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best groceries for mice traps,,,

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Topic: best groceries for mice traps,,,
Posted By: desertjoe
Subject: best groceries for mice traps,,,
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 1:45pm
 For many, many years I did not get any mice inside my house but them dag critters go inside and I want  em OUT,,!!  I got some mouse traps and baited up wit colby cheese and have only got two of them,,,one fat momma that was fixin to have mousies. My neighbor told me to put a small dab of honey on the cheese but didn't make any difference,,,!! I DO NOT want to use poison as the smell is terrible,,,' What do others use???

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 1:49pm
We have decent luck with peanut butter.  

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 1:53pm
There is a bottled mouse bait - kind of a jell that works great - it lasts well on traps especially the new ones that have like a small bait cut under the set plate . 
 I have several of the plastic traps that have like a overhead spring held cover (kill part ) and then the bait cup under the center of the release plate . 
  The jell is dispensed as a fairly thick goo and stays in place on trap and doesn't seem to dry out over months of setting .

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: Grayray
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 2:10pm
We use peanut butter with great success.  I've also heard that a little honey or sugar will help, but never needed to try that.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 2:16pm
 Hey GREAT Guys,,,On my way to Walmart, to get some peanut butter,,I;m thinking smooth,,,,(I like The crunchy one,,,Wink,

Posted By: TomC
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 2:45pm
Goggle " bucket mouse trap" you don't need to buy one,empty beer or soda can,piece of wire,yard stick so they can climb up there,smear peanut butter on the can, don't forget to put about 6 inches of water in the bucket,you will be amazed as to what all you catch " drown" in there

Posted By: Darwin W. Kurtz
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 2:47pm
Get some of the glue traps and put some peanut butter on those .....will draw them to it for sure then they're stuck. If you have indoor pets you will have to put them to where they can't get to it. We had a little dog once that liked peanut butter

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 2:58pm
Another vote for peanut butter. I sure do hate to waste such a Hendrix household staple on such vermin but I don't want them around either

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Dakota Dave
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 3:30pm
Use TomCat attractant gel. Can get at hardware stores Walmart and even Amazon. More effective than any home brewed bait. Just a little dab of it and the mice come running. Wife caught 15 mice on three traps in one day in the fish house. Cheese they steel peanut butter is ok but only caught 3 mice on it. It's only about $6 a tube and lasts a long time.

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 3:31pm
Peanut butter. Tomcat also has a bait I’ve used with great results

Posted By: mdm1
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 4:05pm
Put the trap perpendicular to the wall with the part for the bait against the wall. Mice run along the wall and when they go over the trap they spring it and you get a shot at the mouse's entire body. No bait needed. Hope that makes sense.

Everything is impossible until someone does it! WD45-trip loader 1947 c w/woods belly mower, 1939 B, #3 sickle mower 1944 B, 2 1948 G's. Misc other equipment that my wife calls JUNK!

Posted By: DanWi
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 4:14pm
Peanut butter only use a small amount on the paddle/trigger so they have to get right on it to eat it.

Posted By: DiyDave
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 5:32pm
Peanut butter, or a piece of bacon rind, threaded through the hole of the old traps...

Definitely peanut butter on the bottle of the bucket traps!Thumbs Up

Source: Babylon Bee. Sponsored by BRAWNDO, its got what you need!

Posted By: exSW
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 5:44pm
Left over Rotel/Valveeta cheese dip.

Learning AC...slowly

Posted By: DougG
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 7:04pm
Been using Always Save cheese, nothing had some left over Velvetta, yes they luv that !! Snapped a couple 

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 7:56pm
I've used about all of them. the bucket trap like Tom describes worked great for the rats I had outside, in the house I use the glue traps, the black colored plastic tray (top cat) ones work the best out of all of them. I used to put p.butter on them, but have since not needed any on them. like said above, don't put them where small house critters (dogs and cats) can get on them. 

Posted By: fixer1958
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 6:27am
Peanut butter is the only thing I had any real luck with. Have sticky traps around with peanut butter in random places I don't check very often. Good for brown recluse too in the basement.

