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Old tractors

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 14 Mar 2025 at 10:59am
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Topic: Old tractors
Posted By: Acguywill
Subject: Old tractors
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2025 at 8:51pm
How many guys in your area still run old tractors? There seems to be very few around here. Even most squatters (acerage owners) have newer stuff. The oldest tractor we have and still use daily during the winter is our 8010 allis. I can't think of anyone else who uses anything even close to that age around here.

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2025 at 8:58pm
Doubt there is anyone around here running anything older than me. I see a couple 8xxx's from time to time. I run 7XXX's, a 200, 170 and WD45.
My accountant says I put farming back 50 years . True, I reckon

Posted By: SilverShoes
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2025 at 9:10pm
We have a 7010,7020,7045,2-8030’s, 8070. They are mostly auger tractors except the 8030 and 8070 which pull the 3 point 8 row planter and mow roadsides and brush with a 15 ft batwing from time to time.

Posted By: Gary Burnett
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2025 at 9:30pm
I mostly make hay with my tractors and feed cattle some loader work etc.I use a variety of 50's, 60's and 70's models Olivers 1650,1550,66.1365;AC WD45,CA;David Brown 990,780,885.Long 460,560,R9500 plus a couple compacts from the 1990's

Posted By: AC720Man
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2025 at 9:38pm
We farm with a WD, D10,D12,D14,D15,2-D17’s, 6060,2-190XT’s and a 160. My brother uses his D10 and D12 for gardens mainly and some sickle bar mowing. Hay operation, very little tillage anymore although we have a few hay fields in need of some plowing to re seed. No till results didn’t impress me much. Quite a few AC’s locally still farming full time. Neighbor has 2-6070’s, WD, D17 S-IV 8010,8030. I could go on and on but a lot of AC’s in our county. My best friend has a 500 acre hay operation that he has many Ford’s and his first tractor he started with a AC175/loader. He does 25K bales/year and a 1k or more round bales. Most tractors in the county are older but continue to be repaired and used regularly. Not many can afford the new stuff and don’t like the technology issues. Of course there is some new stuff, just not that much.

1968 B-208, 1976 720 (2 of them)Danco brush hog, single bottom plow,52" snow thrower, belly mower,rear tine tiller, rear blade, front blade, 57"sickle bar,1983 917 hydro, 1968 7hp sno-bee, 1968 190XTD

Posted By: dr p
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2025 at 5:30am
I guess it depends what you call "farming". You are correct if you consider dairy farms. I am the only one left in my area under 1000 cows. I farm with three wd 45 and a c. But i still file taxes as a farmer and unlike those 1000 cow dairies the person who does the majority of the work uses English as his primary language (me). And i did show a five figure peofit on my taxes last year

On the other hand, i did remember noting last year i was the only person i saw fitting ground with a two wheel drive tractor

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2025 at 8:18am
Lots of old iron still out there working in this part of the world! 1984 6080 is the newest one here. I see lots of 56/66/86 series IH's around, including a 1456 that goes down the road with a disc mower every once in a while. Love to know where that one lives.

Lots of 20/30/40/50/55 series Deere's too. 

There are some 7-8000 series AC's but not lots.

Not as much Meadow Green out working, at least what I see. They are around, I know that. When we feature them they come out in mass.

There are piles of H's, M's, WD's, 45's and other various creatures of that vintage still earning their keep. 

Big time operators mostly run the ugly green. Probably a dealer network thing mostly.

Posted By: Tom59
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2025 at 6:40am
For most part time and full time farmers in my area ( Middle Tennessee ) there a lot of newer John Deere and Kubota cab and FWD tractors for most part. There is several 2wd cab tractors mixed in that are probably 20 to 25 years old. Then you do find a few that still have stuff from the seventies and eighties. This is mostly beef cattle and hay farms.

Posted By: Alberta Phil
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2025 at 9:07am
Lots of older Allis tractors in my area still working including mine.  Quite a few of the bigger operarters around here have WD's and WD45's on their farms from new and are still using them.  I'm keeping busy reviving WD's lately for several farms as they still need a reliable chore tractor on the farm. 
Just got another engine in yesterday for a rebuild to put another WD back to work.  There are well over half a dozen still earning their keep within a couple of miles of my place.  Lots of D17, D15, D14 and at least one D19 still used in farming operations around here with many 7000 and 8000 series.

Still see an occasional JD from the 60's still in use, but not near as many as Allis Chalmers.

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