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Horses and Alfalfa Pellets ???

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Printed Date: 30 Jan 2025 at 1:05pm
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Topic: Horses and Alfalfa Pellets ???
Posted By: BuckSkin
Subject: Horses and Alfalfa Pellets ???
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 6:14am
When it comes to horses, I ain't no green-horn; I was born in the saddle and have owned, ridden, shod, doctored, fed, and taken care of as many as twenty at a time and have never been without at least one horse.

However, I have came against a bit of a conundrum.

I have an older horse that, along with his super-sweet all-grain horse feed, I give him a 50:50 mix of Beet Pulp Pellets and Alfalfa Pellets, which I soak in about three times as much water as pellets for at least an hour prior to feeding.

A half-gallon of pellets will swell up over the top of a two-gallon bucket.

It has always been my consensus that it is better for the pellets to swell up in the bucket than inside the horse.

Yet, on every bag of pellets, Beet or Alfalfa, regardless of brand, soaking is never mentioned and the feeding instructions assume feeding the pellets dry.

Now, here is my conundrum; we have had several consecutive days that haven't gotten above freezing with every night in the single digits(American).

He can't eat his water-soaked pellets quick enough before they freeze solid, only getting about 25% eaten before the rest turns to solid ice.

If you are a horse feeder person with experience feeding Alfalfa and Beet pellets, what are your thoughts if I were to feed the pellets dry instead of soaked during these cold spells ?

I don't have the luxury of "tapering him in" or gradually introducing the changeover.

Maybe if I start by giving him half as many pellets dry as I have been feeding soaked ?

He always has the absolute best Great Bend Kansas Alfalfa Hay available free-choice; but, like an old back-row church-goer chewing Mammoth Cave Twist, he just sort of chews it up and sucks the juice out of it and then leaves the chewed up remnants all over the place without actually ever swallowing it.

Posted By: RP Farms
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 8:12am
Sounds like your horse either has tooth problems or no teeth.  The only thing I can recommend is feeding in batches and not all of it at once.

Posted By: DanWi
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 8:56am
It is unfortunate, we take such good care of our animals that they live longer. Then it requires more care. Give him hay try to find some nice soft stuff and sweep up the chaff and feed them that. Feed him some sweet feed with a small amount of beet pulp multiple times a day. Make sure they have free access to water. If you do soak feed use less water and stir it up when you feed it so it doesn't freeze solid and hope for warmer weatheršŸ˜‰

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 9:02am

Is it possible you could mix some RV Antifreeze with his water to lower its Freeze Point.

RV Antifreeze is suppose to be safe for human consumption on a small scale.


Posted By: NEVER green
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 9:32am
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:

Is it possible you could mix some RV Antifreeze with his water to lower its Freeze Point.

RV Antifreeze is suppose to be safe for human consumption on a small scale.


   A bombed horse with a bad liver!!!

2-8050 1-7080 6080 D-19 modelE & A 7040   R50       

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 9:35am

  • Most RV antifreeze is propylene glycol based: While less toxic than the ethylene glycol found in regular car antifreeze, it can still cause issues if consumed in large quantities by a horse. 
  • Sweet taste can be attractive: Antifreeze has a sweet taste which can entice animals to drink it. 
  • Potential for kidney damage: Even small amounts of antifreeze can damage a horse's kidneys. 

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 10:04am
I'm no expert, so take what I say for what it's worth. If the horse is one of us elders, i would be wary of changing his diet. I certainly would not take the chance on antifreeze.
So that would leave you with finding a way to heat his "china", or mixing and serving his dinner in smaller batches over a period of time. If he is a good old friend, he is worth making the time.

I am still confident of this;
I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27

Posted By: AC7060IL
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 10:35am
For freezing winter times & If itā€™s an option, try adding a percentage (33%-50%?) of horseā€™s regular ratio of alfalfa / beet pellets directly into heated waterer (water tank?). Maybe introduce it & watch how they(rest of herd) react to it in their water source?
If water tank is deeper type, then maybe try to incorporate a perforated ā€œsurface panā€ that would help to somewhat contain pellets & also allow them to soak?