Made a bucket trap once in the chicken house and finagled it to a 25 mile 12 volt fence charger. Entry platform was on the neg and the pos was the bait holder. Got a lot of them. Something got in there and tore the hell out of it. Probably a rat. Wish I could have seen that. Used peanut butter.

Cleaned out my garage year or two ago and saw that mice had chewed holes in the sheetrock on walls that had a bunch of crap piled up. Smeared peanut butter on rat killer bait bars and shoved them in the hole. Bunch of it. Stuffed some steel wool in the hole and taped over it with zip tape. Haven't seen any since.

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 9:31am
Peanut butter definitely works great. Plain old butter might be better though.

I hate mieces to pieces!

Posted By: Dirt Farmer
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 12:42pm
I drill a small hole through a kernel of shell corn then with fine wire I attach it to the trigger on the trap. The corn attracts the mice and doesn't dry out.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 2:11pm
 I have alway used peanut butter and I feed them deacon in my garage, the don't stink if you don't find them, something in this deacon that makes them not stink as they dry up

Posted By: dee_veloper
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 2:35pm
Peanut butter is the simplest and effective bait solution.  Stays fresh for a long time.

If you are using traps, I found that gluing them to something smooth, like a piece of cardboard, increases the success rate.  The mice can't get traction on the smooth surface and can't avoid the  trap closing.

Don't confuse my personality with my attitude.
My personality is who I am. My attitude depends on who you are.

Posted By: DonBC
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 3:49pm
I had a bit of a problem with mice in the crawl space of my previous home. In my opinion peanut butter was the best option for baiting the trap. I had the occasional problem with a larger mouse not being killed and running off with my trap before they died. I solved this problem by stapling a fishing leader to the trap and clipping the other end to a small wire staple nailed to the access door frame. I did the same process when I discovered that a rat had gained access to the attic.

Jack of all trades, master of none

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 5:47pm
Originally posted by Dirt Farmer Dirt Farmer wrote:

I drill a small hole through a kernel of shell corn then with fine wire I attach it to the trigger on the trap. The corn attracts the mice and doesn't dry out.

Rube Goldberg your cousin?

Posted By: Wayne180d
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 6:51pm
Set your traps perpendicular to the walls and you will not need any bait.  Mice and rats like to run across the room by the walls not in open spaces, I've never baited the trap and catch them all.  Peanut butter is better than cheese. 

Posted By: WF owner
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 8:33pm
A couple years ago, we had a problem with mice at work. We had a candy bucket with mini candy bars in it and found some that had been chewed. We found some mouse traps, but had no bait, so we opened some of the candy they had chewed and put it on the traps for bait. It turns out that mice will commit suicide for Reeses peanut Butter Cups!

Posted By: Dirt Farmer
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 11:08pm
Hey Tbone, I was just sharing what has worked successfully around my farm throughout the years. Thanks at least for not comparing me to Freegas.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 9:19am
Originally posted by Dirt Farmer Dirt Farmer wrote:

Hey Tbone, I was just sharing what has worked successfully around my farm throughout the years. Thanks at least for not comparing me to Freegas.
I was just messin' around with ya', so thanks for not taking it too seriously!Wink

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 10:00am
As Diy Dave mentions, mice like bacon. Never tried it but bet it would work. Last mouse I had here in town I 'discovered' by his tracks in the bacon grease in a frying pan left on the stove. Betting bacon grease would be great mouse trap bait too!

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 10:18am
To be fair, who doesn't like bacon?

Posted By: modirt
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 3:00pm
I've tried a lot of things over the years, including peanut butter. Chunk off a Fig Newton put al the rest to shame. But problem is a caught mouse must taint the trap with scent, as it's hard to catch more in the same trap.

There is a guy on youtube that does "mouse trap mondays". He did a test and found top 2 baits were chocolate and peanut butter. So Reese's peanut butter cup makes sense.

Always thought same would work well on 110 body grip trap for rats. Impale a piece on the trigger wire or use a trigger pan and hang a Reece's piece between the bars.

