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Allis 8010 - Add to the Collection?

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: Allis 8010 - Add to the Collection?
Posted By: Mosin9130
Subject: Allis 8010 - Add to the Collection?
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2017 at 7:47pm
Always looking to add to the collection, I came across this 8010 while on the way back home from the farm.  It's located in Anson, TX at Watt's Tractors (which I hear has a good reputation).  They were closed but here are some numbers they had posted:

Serial number - 2765
Hrs showing - 369
Transmission - PS
Price - $13,950

The sales ad says 369 hrs but the tach reads 371 so with a difference of 2 hrs, I'm assuming the tach is working?  If so, aren't those hours ridiculously low?  I'm on the fence about grabbing it but always wanted to add an 8000 series to the collection (its use would be small round baling and/or brush hogging).

Here are some pics I took of it...inside the cab doesn't look that great; the outside looks somewhat neglected (lights); everything is dry underneath except there appears to be a fuel leak at one of the connections to the tank.

What do you all think?...worth a test drive or RUN?

'56 WD 45...'63 D15 II...'66 D17 IV

Posted By: Ron(AB)
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2017 at 8:19pm
If you believe those hours…I have some ocean front property for sale! lol

Seriously- check it a bit further.

Posted By: AC8010
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2017 at 8:24pm
I would be interested if it was closer, but I doubt that the hours are right!

Posted By: Mosin9130
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2017 at 8:34pm
The tach hrs was the first red flag...can/do people simply change the tach out that easily?   

Let's assume the hrs are wrong, do the pics show any type of "condition" it's in.  With the cab faded on the outside and the interior looking neglected, I'm guessing it's been sitting outside for awhile.  The rear rims looked to be painted but the fronts were left original.  

'56 WD 45...'63 D15 II...'66 D17 IV

Posted By: what66
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2017 at 8:48pm
It looks to me like the hour meter is broken if you look the first digit looks damaged.

Posted By: AC7060IL
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2017 at 9:06pm
Looks like a consignment auction piece. It's skins look rough, but never can tell about it's mechanics till you give it a running demo. A talk with previous owner(s) would sure ease lots of concerns. Either way, buyer beware. Best of luck.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 7:05am
10371 hours more like it.

Posted By: Dale-OH
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 8:15am
That looks like a pretty average 30+ year old texas tractor.  The 8000 series cabs faded bad here in the Midwest let alone the texas sun.  As for the hours it is hard to verify those unless it has been a machine that you have known and trust the previous owner.  To me that is not a terrible price for that tractor if it is mechanically sound, the body work is not tore up bad, tires are good, just needs some prep work and paint. 

Posted By: allisrutledge
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 11:24am
Look real close, It peed a spot on the ground Just thinking about going back to work. Its tired,someone give it a rest.

Allis Chalmers still exist in my mind and barns

Posted By: allisrutledge
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 11:56am
On the serious side, the university of NC had one that was worse looking than that with low hours. If the leak is a fuel line and mechanicly it is good there is nothing I see that can't be fixed if you are so inclined. Run it up to temp and then look at things /blowby,leaks ,smoke,and check the drawbar and lift arms for wear.

Allis Chalmers still exist in my mind and barns

Posted By: Joe(TX)
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 2:44pm
I've dealt with the dealer before and they came across as being honest and straight forward.
There is similar one in Deleon TX for $15500 that looks a little better. I looked at this one but have not heard it run. I was trying to decide if I should buy it." rel="nofollow -

1970 190XT, 1973 200, 1962 D-19 Diesel, 1979 7010, 1957 WD45, 1950 WD, 1961 D17, Speed Patrol, D14, All crop 66 big bin, 180 diesel, 1970 170 diesel, FP80 forklift. Gleaner A

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 2:45pm
It is very likely a tach broke.  I find it really unlikely that the tach broke at only 371 hours and somebody didn't fix it.  So what happened?  It broke at some random place in the 1000's, somebody somehow messed with the numbers, and it reads 371?  Maybe.  Is it 10371 and the tach still works?  Maybe.  Did the tach break at 10371 and there's many more hours on it than that??? Maybe.
Point is, it is EXTREMELY likely that the hours aren't correct!
But so what?  The price isn't that far out of whack if it test drives ok.  Very true what a Texas or southern sun does to tractors.  Do a hydraulic function test, blowby, tires, how it feels, sounds, etc.  Fuel leak ain't no big thing.  Make an offer if you can use the tractor, you never know.  It might serve you well.

