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Lotta lotto

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Other Topics
Forum Name: Shops, Barns, Varmints, and Trucks
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Topic: Lotta lotto
Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Subject: Lotta lotto
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 8:21pm
Not sayin I am gonna win, but I did buy some tickets. What would you do if you won  the big one? I think I would take the cash, help out the family  and friends that needed it and then buy land and tractors....and a winter place where it is warmer LOL!

This year:

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 8:33pm
Zactly what i would do, if I won, but I guess I'd have to buy a ticket.
I have some ones in my sock drawer I've been saving for just such a day.  WAY back in the 90's, I started a new job. The second week there a guy asked if I wanted in the check pool for a dollar. I gave him my dollar and won the pool. I hope there ain't any mold on them bills y now Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow -
Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

Posted By: *DougW
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 8:35pm
If I win the lottery? Just keep farming till it's all gone😂

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 9:53pm
I gots my tickets!

Posted By: Mrgoodwrench
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 10:08pm
You don’t need tickets... I always figured If i Was lucky enough to win the powerball I was lucky enough to find the
Winning ticket too!

There are 3 ways to do job GOOD, FAST, CHEAP. YOU MAY CHOOSE 2. If its FAST & CHEAP it won't be GOOD, if it's GOOD & CHEAP it won't be FAST, and if its GOOD & FAST it won't be CHEAP!!!!

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 10:10pm
Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote:

I gots my tickets!
Let's hear your dreams man! Did you ever enter that contest for the place in Alaska?
Anyone been following up on that????

This year:

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 10:32pm
Hey I won! Got the mega ball.....worth $2!

This year:

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 10:35pm
that place in AK was way to small and confined for my liking. I passed! and if i'd win the lotto now....i'd replace the windshield in my one pickup, buy a place up at Hutchinson so we all had a place to stay and play, build a 100,000 sq ft basement and puts a new house inside and have a heated PLAY PEN in it, maybe put a pool in so my puppies could swim, (Perry Mason just came on and there's an AC earth mover on the show), might by the old lady, ooooops....I mean the loving wife a newer burb! I could puts sum extra acomidations in so if any of ya'll wanted to visit.....the list goes on...oh...yeah...i'd buy me a new gas grill!

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 11:00pm
Hopefully you will retire the 'machine'!

This year:

Posted By: Michael V (NM)
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 11:07pm
Just checked my numbers,,, I jus donated...hafta wait til tomorrow now...

Posted By: HD6GTOM
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 12:30am
Probably trip to SE Asia -then run over to Karlsrue Germany and become an importer of Monninger beer, would share at Hutch. While I am over there would go see a lot of places I was at and not at. Would defiantly trade off this ferd powered wanna be motor home, what's that old Dina Shore song "see the USA in your Chevrolet." Probably buy all the grandsons a new Corvette after I put them thru college, maybe a new home too.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 4:50am

Originally posted by *DougW *DougW wrote:

If I win the lottery? Just keep farming till it's all gone😂

  Thet Doug,,,he's too much,,,,,,,Clap

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 5:03am
  Well,,,Ya see,,,,I wouldn't need the whole 589 Million,,,chit,, a couple, three million would do me just fine,,,we,,,UMmm,,,maybe bout 5-6 million would be nice but,,,,,but   let's just say 10 million would fit right in too,,,,,chit better go fire up the backhoe and start diggin a bunch of them Shameless holes out back,,,just in case,,,,,Clap

Posted By: Dave in PA
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 5:12am
I hit for some big money, I will receive $2!!

Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 5:25am
I'd have me about a 100 X 200 heated shop put, a new barn for the ole lady's cattle, and a new house. Other than that, I'd just keep on doing what I'm doing, and probably have a lot of fun doing it. Darrel

Posted By: bikley
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 6:20am
I would have to buy the machine off of Shameless and get rid of the dang thing

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 6:31am thunks the price for it just went up!

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 9:11am
Price on machine just rose from $1.98 to $2.98

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 9:46am
   Well,,,lets be fair here,,Guys,,,,, I happen to know that to some of youse Guys up in the Nort,,,thet machine be worth LOTS more than the prices bein offered up,,,,Ya gots to remember we is talkin bout folks that just MAYBE thinkin they gonna win the Big Lottery,,,so,,I think to be fair to ole Shameless,,,who has no doubt spent lots of his hours and time perfectin his creation,,,,he,,,ought to be lookin at some bids over $100 anyways,,hadn't he,,???
 I ain't touchin this one as I still remember Winter Storm Collasus,,or was it Winter Storm  Brutus or some such,,,,,,,,,it was one of them BIG ones and I'm stayin on his good side,,,,,WinkLOL

Posted By: Dave in PA
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 11:27am
I really don't have a issue with the machine and the "pretty".   He can sent a few inches this way any time that his little young heart desires, just as long as it is in the temperature range of 60-70 degrees!

