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AC 7080 should I buy it?

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Topic: AC 7080 should I buy it?
Posted By: Blustery Knoll Farm
Subject: AC 7080 should I buy it?
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2018 at 10:45pm
After buying a 7020 s year ago, I've decided I should have a second 7000 series tractor that's a little bigger. I have been keeping my eye out for a 7045 or 7060.

Anyhow, I came across a 7080 that appears to be in good condition not too far from home for $7500 OBO. That's a little more power than I need, and the large 1000 PTO means I can only use it for drawbar work.

My questions are: Can it be converted to dual speed PTO?

I hear that the 7080 had engine reliability issues. Should I be scared of that?

Should I just keep looking for a 7060? If I knew what I know now, I probably should have bought the 7060 I looked at a year ago with a bad torque limiter, as it was priced right.

Posted By: SteveM C/IL
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2018 at 11:32pm can use an adapter and run small 1000 pto equipment and you can also swap in a dual speed. The excessive rpm setting is where the unreliable story comes from so it matters a lot how it was treated and serviced.They had lower speed finals to offset high rpm.Wouldn't think that would be an issue with lower rpm and "right gear" for field work. If it's like and 8070 (pretty sure it is) it has more plates in PD than 7060...probably don't matter though.

Date Posted: 09 Sep 2018 at 8:24am
1500 bucks or less will get you the parts to make a 7080 dual speed PTO. Everything comes out from the bottom and back. If you aren't pulling anything hard with it, shift up a gear and idle back. The high RPMs are what gave the 7080 a bad rap. If you run that motor at 2300 it will live for a long time. I know from experience

Education doesn't make you smart, it makes you educated.

Posted By: Dave974
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2018 at 12:31pm
Not long ago I faced a similar decision and am now a proud 7080 owner.  Smile

I farm smaller acreage part time.  About 6 years back I bought my first AC tractor, a 7010, to help with planting.  I really liked it and decided to keep my eyes open for a larger 7000 or 8000 series for tillage.  My tillage tractor had been a JD 4430 and my tillage tools were sized appropriately for it.  I was wanting to move up to a disk chisel and worried about how the notoriously weak rear end of the Deere would handle the task.

I originally had a 7060 or 8050 in mind but ran across a low hour 7080 at auction a couple years back and decided to take the plunge.  It needed a little TLC but hadn't been abused and the price was right.  

So far, I've been happy with the 7080.  Since it's just for tillage, I don't mind the 1000 PTO.  I can pull the same implements I previously pulled with a 130HP tractor in a faster gear without taxing the 7080 much at all.  As others have mentioned, high RPMs is what lead to reliability issues so I try to keep the RPMs in check.  I know I'll never have to worry about the rear end.  The 7080 comes standard with a very stout drivetrain and 4" rear axles.

Is the one you're considering?" rel="nofollow -
If so it's very similar to mine.

Posted By: Blustery Knoll Farm
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2018 at 10:10pm
No, Dave, it's not that one. The one I am looking at has a fairly recent paint job of mediocre quality, and 3300 hours on the tach. The seller has only owned it since 2011, and bought it from an estate, so cannot verify hours.

If avoiding running them at high RPM is all it takes to keep them reliable, maybe I will go for it.

Posted By: AC7060IL
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2018 at 9:07am
3300 hrs is low. It must be a black 7080, not maroon?
If it sells with weights, duals, & decent tires, $7500 goes a long way. Good luck! Please post pics if you get it.

Posted By: Blustery Knoll Farm
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2018 at 12:18pm
Looks like it was a maroon belly that got painted black. No weights or duals, but the tires aren't bad.

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