Posted By: ekjdm14
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 11:59am
I can see your reasoning with the pellets swelling PRIOR to being in his stomach, BUT if you think about it you could feed the same amount of pellets as he'd normally take in a sitting & they won't swell enough to be a problem since he'd eat that amount soaked. Only difference to my mind is he'd need to drink more water as they soak up what's in his belly, but that ought to come naturally to him anyway.

Hope the weather breaks for ya soon, can't imagine how it must be to be that cold!

Posted By: WF owner
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 1:55pm
I know it would take more time, but how about cutting his feedings in half and feeding him four times a day?

Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 4:13pm
To everyone = lots of good ideas here and I appreciate them.

My approach to my dilemma will probably incorporate parts of all these ideas. 

Originally posted by ekjdm14 ekjdm14 wrote:

I can see your reasoning with the pellets swelling PRIOR to being in his stomach, BUT if you think about it you could feed the same amount of pellets as he'd normally take in a sitting & they won't swell enough to be a problem since he'd eat that amount soaked. 

Thanks for enlightening me; I might never have came to that line of reasoning all by my lonesome; it makes sense to me.

Originally posted by LouSWPA LouSWPA wrote:

If he is a good old friend, he is worth making the time.

Sad as it is to say, he is the only friend I've got.

He has tried his best to kill me dead on a number of occasions.

Twice he has rolled completely over me, managing to step on and kick me hard during the process; but, I stayed in the leather both times and was still aboard when he came back to his feet --- and this with a Big Iron on my hip and a rifle in the boot.

Putting a set of shoes on him is a four day process; one shoe each long day.

If he don't want to be caught, fifteen Red Indians and a pack of Blue Heeler dogs couldn't catch him.

Woodrow Calls white horse is gentle as a lamb in comparison.

He is as slick and fat as a preacher's wife and looks like he stepped off the cover of the Quarter Horse Journal.

He and I have an accord that defies understanding; I don't trust him and he don't trust me but we get along and either would be lost without the other.

The funny thing is, there is this little 10-yr-old girl who has been coming around here since she was in diapers; and, from day one, she can get away with things around him that would get me killed; she trusts him and he watches over her.

As broke as I am, I wouldn't take a million bucks for him on that account alone.

As for heating the feed bucket, the wife came in with a pair of cordless hand-warmers that, on High, get hotter than a branding iron and last all day on a charge.

I have been thinking about maybe putting them in some sort of sleeve or maybe just a ziploc bag and putting them in the bottom of the bucket and see how that works; one thing for sure, I wouldn't worry about him getting lextrocuted like I would with one of those corded buckets.

Posted By: dr p
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 8:55pm
Something funny about animals and small children. I have miserable old cow that would just as soon kill me as look at me(the feeling is mutual). But she would let my 8 year old daughter put berets in her hair. While standing on a chair. While the two of them shared a box of oreos. No one will ever stick a fork in that cow.....except maybe me

Posted By: DanWi
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2025 at 11:03pm
What if you got a cheap cooler or something insulated to feed the horse in, have to take the lid off it. Or made an insulated box to set your pail in. Where are you located? Is this just something you have to deal with for a week or 2 or 2 to 3 months?

Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2025 at 6:16am
Originally posted by DanWi DanWi wrote:

What if you got a cheap cooler or something insulated to feed the horse in, have to take the lid off it. Or made an insulated box to set your pail in.

Now there's an idea...

Our weather is very intermittent and highly unpredictable and it never gets cold before raining fiercely nonstop  for several days, preventing anyone from preparing for the cold that is coming and then freezing everything tight.

We usually get at least two 3-week periods where it never gets above freezing mixed with several episodes where it is 72Ā°American at 4:PM and 12Ā° at 4:AM and year round constant heinous humidity that would strangle a fish.