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 11:49am
I am sure O'l Shameless being how generous he always is would share some "pretty" my way no matter how many Big Allis purple power units he had to hunt up to make it out land here. 

Now me, like Doug just keep on farming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well this week maybe put some to the curer of the common cold. Been 10 day and still blow, hack ,and blow someAngry more.

Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 12:10pm
Originally posted by Mrgoodwrench Mrgoodwrench wrote:

You don’t need tickets... I always figured If i Was lucky enough to win the powerball I was lucky enough to find the
Winning ticket too!

I thought I invented that! I've always said if the Lord wanted me to have that money, He would provide the ticket!

I am still confident of this;
I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27

Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 07 Jan 2018 at 1:00am
Originally posted by Ray54 Ray54 wrote:

I am sure O'l Shameless being how generous he always is would share some "pretty" my way no matter how many Big Allis purple power units he had to hunt up to make it out land here. 

Now me, like Doug just keep on farming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well this week maybe put some to the curer of the common cold. Been 10 day and still blow, hack ,and blow someAngry more.

Ray, that blowing, hacking, and blowing some more that you've been doing for 10 days now. ....? If it's like what I had, then you are about half ways through it. It hung on for 3 weeks for me. Terrible . Maybe ole Shameless machine spreads cold and flu bugs around the country side, too. ....? Darrel

Posted By: DanWi
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2018 at 11:24am
I didn't win any of the big jackpots so I got to thinking the big powerball and megamillions added together was over 1 billion dollars just think if that was divided out at 1 million or $100,000 per person it would make for a few more happy people.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2018 at 3:15pm
I had to break down and go to the doctor to get relief from my cold, went 10 days and over counter stuff was cutting it, guess with this COPD I might as well just go to the doctor and gets some good meds instead of messing around.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2018 at 11:03pm
I won free tickets on my lotto tickets, so I guess I could manage on the $50,000,000. it's up to now!

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2018 at 11:23pm
Yeah I won $6 on my last 4 tickets....guess I should go trade them in. Not sure if it's worth playing when it ain't at least 300 million tho :-)

This year:

Posted By: Eldon (WA)
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 9:59am
Originally posted by henrywilson henrywilson wrote:

Congrats, 6$ is good. Many players didn`t got even 1 buck. So you should consider that you are lucky. Got any updates ?

Haven't won the lotto, but we did buy a winter home in St. George, Utah 3 months after I made the original post, and enjoyed our first winter there last year.

This year:

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 10:55am
Wink Reading the old posts I hope the covid police don't stumble onto this as Darrel and I where fighting the pre covid and then ...................someone acussed Embarrassed "the machine" of spreading germ bugs around.

Clap The Geek covid cops mite come Angry and crush "the machine". Oh to live without Wink "pretty" ever again.LOLLOLLOL

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 11:21am
I throw my money away on occasion too, just not so often anymore,  Will spend $20 for Lotto, Power Ball and Show Me cash tickets, generally go back in week or two, trade them for different ones for $20.  No aspirations nor hopes will ever hit the Big Win, not in my cards, not ever been that lucky.  

IF, that magic word IF the wife and I should ever win, well we like it right here, family would be a little better off and I would have a newer tractor and newer pickup, not much else we need beyond paying down our debt load.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 7:04pm
yep...i'd take the cash option, i like a place waaaaaaaay up in WY, they only wants $13,000,000. for...and it has an indoor pool. i could swim nekkid any time i want! i could fix my one pickup, and my jeep. maybe a walk in freezer for more meat storage for grilling? and a bigger pot to make my special beans in!

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 8:46pm
I would very quietly take care of the bills for us, my folks, the in-laws, and my brother. Then I would very quietly stash the rest. Very quietly because I've got quite a bit of kin folk that don't need to know anything about it

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 11:24pm
will you adopt me?

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2020 at 8:37am
Originally posted by HD6GTOM HD6GTOM wrote:

Probably trip to SE Asia -then run over to Karlsrue Germany and become an importer of Monninger beer, would share at Hutch. While I am over there would go see a lot of places I was at and not at. Would defiantly trade off this ferd powered wanna be motor home, what's that old Dina Shore song "see the USA in your Chevrolet." Probably buy all the grandsons a new Corvette after I put them thru college, maybe a new home too.