Posted By: jvin248
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 3:58pm

Crunchy peanut butter so you can wedge a chunk in the trigger. Just regular Victory wire spring traps. Otherwise you will keep baiting them.

I keep a Victory "Tin Cat" in the garage, same game, put opening along a wall.

YouTube has a channel of a guy who has a mouse trap hobby. Educational if nothing else. See what people used centuries ago and modern.


Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 6:21pm
Originally posted by Tbone95 Tbone95 wrote:

Originally posted by Dirt Farmer Dirt Farmer wrote:

I drill a small hole through a kernel of shell corn then with fine wire I attach it to the trigger on the trap. The corn attracts the mice and doesn't dry out.

Rube Goldberg your cousin?

 TBone,,,,you Devil ,,,you,,,! LOLLOLLOL

Posted By: soggybottomboy
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 10:11pm
Wife had a mouse in the house that she couldn't catch. She tried all the old traditional bait that had always gotten them before, but this mouse had a very discerning palite. I know that is not spelled right but I don't know how to spell that word. Anyhow, she tried peanut butter. but the mouse turned up his nose. Butter, wouldn't touch it. Cheese, no dice. Finally she popped some popcorn and tied it on the trigger with thread. That got him. The trap was in the drawer in the kitchen where we keep the Bible. I teased her that the poor mouse went into the drawer to read the Bible and pray, and she murdered him. She was not repentant.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 4:58am
 Hey Soggy,,,,great story there, Guy,,,,,Clap It IS persistence such as that which ensures success,,,,and I gots one of those kind of mices,,,,!! He/She has eaten the PB off that trap TWICE already and it shall be MY Persistence which will be his/her undoing,,,,,WinkWink
 I'ma gonna try your wife's method Except,,,it ain't gonna be easy, what with these fat, old arthritic hands and fingers to tie that popcorn to the trap,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL   

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 5:29am
Cats are supposed to keep mice away.
Not long ago my fat ole cat caught her a mouse. She came running in to show me. I hollered what the heck? She let it go to play with it. It got under the kitchen stove.
Like to never got that little varmint out of the house.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 5:50am
  Yeah, Thad,,most cats are "show-Offs" . Years ago, we had a tom that did that in leaving the mice at the front door,,,and would just swell up when the wife would pet its head,,all the while purring like ,,well like a cat,,,,LOLLOL

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 6:48am
Originally posted by desertjoe desertjoe wrote:

 Hey Soggy,,,,great story there, Guy,,,,,Clap It IS persistence such as that which ensures success,,,,and I gots one of those kind of mices,,,,!! He/She has eaten the PB off that trap TWICE already and it shall be MY Persistence which will be his/her undoing,,,,,WinkWink
 I'ma gonna try your wife's method Except,,,it ain't gonna be easy, what with these fat, old arthritic hands and fingers to tie that popcorn to the trap,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL   
It's eaten the peanut butter off the trap twice?  Joe, you is supposed to set that trap, ya know?Wink

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 11:57am
Wink You dang old frugal country folk, the manufacture of mouse traps figures you don't want to get to close the dead mouse and you pitch trap and all.LOL 

I a lot of times I leave the trap sitting out in the back yard after dumping the dead mouse. Sunshine and fresh air even a little rain to clean the smell off.

When the mice get to shy of a trap I get the poison out. Would rather smell a dead one than have live ones in everything. My wife trying to be frugal buys boxed food (cake mix, cereal, ect)  when on sale and sometimes has lots.  Back years ago we got over run, could not find a cereal box they had not had a hole chewed in it. In that battle twice we had 2 mieces in one trap they where so bad. Poison finally won the war.  Then a stray momma cat showed up and the problem was to many cats, Wink but not a sign of a mouse for years.

In more recent time after the mouser line died out, had yeller tom show up. He sat around out side but could not get to close. One day my Wonderful comes in says "I touched him".  With in 2 weeks he walked in the door and took over as king. So the Garfield moniker was given to him. After some years had a mouse in the house, and it comes up to O'l Garfield and eats out of his dish. He starts dancing around like he was afraid of it touching his paws the worthless over fed bugger.  Well worthless finally died, and within a month another wild momma cat moves into the yard. And we currently are over run with cats. But not a mouse or gopher to be found. 

