Hello Have some nos new idea mower parts for sale. Some might fit more then what iv lister.
028-HS wear plate fits 10,10A,20,30,40,40H,41,250,253,254
037-HS wear plate fits 10,10A,20
0118-HS pitman head plate fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41,250,253,254
0119-HS pitman bar reinforcement strap fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41,250
0127-HS cam pitman fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41 Also the little wrench 0129-HS,0130-HS pipe
081-HS pitman strap, plain front. Fits 10,10A,20,30
080-HS pitman strap rear, fingered fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41
130-HS upper front wear plate fits 30A,30AH,30BH,40H,41
167-HS gag bell crank fits 30,30A,30AH,254
029-HS shim lower rear wear plate fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41,250,253,254
0673-HS upper front wear plate fit 30A,30B,30BH,40,41,250,253,254
0103-HS spring fits pawl ratchet hub 10,10A,20
0144-HS ledger plate fits 10,20,30,40,41,250,253,254
-0573-HS backstop bracket. Fits 30A,30B,254 -0574-HS plate backstop. Fits 30A,30B,254 -0576-HS spring backstop. Fits 30,30A,30B,254 -110-HS lever. Lift trip. Fits 30A,30B -112-HSA lock pawl. Fits 30A,30B,254
46-HS hold down fit 10,10A,30,30,40,41
049-HS spring 050-HS bolt,nut both are for grass board, fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41,250,253,254
045-HS knife head fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41
01483-HS hold down, third from inner end, drilled for hold up rod. Fits 250,253,254
0570-HS hold down fits 30,40,41
0571-HSA outer shoe fits 30,40,41,250,253,254
01071-HS pitman strap
01072-HS pitman strap
040-HS or B-1002 ledger plate beveled edge, fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41,250,254
0145-HS hold down fits 10,10A,20,30,40,41,250,253,254
K-1232 guard bolt 7/16” X 1-1/4” K-1233 guard bolt 7/16” X 1-1/4” trimmed on side to fit K-1234 guard bolt 7/16” X 1-1/2”
Let me know if you see anything or if you don’t I can look. Lots more available. Also lots of other hardware, keys, washers, etc. 518-767-3058 please leave a message. Or Michaelzakens@gmail.com Thanks