Dang, I musta won the lotto and not realize it.  I once got an all expense years vacation in sunny SE Asia.  Yep and all the JP-4 I could burn.  Confused

Posted By: GARY(OH/IN)
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2020 at 11:44am
I'd do the same thing I'm doing now. Put the money in real estate as in farm land, live comfortable and put the excess rents into more land. Only would be doing it bigger and complaining more about the government getting some more too.
Daughter gave me a ticket for some reason that had a $10 winner. Went into a busy convenience store and when I took the cash the guy working said I was the first person he could remember that took the money.

Posted By: DanWi
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2020 at 3:21pm
If I won a big lottery jackpot I would hire a good full time mechanic. We could start by fixing all the stuff I already own then when caught up with that stuff go and buy a few more projects. I don't mind turning wrenches but eyesight and hearing aren't as good as they used to be and I don't enjoy those jobs as much anymore.

Posted By: Harvey/pa
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2020 at 9:14pm
Well I would take care of the kids & grandkids first,  then start a dairy. Always wanted to do that when I was younger and with that kind of money I could afford to have plenty of help and to lose money. By the time I was broke I'd be dead! Wouldn't worry about no "machine" either,  could afford loaders & plows to move that white stuff...Harvey

Posted By: Lars(wi)
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2020 at 12:53pm
First, I would hire an accountant, then hire a lawyer, then one more of each to watch the first two.
I would more than likely take the extended payout.
The last thing I want is money ruining my family. When I die, that’s it. It was my winnings, nobody else’s. The only person I would set up a trust for, and have named as a co- owner of the ticket would be my special needs son.

I tried to follow the science, but it was not there. I then followed the money, and that’s where I found the science.

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2020 at 3:01pm
I was just reading the other day what to do if you won the big one.  The first thing suggested was hire a lawyer to set up an LLC so your name doesn't have to be given when the winnings are given out.  In some states you can't do that so I guess you should move to one of the non tax states before you buy the winning ticket. I guess the next step is to hire a financial adviser to spread out the money so it makes you more, maybe enough to live on without having to dip into the principal.  Probably not a problem for me as I only buy lotto tickets just before Christmas and give them out to friends and family,

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2020 at 1:37pm
Wink The way 2020 is going.................if you get to 2021 YOU ARE A WINNER.

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2020 at 9:20pm
Ray, I agree!

Posted By: Ted J
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2020 at 3:02pm
Do you have to buy a ticket to win?  I NEVER buy tickets, what are the odds??

19?? WC / 1941 C / 1952 CA / 1956 WD45 / 1957 WD45 / 1958 D-17

Posted By: Ryanlark
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2020 at 6:02pm
Oh man, the lotto. My grandpa has been buying those tickets for like more than 17 years. Never won anything more than 200 bucks. I do not really believe that you can win it like that. However in the case i would have been buying those tickets, surely half of the money i would give to my grandpa, i would try to make him feel like he won them. The rest of the money, well i do not know actually. I guess i would buy something, like real estate, as an investment. And i would leave some money to play some poker on" rel="nofollow - . I am not a gambling addict, i just really like poker, and i am good at it, so i guess i could actually gain some more money.

Posted By: Sonra
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2022 at 8:38pm
I play video poker and slots online at" rel="nofollow - wild card city withdrawal time . It is a good way to kill time. Especially on lengthy flights, I enjoy playing casino games while doing long car journeys. Gambling helps me feel a little more at ease and reduces some of the stress I experience because I detest travelling.

Posted By: Alberta Phil
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2022 at 9:35pm
Spam!!  Reported

Posted By: festus51
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2022 at 6:54pm
I would hire a full time mechanic.  I am sick and tired of wrenching 

We the unwilling Led by the unqualified Doing the impossible for the Ungrateful

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2023 at 10:00pm
Originally posted by Ted J Ted J wrote:

Do you have to buy a ticket to win?  I NEVER buy tickets, what are the odds??

Worse than slim to none
I know,old thread but saw Ted's post and couldn't resist

Posted By: Pat the Plumber CIL
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2023 at 8:05am
I usually wait a week or two to check my tickets. I told a coworker years ago that I would wait until I heard where the winning ticket was sold .if I heard my hometown then I would check numbers. He told me you better hope you hear where the winning ticket was sold before I do

You only need to know 3 things to be a plumber;Crap rolls down hill,Hot is on the left and Don't bite your fingernails

1964 D-17 SIV 3 Pt.WF,1964 D-15 Ser II 3pt.WF ,1960 D-17 SI NF,1956 WD 45 WF.

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