Wink That balance of nature. Confused Never stay in balance long. LOL

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 12:57pm
cats seem to get DUMPED by our house... Country road just 500 ft off the County Highway... Wife has about 6 OUTSIDE right now.. Some come and go, some stay just to eat the food.. Have not seen a mouse in YEARS..   Cats only seem to last a couple years. They leave or get too far out in the timber i guess..

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 7:56pm
 Kinda like my sitiation, Steve,,,Wink  I live on the first street North of whats considered "Out In The Country", so we get all the town's cast offs such as cats and dogs,,but since my outside Dogs are a full grown Doberman and his buddy The big German Shephard and they are Both very possessive of their groceries, they tend to run off any dog strays,,,,Now cats are another thing,,,My wife would not let me run the cat strays off,,so they found em a home in my garage and they have become  very possesive ot "their" garage,,,LOL

Posted By: DaveKamp
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 12:08am
So here's one thing you can do to bait mice away from the kitchen, and into your traps.

Get a package of coffee 'pods'... the type used in a Keurig machine.  Put all but one in a zip-tie bag, and place the bag in your freezer.

Punch a small hole in the top of the other one, and place it in an unused lower drawer that mice CAN get into.

Put your mechanical and glue traps in THERE.  Bait 'em with peanut butter, jelly, cheese, popcorn... or nothing at all.
Put a coffee pod in your 'Tin Cat' trap.

Prepare thyself for every mouse in the house.

Ten Amendments, Ten Commandments, and one Golden Rule solve most every problem. Citrus hand-cleaner with Pumice does the rest.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 2:57am
 OK, Dave Kamp,,,,I'm game right up to the "Tin Cat" trap,,,,what is that?

Posted By: fixer1958
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 7:32am
Well, when I was in high school had a mean ass Boa I acquired.
SOB would try to bite me every time I look at him.
Anyway I didn't have much money to buy rats so I came up with a rat trap that was pretty effective.
Took a big coffee can and a rat trap. Wired a pretty stiff piece of screen and wired it to
that thing that slaps the piss out of them when they trip it.
Don't remember what I baited it with cause it was like 50 years ago.
Took it to the woods at school and was very effective.
Kept that mean SOB fed once a week.
Kept my folks out of my room too. He was in a big ole cage, but if the light was on 
and raised his body temp he could get onery as hell. Cool him off and you could handle him. Left the light on when I wasn't there.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 7:45am
  CHIT Fixer,, you liked to live dangerous didn't you,,,? I remember this one guy back in High School times that was said to keep a Rattle snake in a cage in his room too,,!! and as the story goes he got drunk one nite and was gonna "Show Off" and tried to grab the snake ont of the cage,,,,and the sob bit him on the palm,,,,,,the guys that were there said ole Willie's hand swelled up  something awful before he passed out and they got him to hospital,,,No ER back in them days,,,Any way,,his Father "took care" of that snake while he was in hospital,,,NO more snakes for Willie,,,!!!LOL

Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 9:44am
If I ever discovered that there was a snake in the same building that I occupy, all that you would see is the vapor trail of me leaving the premises, maybe stopping long enough to drop a lit match on my way out of the door ‼️

Posted By: fixer1958
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 5:52am
25 or so years ago young guy I worked with said he had an albino python he wanted to get rid of. Said he would barter for it. Couple of pickup loads of firewood would do. Told the wife about it and said only if you let her psychotic Siamese cat back in the house permanently. Cats name was Goose. Name fit too. Tore my boys up a good many times. Not real bad, just enough to make them holler, usually a little bit of blood. They usually asked for it. Goose held grudges for a long time. 