Posted By: ekjdm14
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2025 at 7:24am
Originally posted by DanWi DanWi wrote:

What if you got a cheap cooler or something insulated to feed the horse in, have to take the lid off it. Or made an insulated box to set your pail in. Where are you located? Is this just something you have to deal with for a week or 2 or 2 to 3 months?

Now this is an idea. Coupled with the cordless hand warmers this could be your winner.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2025 at 11:00am


After reading some of the Reply's, I did some follow-up search about the hazards of RV Antifreeze.
My Post was a thought or idea and not a recommendation.
If you were to consider it, your local Veterinarian would be the one to advise you of any risk to your elderly friend.

I did learn though that even though the RV Anti-freeze is described as Non-Toxic, it can be dangerous even to horses if ingested IN LARGE QUANITIES.

What method are you using now to prevent his drinking water from freezing?

A search on Amazon found a large number of choices for heated Water Buckets etc for use in freezing temps.

There are heated Flat-Back buckets that might work if one were secured in place and used for his watery 3:1 mixture of feed.


Posted By: Dirt Farmer
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2025 at 9:17pm
Not a horse person here but a thinker of things wonder if you could mix up the feed as you always do then put it in a taller trough and pack wood shavings, sand or soil around the bucket to hold it steady and insulate it form the cold in that manner. Surely the well trained horse wouldn't disturb the insulating materials. Start with a bucket of hot water in the trough area to warm the insulating materials while you get things ready then mix feed and switch buckets. Just a thought. Good luck

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2025 at 10:33pm
Potential for kidney damage: Even small amounts of antifreeze can damage a horse's kidneys.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: klinemar
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2025 at 4:42am
We bought a horse for my daughter years ago. Not knowing it had heaves or in layman's terms respiratory illness from eating moldy dusty hay. Veterinarian told us to wet the hay before feeding. Worked fine in warm weather. In winter I told my daughter to just get a bucket full of haylage from the Ag Bag we fed the cows from and feed it to the horse. Months later Vet was at the farm doing a herd check and asked if the horse died? I said no,do you want to look at her? He said yes. When he saw her he asked What are you feeding her,she looks pregnant! I said haylage. He said horses aren't supposed to eat fermented hay! I grabbed a bucket and said you want to watch? I did tell my daughter to cut back on the amount of grain she was giving as she wasn't riding the horse as much. I know in your case you don't have haylage,but if there was some way you could chop hay up and soak it,your horse might eat it. Pellets are dry,and would take a lot of soaking and turn into mush in my opinion. Livestock means work! Good luck!

Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2025 at 4:50am
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:

What method are you using now to prevent his drinking water from freezing?

I beat the ice out of a flat-back 5-gallon bucket, rinse it clean, and hang it in his stall; he could drink it all if he so desired but he will drink about a third of it before it freezes.
This is well water, not city water; most horses will dehydrate before they will drink city water and we should be smart enough to follow suit.
I can be in someone's kitchen that is on "county water" and I can smell the bleach in it when they run the faucet.

In the barn lot he stays in when he is not out in the big field, there is a huge spring with a tremendous amount of water flowing from it that never freezes.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2025 at 3:44pm


Do you have electricity available where you are feeding your horse, or perhaps even run an appropriate outdoor Power Chord so that you could utilize one of those Flat Back heated Buckets?


Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2025 at 4:04pm
BuckSkin, four legged friends are like a good woman. Very good company, loyal, comforting, but they all have their uppity moments. but they have your back

I am still confident of this;
I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27

Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2025 at 5:17pm
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:

Do you have electricity available where you are feeding your horse 

Plenty of electricity.

I am a bit leery of corded buckets and floating water heaters, especially around livestock; there have been a few barns burnt and livestock electrocuted on account of those.

If more than one animal is penned where the first one gets electrocuted, each successive animal that gives the dead one a sniff gets it too.

The lazy man in me wants to take a chance with the corded buckets but the cautious man in me learns from others misery.

