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Guess it's my turn. Prayers please

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Topic: Guess it's my turn. Prayers please
Posted By: thendrix
Subject: Guess it's my turn. Prayers please
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 4:46pm
Dad's got covid. He ran a slight fever yesterday and was having a little trouble getting his breath. This morning he couldn't make it to the bathroom without running out of air. He's on oxygen for COPD which I'm sure won't help things. Also has RA which affects his lungs when he gets short of breath. Usually winds up with bronchitis after getting short of breath that way due to the way the RA affects his lungs. Anyway, mama said he's getting antibiotics through IV and sounds better than he did this morning. She said he's asking for clean underwear and his tablet so I'd say that's a pretty good sign. Y'all just keep him and us in your thoughts and prayers please

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: JW in MO
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 4:53pm
Prayers sent, friend of mine had it, 63, very healthy, said he couldn't get from his chair to the bathroom without stopping to catch his breath, it's the signature of this flu.

Maximum use of available resources!

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 5:07pm
Prayers up here to Hendrix, NOBODY needs these times, especially your Dad.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 5:15pm
thoughts and prayers from our house too for your dad and all of your family hoping no one else gets it too!

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 6:01pm
Tyler I’m sending prayers from here.

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 6:48pm
Prayers from here

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 7:07pm
Tyler, prayers sent for your Dad and for you and your family. Keep us posted on his progress.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 7:37pm
Lifting him up my friend!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: FloydKS
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 7:51pm
Prayers from SE KS

Holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 8:03pm
Thanks everybody. Mama says they told her he'll be there at least 3 to 5 days possibly longer depending on how things go. Good news is we were with him Thursday and, so far, everybody in our house feels fine. My brother, his son, and his girlfriend also seem to be ok and Mama too. Mama had it in the spring and faired very well but she doesn't have any of the health problems dad does.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: klinemar
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 8:39pm
Pray for recovery. My wife told me tonight the nursing home her mother is in called and said they have 2 positive patients. Mother in law has Alzheimers and was tested for Covid. So far negative.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2020 at 9:30pm

 Well Tyler,,we're sending lots of prayers for your Daddy and all of Ya'll's family from New Mexico,,,praying no more of ya'll get it ,,,PEACE be with you and yours.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 7:43am
Our thoughts are with your dad and your family. We have heard this is tough on folks with respiratory issues. Hoping for his speedy recovery!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Gerry D17
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 8:22am
Prayers from Ontario Canada

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 9:37am
Good news on dad. They decreased his oxygen level from 6 to 4.5 so he's breathing more on his own.

New problem now is Cora is running a fever. Of course she's a kid and a kid looking the wrong way can cause a fever but either way y'all keep it up. I think we're going to treat the fever and give it an hour or so and see what happens. Hopefully it'll be gone and that be the end of it.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Wayne180d
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 10:52am
Prayers from Central Illinois May God bless

Posted By: Lars(wi)
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 11:14am
Prayers on the way. For everybody reading this, read up on the extra vitamins and minerals protocol that many experts are encouraging to help ward off, and lessen the severity of this virus.

I tried to follow the science, but it was not there. I then followed the money, and that’s where I found the science.

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 11:14am
Praying for Cora and the whole gang!, Tyler, you know where we are if ya need us!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 1:18pm
Thanks Joe and everybody else. She's running a fever again but no sniffles, coughs, sneezes, difficulty breathing, and she said breakfast was good and she smelled dog crap so I'd say those are encouraging signs that it's hopefully not covid. We figure since we're already quarantining due to being around dad then they'd probably just say treat the symptoms. I'm thinking we're going to wait it out unless something else comes up or she gets worse

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 5:15pm
Continuing to pray for you and your family, Tyler. Take care of that sweet Cora.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2020 at 5:34pm
Adding my prayers to the others for your family. Good to hear your father is already improving. Very mixed feelings if it is worth having your daughter tested. No common sense the way statistics are being added up with this. Just used to make us think it is worse than ever. 

