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D17 Series 4 will not raise 417 loader

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 21 Mar 2025 at 11:24pm
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Topic: D17 Series 4 will not raise 417 loader
Posted By: acisbest
Subject: D17 Series 4 will not raise 417 loader
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2017 at 8:11am
My father owns a 1967 D17 Series IV. It has live hydraulics and a 417 front end loader." rel="nofollow -
He bought a 3pt log splitter and connected the splitter to the hydraulic coupling in the rear of the tractor.  He ran the return into the fill area of the tractors hydraulics." rel="nofollow -
He's been using the splitter for years without issue. This year he got into some tough wood and pushed the splitter too hard. Two lines burst on his front end loader.
He repaired the lines and says that now the loader will only raise about 1/2 way. He says that it sounds like its laboring, he doe not believe its cavitation.  He said he filled the system back up after the lines broke.
Has he messed up the control unit? Could it be the loader's cylinders?
Any ideas?

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2017 at 9:15am
He's low on hyd oil still.  Dipstick/fill hole is to the LEFT of the gearshift when sitting in the seat.

Posted By: tbran
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2017 at 2:51pm
Tend to agree with Dr. - but what does the log splitter have to do with the loader. If the splitter is run off the remote it can't be 'pushed to hard' as the relief valve will take care of the system.

When told "it's not the money,it's the principle", remember, it's always the money..

Posted By: waltw
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2017 at 8:22pm
Hoses might be swapped around. Two lines failed if one was for cylinders lifting boom and the other was for tilting bucket, it's possible the two lines were switched by mistake during reassembling.

Mystery still is how lines failed while log splitter was being used.

Posted By: Too Tall
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2017 at 9:57pm
I don't know if it is normal but on my D17 series !V I have to overfill the hyd. oil according to the dip stick for my 500 loader to work properly.  Fill it to the line and then add a half gal.  Works great then  

Posted By: DonDittmar
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 8:11am
Can you show us a picture of exactly how he ran the return line and how the splitter and loader pressure lines are hooked up.

Sounds like to me he has it hooked up in a way that the splitter hydraulics back fed to the loader side of the hydraulics bursting the lines.  I need to see how everything is hooked up in order to verify this

Experience is a fancy name for past mistakes. "Great moments are born from great opportunity"

1968 D15D,1962 D19D
Also 1965 Cub Loboy and 1958 JD 720 Diesel Pony Start

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 11:07am
Think he was lines hooked wrong when replacing hoses...
  You say he has the return line running back to the fill hole... so did he just remove one loader line and then pressure that one line to run through another valve for splitter?  Or did he T into a loader line for the wood spitter power, I see the bucket rolled backwards. Something sures not right.

He who says there is no evil has already deceived himself
The truth is the truth, sugar coated or not. Trawler II says, "Remember that."

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 12:20pm
There are TWO full marks on a D-17 IV hydraulic dipstick. Always use the higher full mark and disregard the lower mark.

Posted By: acisbest
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2017 at 10:48am

Was up at our cabin and had a chance to look at the tractor. Checked the fluid, was a little low, but still reading on the dipstick. Filled it. Started it up and found that it was binding, not starving for fluid on the up movement.

Followed the lines to the rear connectors. The out pressure line was secure. The return line was in the connector but it was not fully in. Tried pushing it in but the pressure was too great from binding. Hit the nub on the line with a hammer a few times which released most of the high pressure. Then I pushed the tab on the side of the frame and relieved all of the pressure. It coupled right in and everything is working fine now.
Thanks for the help in narrowing down the problem.

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