian Ahart
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 8:03pm
Rfdeere wrote:
The model 200 was imported from the UK and was built by a company named Jones. All other AC balers were built at Laporte, IN . |
The 442 was imported as well. Here is the tag from the one that I sold recently:

------------- A-C Weight ID reference and other goodies at" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Rfdeere
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 8:18pm
Brian Ahart wrote:
Rfdeere wrote:
The model 200 was imported from the UK and was built by a company named Jones. All other AC balers were built at Laporte, IN . |
The 442 was imported as well. Here is the tag from the one that I sold recently:

Another error in the Swinford book to remember, thank's Brian.
------------- Randy Freshour,Member Indiana AC Partners," rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Rfdeere
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 8:27pm
I wonder if all the 442's were imported ? Maybe they were built in Laporte and in England ?
------------- Randy Freshour,Member Indiana AC Partners," rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Teddy (punchie)
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 10:40pm
Shane Sounds like twine holder is not holding twine enough. Make sure the knotter twine feed fingers are free of hay dust and move freely and are set right. Twine box tension spring see that it working and not too tight or too loose. We always steel wool our bale hooks that they are smooth and no rough spots. Always make adjustment after you mark where it was before you started to move it and write down where and when what you did. VERY EASY TO MAKE A HUGE MESS OF A KNOTTER, small adjustments and, remember things wear and some adjustments are not going to be by the book, but the book will get you close. We have a twine disk that is about 1/2 " out of adjustment but it works and has been like this for the last 80,000-100,000 bales.
------------- Ac D-19, a Number of WD's, One WD45, Two 444 balers, Ac plows and etc.
Posted By: John In.
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 3:01am
Shane, First thing I'd do would be to tighten the twin holder. Loose lock-nut then tighten bolt about half turn, retighten lock-bolt. Do you have a book on it?