Been thinking about this "crop" of flue bugs compared to other times. Back in the winter of 68-69 there was a worse than normal flu bug here, that was called Hong Cong strain. So just being a teen I don't remember if anybody in family had it. But it did take some of the old people. The one tractor mechanic had breathing trouble ever after, he would of been about 50 or so. Another that had run the rural coop telephone line ( Bell had bought the local a few years before) stopped working on high up things or in closed spaces after too. And always blamed the Hong Cong flu. Both had been in farm dust and smoked and other things that doc's all say are bad for breathing now. But did impact their life's for 30 or so years they lived after the "bug". 

So all that are the most at risk take extra precautions. The rest of us need to pray we are part of the 99.9% that recover.

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 5:57am
Good news. As of right now Cora's fever is gone. Just checked and she's 97.4 and sound asleep. Last fever she had was about 1:30am and we gave her 4hr Tylenol which usually only lasts about 3 hours so it's down on its own. Fingers crossed

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 6:15am
That is good news.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 8:09am
Good news, keep it up. Prayers and all the best to your family Tyler.

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 8:55am
That’s what we wanted to hear!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 9:59am

 THas Great Tyler,,,,NOW,,you can get some rest and sleep yourself,,,,Clap

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 1:03pm
   Prayers to you and your family Tyler 

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 6:25pm
Well.... Fever came back but never got high. She hung in for about 2 hours of school (digital learning, we didn't send her to school) but that was about all she could handle. Took a nap and seems a little more like Cora but still a little sluggish.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Tracy Martin TN
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2020 at 7:39pm
Prayers! God Bless! Tracy

No greater gift than healthy grandkids!

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2020 at 7:12pm
Dad doesn't seem to be doing so hot. He can't get up and get to the bathroom without running out of breath. They have him using a urinal from the bed and he says he can't do that without getting winded. They were supposed to do another lung scan but I haven't heard anything from it yet. They say it gets worse before it gets better so we're praying this is the worse and tomorrow will be better. On a positive note, Cora seems like Cora again. No fever today.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2020 at 7:18pm
continued prayers for them both!, and you and the rest of the family too!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2020 at 8:22pm

 Well,,,Tyler ,,,we just gonna have to keep praying much harder for your daddy,,,We'll make it,,,!!!!ClapClapClap

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2020 at 12:50pm
We'll I guess this is a little better. He was coughing up a little blood and they finally found a blood clot in his leg and are treating that. He still gets short of breath when he's moving around as when he's taking his breathing treatments but when he's idle they've been able to lower the oxygen from 14 to 10. We've done some hard praying for a day or two and I'd appreciate it if y'all would keep it up too. Doc says he'll be in the hospital at least 5 to 10 more days. We finally got finished with building the farm and they got in their new house and we finally got my brother and his son moved up here. He needs to hang around and enjoy us all being here for a while. It's what we've all been waiting on for a couple of years now.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2020 at 2:49pm
  Continued prayers

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2020 at 4:44pm
Prayers still going out for your daddy and the whole family🙏🙏🙏

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2020 at 6:23pm

 X 3659,,,,,

 just wantin to get a grin outa you, Tyler.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2020 at 6:43pm

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2020 at 8:13pm
Tyler, continuing to pray for your Dad and also for you and your family.  We serve a Mighty God and we just have to put our hope and trust in Him.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: Unit3
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2020 at 9:00pm
Prayers from Iowa. 

2-8070FWA PS/8050PS/7080/7045PS/200/D15-II/2-WD45/WD/3-WC/UC/C

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2020 at 8:48am
Got some good news today. Mama talked to dad this morning and she said he rested well last night and he looks and sounds much better this morning. Doctor hasn't been in yet.

Hubert you're right. We serve a mighty and a generous and merciful God. We serve a God that will hear and answer the prayers of a poor, seemingly chronic, sinner like me

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2020 at 7:31pm
Great news!! Dad is feeling and sounding much better. The Dr said he believes they've turned the corner and are on the road to recovery. I can't express how much I appreciate the prayers and the concern from people that, with the exception of 3 or 4, I've never met. You fellas are true gents and if there's anything I can do for any of you please don't hesitate to ask.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Wayne180d
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2020 at 11:44pm
Great news our Almighty God hears us and helps in our times of need.  Glad everyone is doing better continued prayers for your family.