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2025 at 9:01am
Gary has got the answer.  Lets get it on.  A meteorite may fall out of the sky and conk you..   Pays your dues and take your chances.  Wink

Posted By: DiyDave
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2025 at 3:49pm
Originally posted by Dave H Dave H wrote:

Gary has got the answer.  Lets get it on.  A meteorite may fall out of the sky and conk you..   Pays your dues and take your chances.  Wink

He ain't a gonna take care of any horse of mine...LOL

Source: Babylon Bee. Sponsored by BRAWNDO, its got what you need!

Posted By: Walker
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2025 at 4:45pm
Remogrify his pellets and roll him up a pack of ciggs. Marlboro's would be my preference.

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2025 at 6:01pm
I understand the love/hate relationship with a horse. But your over thinking this, just feed the dry pellets. In this wakey over lawyered world, if more than 1 in billion got a belly ack the makers of pellet mills would be run out of business. As well as every feed store selling pellets labeled for horses.

With a bit different climate here , we grow grain hay with the grain in the dough when making horse hay. Unless your working the horse on a plow all day every day just about all any horse needs.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2025 at 8:06pm

Don't worry DIY, your too much of 'a little lamb' following the leader.

Thanks Dave H for the support. I was beginning to wonder about the level of education in your State after what I have been witnessing with StevieIL.

Here is a link to one of the Heated Flat Back Water Buckets I was referring to.

I think one of these would solve your Pellet Mush freezing up.

And your 4 legged friend would be happy to get a warm meal!

Gary" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: jvin248
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2025 at 7:54am

Use a small igloo insulated lunchbox or medium cooler the size of your feed bucket. Remove the handle and lid and make a pocket on the bottom side you can securely retain the pocket warmer.

Use warmer water to soak the feed, half as much water as normal when cold, so it's damp not wet like porridge.

We had a cow when I was a kid with a bad tooth that didn't like cold water. Had to drink slow.

Sweet feed has cavity causing sugar. Vet/dentist might look at it sometime.


Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2025 at 8:18am
Gareee... could you take that bucket and install a PUSH BUTTON STARTER to feed the ANTIFREEZE in small amounts ?? ........ but i agree with you, DAVE is just being silly thinking you could feed the horse cigaretts !! 

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2025 at 8:25am
I was always told alfafa was not good for horse they show have orchard grass.

Posted By: jvin248
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2025 at 9:40pm

The horse will tell you what he likes to eat.

We had a pony who somehow wrapped the same front hoof in his rope, held it up in the air, and called to you to notice he "needed help" and "by the way I need to be moved to better grass to eat". He'd tell us he didn't like the current fare.


Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2025 at 6:50am
Somebody seeking information about feeding Alfalfa Pellets is going to sooner or later stumble across this thread so I will put my own personal experiences as to what they will and absolutely will not eat.

What my horses will eat and eat every crumb, wet or dry, is Summit Brand from Huron of Ontario Canada; after soaking, it is a very appealing bright green color.

What they will not eat unless I mix them one part to eight with the good Summit pellets is Standlee and Dumor brands; after soaking, either one straight will be sort of a brown color and I have had no luck getting them to eat either, no matter how many days nor how hungry they get.

The Dumor used to be a lot better than the last several bags I have tried.

Originally posted by tadams(OH) tadams(OH) wrote:

I was always told alfafa was not good for horse they show have orchard grass.

In all the many horses in all the many years, I have not had one yet that would do anything with Orchard Grass except for pull it out of the manger and tromp in into the mud without ever eating a sprig.

In all the many years of feeding the best Alfalfa I could find I have never experienced any of the problems that I see mentioned so often.

In my opinion, more horses have died from the lack of plenty of good Alfalfa than have ever died from too much of it.

Posted By: nella(Pa)
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2025 at 8:05am
I adopted a wild mustang for my 5 children because I didn't know enough about horses to pick out a healthy one. They turned Thunder into a puppy dog, there is nothing prettier than to see a daughter with long blond hair going bareback across the meadow in a cantor, the neighbors also noticed when she went out ridding. He was a smart horse and could take care of himself. He could go out in the pasture with snow on the ground and find something to eat, He also ate anything at the bunk feeder that the cows ate, corn silage, haylage, baled hay and grain. He passed away at 29yrs of age. Other horse owenrs could not believe that he didn't get colic from what he ate. 

Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2025 at 8:30am
Originally posted by nella(Pa) nella(Pa) wrote:

He also ate anything at the bunk feeder that the cows ate, corn silage, haylage, baled hay and grain. He passed away at 29yrs of age. Other horse owenrs could not believe that he didn't get colic from what he ate. 

For several years, it has been the thing around here for cattle farmers to get an old used crude-oil tank and contract one of the "slop haulers" to keep it filled with distiller's mash = the waste product after the whiskey has been drained off.

This stuff is a bright orange in color and very syrupy; you just run it out in a big trough and they poke their noses in it and drink it up; livestock that have been eating it for long will start turning orange --- no kidding; when they evacuate their guts, it is like orange water from a fire hose.

I know a guy who trades in horses and cattle and his horses run with the cattle and eat this stuff by the gallons; he has been doing it for years and if he ever had a horse to die from it I never knew about it.

But, from what I hear, the free ride is over as the distillers have discovered a process and added equipment that will turn this slop into some sort of alcohol that can be burned in cars.

This new change will put dozens of tanker-trucks and drivers out of a job and put hundreds of cattle farmers in the poor house ----- and probably ruin countless vehicle engines.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2025 at 1:41pm
Alfalfa for horses isnā€™t a black and white deal. Some horses it can cause foundering (laminitis) other horses tolerate it fine. The more a horse exercises, the more protein/ alfalfa it can tolerate. The younger it is, the more it can tolerate.   I sell hay to horse people, Iā€™ve heard it all. I describe the hay the best I can, have a sample bale open when they come over, and tell them to the best of my knowledge this bale is a good representation of all the hay, but itā€™s a big area and others may be a little different. Only guarantee I make is for mold. I donā€™t give advice anymore on what they should eat unless Iā€™m asked, then I just point out the points and counterpoints. Best to start with grass and if they donā€™t lose weight and stay healthy then youā€™re probably good.   The grumpy olā€™ beetch mare of my dadā€™s doesnā€™t do chit except complain, she gets grass alfalfa mix hay or goes hungry. Does get some sweet feed also but nowhere near enough for main sustenance.

Posted By: klinemar
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2025 at 4:44am
I agree with T-bone. I sell hay to customers with horses, I have developed a relationship with for many years. I sell a alfalfa,clover grass mix. All round bales. I make sure it's dry and any hay that isn't or possibly moldy I sell to a beef cow customer at a discount. I try to cater to my customers by storing the hay in barns and either delivering or them picking up hay when needed.Hay in my area can bring a premium as most farmers grow grain. I don't gouge my customers on price as I never liked being gouged. I feel they are loyal to me and I will be loyal to them. If you have a system that works, by all means continue. Adjust when needed!

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2025 at 9:01am
Never could get much traction getting horse people to buy round bales. Dad dreamed of building that business and we built a 40x100 Quonset to store round bales so we could put good hay in there and market it as stored inside. Just didnā€™t work out for whatever reason.   So I still try to put up 1000 or so small squares of first cutting for horses and 500 or so second cutting. I could sell 10 times that much if I had the help.

Posted By: klinemar
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2025 at 3:37pm
Small squares is dependant on help and not many can find it. We have one hay grower in the area that uses New Holland self propelled bale wagons. Some use accumulators and loader grapples,but they are pricey. My customers have either a Skid Loader or tractor loader to handle round bales. One customers husband sold the Skid Loader and the husband unloaded my trailer with a tractor and forks while I listened to his wife say He's going to buy me another Skid steer! Next time I delivered hay she had a Skid steer!

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2025 at 3:45am
Dependent on help, yeah, my 87 year old dad driving and me doing about everything else. Hence only 1000

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