About the albino python, named Sparky, odd looking, yellow and white about 4' long. Deal was made and I built another bigger box, double plexiglass, kid proof latches etc. Now Goose the cat used to lay in front of the cage and watch him for hours and after about 6 months it dawned on him that this thing was probably dangerous I guess and backed off slowly and never got near it again. Funny as hell to see.
Fed Sparky dead rats. get a half dozen at the pet store. Get home, crack them in the head. Wrap them up and put them in the freezer. Come dinner time, thaw him out real good, had to be warm and he would do his snake thing and be good for a week or so. Occasional Blue jay when I was out of rats.
Trapped a few field rats but they would try to eat the snake so that was out.

Got rid of him after a few years to a really hot girl that worked at the pet store.
Was too big for the box and I was about done with it anyway.
6'11". Big as my arm. Hot pet store girl handled him like they were long lost friends.
Kind of erotic really. Wife told me my mouth was hanging open and wipe the drool off your chin. Yep, wife was watching me watch her.
Good times

Posted By: Lars(wi)
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 6:37am
Originally posted by Tbone95 Tbone95 wrote:

To be fair, who doesn't like bacon?

Yea, and who doesn’t like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups?

I tried to follow the science, but it was not there. I then followed the money, and that’s where I found the science.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 6:40am
Originally posted by Lars(wi) Lars(wi) wrote:

Originally posted by Tbone95 Tbone95 wrote:

To be fair, who doesn't like bacon?

Yea, and who doesn’t like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups?


Posted By: DaveKamp
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 8:55am
Originally posted by desertjoe desertjoe wrote:

 I'm game right up to the "Tin Cat" trap,,,,what is that?

It is a one-way mousetrap by Victor:" rel="nofollow -

Ten Amendments, Ten Commandments, and one Golden Rule solve most every problem. Citrus hand-cleaner with Pumice does the rest.

Posted By: fixer1958
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 9:13am
I've tried those. Never had much luck. Had them on my back porch once when I used it. Wouldn't touch it. Wth hell so I turned it over so the flap was always open. Party started, I watched it through the door. Turned it back over that's when I started getting a bunch at a time.

Posted By: CrestonM
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 9:13am
Originally posted by Darwin W. Kurtz Darwin W. Kurtz wrote:

Get some of the glue traps and put some peanut butter on those .....will draw them to it for sure then they're stuck. If you have indoor pets you will have to put them to where they can't get to it. We had a little dog once that liked peanut butter

I’ve used this method with great success. I never have luck with traditional wooden mouse traps. I even use this method in all my tractor cabs in the winter. They can’t get away from the glue.

Posted By: JW in MO
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 10:24am
Mine have been on full feed now for a week or so, can't hardly keep the D-con out fast enough.  They've completely carried off two packets in the last week.  I've found that if you tear a little hole in the top of the packet they'll eat it faster, also if you put a little water out beside it they'll eat more.  I did find an old patent, maybe you could check some antique shops however, I haven't had any luck." rel="nofollow -

Maximum use of available resources!

Posted By: DiyDave
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 6:01pm
Originally posted by JW in MO JW in MO wrote:

Mine have been on full feed now for a week or so, can't hardly keep the D-con out fast enough.  They've completely carried off two packets in the last week.  I've found that if you tear a little hole in the top of the packet they'll eat it faster, also if you put a little water out beside it they'll eat more.  I did find an old patent, maybe you could check some antique shops however, I haven't had any luck." rel="nofollow -

Looks like some old "burglar alarm" booby traps I've seen.  A 12 ga shell and a 3 " barrel attached to a window...Wink

Source: Babylon Bee. Sponsored by BRAWNDO, its got what you need!

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 05 Feb 2023 at 9:30pm
 Well,,,with ya'lls expert advice,,,,I'm thinkin I must of trapped all them mices in the house,,,,I've had 8 traps scattered thru the house with PB and even 2 with some Reeces PB cups,,,!!! One of the firstm I trapped was the one of them sobs had got ON the silverware tray and left his marks,  and that really pizzed me off,,,!!! It has had Reeses for a week and no takers since that first one,,SO,,maybe they all gone to the mouse place,,,,??Clapg the way

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