Posted By: Ted J
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2020 at 12:39am
Tyler, I haven't been on here in a while.  Puter probs....
Anyway, I'll add you ALL to my prayer list too.  I hope Cora is doing well and maybe coming up with something funny?
Hope Dad is doing a lot better.  I had the crap and I still can't catch my breath.  I haven't smoked in over 30 years and my breathing was great before all this.  I get tired out now coming up the basement stairs, I can't get my breath and it's been 3 months since I had the covid.  I'm sure others can attest to how good of shape I'm in and this has really gotten me down.  I had a BAD case of it.  I didn't eat for a week, just slept and felt awful.
Prayers coming every day now for you all.  God bless

19?? WC / 1941 C / 1952 CA / 1956 WD45 / 1957 WD45 / 1958 D-17

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2020 at 5:24am
Originally posted by thendrix thendrix wrote:

Great news!! Dad is feeling and sounding much better. The Dr said he believes they've turned the corner and are on the road to recovery. I can't express how much I appreciate the prayers and the concern from people that, with the exception of 3 or 4, I've never met. You fellas are true gents and if there's anything I can do for any of you please don't hesitate to ask.

Great news Tyler!, hope the little fireball is feeling better too!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2020 at 6:26am
Cora is doing great. She's back to the same old Cora. I kinda wonder if she had a cold of some kind. There's been a few folks around here that get a fever for a couple days then their fine but, of course, the first thing in everybody's mind is covid.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2020 at 6:57am
Originally posted by Ted J Ted J wrote:

Tyler, I haven't been on here in a while.  Puter probs....
Anyway, I'll add you ALL to my prayer list too.  I hope Cora is doing well and maybe coming up with something funny?
Hope Dad is doing a lot better.  I had the crap and I still can't catch my breath.  I haven't smoked in over 30 years and my breathing was great before all this.  I get tired out now coming up the basement stairs, I can't get my breath and it's been 3 months since I had the covid.  I'm sure others can attest to how good of shape I'm in and this has really gotten me down.  I had a BAD case of it.  I didn't eat for a week, just slept and felt awful.
Prayers coming every day now for you all.  God bless

Yeesh Ted, I didn't know you had the crap! That sounds rough. I know it sure hits some people hard.

Hope you get feeling better, my friend.

Continued prayers for Tyler's family and sounds like you could use some help too!

Still hoping to have an MGD with you some day!

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2020 at 7:06am
Originally posted by Ted J Ted J wrote:

Tyler, I haven't been on here in a while.  Puter probs....
Anyway, I'll add you ALL to my prayer list too.  I hope Cora is doing well and maybe coming up with something funny?
Hope Dad is doing a lot better.  I had the crap and I still can't catch my breath.  I haven't smoked in over 30 years and my breathing was great before all this.  I get tired out now coming up the basement stairs, I can't get my breath and it's been 3 months since I had the covid.  I'm sure others can attest to how good of shape I'm in and this has really gotten me down.  I had a BAD case of it.  I didn't eat for a week, just slept and felt awful.
Prayers coming every day now for you all.  God bless

Interesting comment on the eating Ted.

The wife says (currently our hospital is full to capacity with Covid patients), when the people quit eating is when they really go down hill, because it takes so much energy to breathe through this stuff, with no nourishment the body depletes itself in a hurry!

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2020 at 1:59pm
  Tedj you sound like when I had a problem breathing a few years ago and thought it was heart. They done EKG and everything was Ok so they done chest x-ray, I quit smoking in 1985 and they detected a little COPD in my lung, I have been on inhalor for a few years now and it sure helped. When I first started on it I coughed up a lots of flem out of my lungs and I feel a lot better.

Posted By: Herb(GA)
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2020 at 3:30pm

Prayers from Barbara and me for your entire family.  Herb(GA)

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2020 at 8:36am
More good news. They moved him to ICU on Friday because they could give more oxygen and it's warm and moist so it doesn't dry him out as bad. They also turned the oxygen monitor away so he can't see it. Everytime it drops some he breathes deeper trying to get it up and that's more taxing on the lungs and the body. They also told him he has to quit having so many phone calls so he/his lungs can rest. That was in Friday. Yesterday they were able to cut his oxygen in half and are feeling really good about it. Maybe he'll get to come home one day this week

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Dick L
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2020 at 8:46am
Jumping in late on the prayers!

Posted By: Dan Hauter
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2020 at 8:46pm
Prayers for your dad from southwest Illinois.   I tested positive on November 16 & was released from quarantine on Thanksgiving Day.  COVID affects everyone differently. My highest temperature was 98.6 and I didn't lose taste or smell.  But it was like I had the flu for 2 weeks. I'm 65 & have diabetes. My wife tested negative so is on quarantine until December 10. Sounds like overkill to me. My main problem now is that I get tired after doing anything. 

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020 at 6:57am
Well...a step forward and 1 1/2 back I guess. He couldn't keep his oxygen up last night so instead of the tubes in the nose they put the mask on him that forces more oxygen in. The nurse kinda hinted they might take him off that today but when mama flat asked her about that she said it's hard to tell. Y'all just keep it up please. I can't express how grateful and thankful I am for all you fellas.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020 at 7:10am
Give him time, it's a lot to fight off, we got your back!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020 at 9:22am

 So far with this covid thing, our #3 Son and his GF in El Paso, Tx have got it and got past with just a lingering cough. We have a Niece in Dallas, Tx that is really struggling with it in the hospital going on two weeks with difficulty breathing. She is just 35 years old,,!!
I'm curious what others here are gonna do when the vaccine (s) are made available,,,are you gonna take it or,,,,?????

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020 at 2:25pm
  Yes, I plan on when ever it's available 

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2020 at 11:47am
Things aren't going well. They're about to put dad on a respirator

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2020 at 12:23pm
Sorry to hear that.  At least they have a lot more knowledge on how to treat covid.  You and your family are in my thougts.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2020 at 2:30pm

Posted By: Wayne180d
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2020 at 4:04pm
Keeping you on our thoughts and prayers

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2020 at 5:16pm
Wait wait wait! Hold the phone hold the phone! Mama misunderstood. They discussed putting him on a respirator to get his thoughts. He has been on a bipap for a few days (oxygen mask) and was able to go without it for an hour and a half. If I'm not mistaken I think that means he went without any oxygen assistance for an hour and a half

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2020 at 12:35am

 Hey Tyler,,,we just got to double down and pray harder for your Daddy and your whole family!! Keep us informed and get some rest yourself.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2020 at 10:41am
Yes, prayers continued, that does sound better

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2020 at 1:12pm
Dad seems to be able to talk a little better today than he did last night. Last night it was just a word or two but mama said this morning he was getting 4 or 5 words together before he has to stop and breathe. Still has a lot against him with his other issues but seems like a slight improvement

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2020 at 9:57pm
Tyler, still sending up the prayers. Glad to hear he is making progress, any improvement, even though slight, is good news.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2020 at 6:53am
Back the other way now. They're taking respirator again. They talk like if he has to go on it he may not come off. Dad's really upset and Mama isn't fairing to well either.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2020 at 7:47am
Continued prayer my friend!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2020 at 9:06am

  Prayers continued, Tyler.  Get some rest yourself. Peace be with you!

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2020 at 1:59pm
Continued prayers, Tyler.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: allischalmerguy
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2020 at 9:16pm
Oh Lord, come and help and heal. In Jesus name.

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 2:48pm
I've been a little hesitant about updating everybody because it seems like everytime I posted an improvement it would get a little worse. Mama said the Dr told her he's having some trouble keeping his oxygen up but the inflammation numbers are trending down and they expect his breathing to get better over the next day or two. This is awesome news as we were expecting him to go to a ventilator today and be gone by Monday. Praise the Lord for some good news. Please keep it up fellas.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 2:53pm
You take care of everyone, we’re working the prayers!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: Herb(GA)
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 3:06pm

Yes; more prayers for your entire family.  Herb(GA)

Posted By: Dick L
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 3:07pm
Praying for more good news!

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 8:18pm
Continuing with prayers. Take care of yourself and your Mom. I know this is extremely taxing and nerve wracking on you and your Mom.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: Wayne180d
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 8:26pm
Continuing with our prayers.  Stay strong Tyler they all need you 

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2020 at 7:21am
Little more good news. He slept better last night. White cell count us still up but inflammation keeps going down

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Wayne180d
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2020 at 11:55am
Awesome keeping you and your family in our prayers

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2020 at 4:19pm
They're putting dad on a ventilator. Doesn't sound like he'll last long

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2020 at 6:33pm
Sorry to hear that, Tyler.  We will double down on the prayers and keep asking for a miracle. Stay strong and depend on the Lord. 

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2020 at 7:12pm
Sad to read this Tyler, please don't give up hope!, prayers for you all continue!

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: Red Bank
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2020 at 8:29pm
Prayers to you and your family.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2020 at 2:23pm
Prayers for you and your family Tyler

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2020 at 6:31pm
Tyler, don't want to bug you but I just wanted to check on you and your Dad. Both of you as well as the rest of your family are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2020 at 8:08pm
Well.... I've been hesitant to say because everytime I say something seems better it turns the other way. But so far he's hanging in there like a hair in a biscuit. He's still on the ventilator. His O2 saturation is 95% which is better than it's been in weeks. However, he's a long way from keeping it there on his own. Basically I don't really know how he is. Just kinda waiting to see I guess

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2020 at 10:36pm
Mama just called and said he's going down fast. They told her to come to the hospital and they'd let her in for a few minutes. My brother is gone with her.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 1:39am
Gentlemen I thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Dad passed about an hour ago. I would appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers for my mother. They have been together since she was 16 and were married for 46 years. She's going to have a hard time.

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: Joe Goodwill
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 5:22am
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please pass on condolences from this huge amazing Allis family.
Take care of your mom, we lost dad 13 years ago and mother misses him every day but is so thankful for the family here to support her.

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 5:55am
So sorry to read this Tyler, he’s with his Lord now no longer suffering, we all continue to pray for you, your Mom, and the entire family. So sorry my friend, we’re a phone call away.

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: Dick L
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 6:09am
You have our sympathy!

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 6:10am
Very sorry for your loss

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 6:37am
Tyler, very sorry for your loss. The Christmas season is an especially hard time to lose a loved one but rest assured that your Dad is at peace now and not suffering anymore. We are praying that God will give you and your family, especially your Mom, comfort and strength during this time of grief." rel="nofollow -

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 7:17am
So sorry to hear Tyler, prayers up from here and condolences to all the family.

Posted By: TomC
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 7:19am
Sorry for your loss, prayers from Hillsboro Mo.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 9:18am
  Prayers for your family Tyler as has been said he is in peace and not longer in any pain.

Posted By: Wayne180d
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 9:24am
Prayers from central Illinois Your father is at peace and no longer suffering.  May you and your family find your strength and comfort in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 9:29am

 Our deepest sympathy, Tyler.

Posted By: Alberta Phil
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 10:15am
Sorry to hear that, Tyler.  Will keep your Mom and family in prayers.

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 2:52pm
So sorry for your loss, take care of your mom.

Posted By: AllisFreak MN
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2020 at 7:48pm
Condolences from Minnesota. Very sorry for your loss.

'49 A-C WD, '51 A-C WD, '63 A-C D17 Series III, 1968 A-C One-Seventy, '82 A-C 6060, '75 A-C 7040, A-C #3 sickle mower, 2 A-C 701 wagons, '78 Gleaner M2

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