Posted By: TimNearFortWorth
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 4:52pm
She def. spent plenty of years in the open to be that faded. Always gets me that a filter can't be changed before showing a tractor or advertising pictures on-line. How much would a filter cost? I usually walk away when I see a rust colored oil filter, but that's just me.
Joe, that FWD unit was reportedly off their own pecan plantation. Owner told me it did light tillage over the years and spent most of it's time running tree shakers.
With recent rains, bettin the right rear corner inside that cab has plenty of water as it had standing water in it a couple years ago when I looked it over. Seem to recall the fan shroud had a chunk out of it as well. He was "firm" when asked about the price back then and I see it has not changed. Not a bad lookin unit overall, for that many hours on her.

Posted By: Mosin9130
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 6:38pm
Haha, I was thinking the same thing about the filter and that's why I made sure it was in the pic!

You all provided some great feedback and that is much appreciated!  I've reached out to Watt's and am waiting feedback which I'll share here.  I'm also planning a visit up there on Saturday to check it out in person for a "test drive".

'56 WD 45...'63 D15 II...'66 D17 IV

Posted By: GM Guy
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2017 at 11:56pm
I would vote for the hour meter rolling over, so add 10,000 hours. In that case, other than paint it looks pretty decent for a 10,000 hour texas rig. A coat of paint would really make that thing pop.

Gleaner: the properly engineered and built combine.

If you need parts for your Gleaner, we are parting out A's through L2's, so we may be able to help.

Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 6:26am
Some indicators of hours is the wear in the pin hole of the draw bar. If it's oblong; it's been used. And the clutch and brake pedals. If they show a lot of wear, that means it's been used quite a bit. From what I see of it, most of the negatives are from it sitting outside, not from high hours. Darrel

Posted By: victoryallis
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 8:07am
Plus the fan pulley wear.

8030 and 8050MFWD, 7580, 3 6080's, 160, 7060, 175, heirloom D17, Deere 8760

Posted By: Mosin9130
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 10:36am
Here is the response from Watt's about the tractor:
The tractor runs out good, the 3-pt and pto work good, seat is good, upholstery is gone  and the a/c does not work. The MFWD works.  It is showing 369 hrs I do not believe it to be 10369 hrs by looking at the tractor. The rear tires are at 95% tread left on them.
What's involved with getting the AC working on these things?  I'll also check the wear on the items you all had mentioned but one do I go about checking the wear on the clutch?

'56 WD 45...'63 D15 II...'66 D17 IV

Posted By: SteveM C/IL
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 12:40pm
wear on clutch? It is a hydraulic clutch pack....only way to check wear is disassemble and measure.

Posted By: TREVMAN
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 1:00pm
Well, they aint making any new ones, and they didnt make that many to begin with. What you are buying is a core...It can be made to look and perform like new, takes money, time, effort. Some of the "afters" on this forum are amazing, I refer you to the most recent is the man that restored and I think vastly improved a 440. Very impressive. Then there is sumerix tractors, and fokkers I think is the name. The gentleman and his brother I think from northern CAL that restores AC crawlers. Awesome. Go check it out, if nothing seems to be tremendously out of order, buy it. It can be painted, cab kit etc. after the mechanicals are dealt with, make a very nice tractor. JMHO, Trev.

Posted By: Daehler
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 1:19pm
I doubt thats a 10000 hour tractor, but is possible it is. The number on the hour meter has fell off or was printed right, i have one like that on my 6080. One things for sure, it sat out a bunch. If the meter still works you could find out what number it is in just over 600 more hours.

8070FWA,7080 BlackBelly, 7045,2 200s,D19,D17,G, WD,45,UC,7 AC mowers and lots more!

Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 3:03pm
Mosin, not sure if you mistakenly read my post to mean for you to check clutch wear or not. But what I simply meant was to crawl in the cab and look at the brake and clutch PEDALS. If they look like they've had a lot of foot traffic on em, such as lots of paint gone and non skid designs being wore off, that translates to lots of hours. If pedals look brand new. .....maybe low hours. As another said, checking clutch wear on these tractors is not feasible. Wet internal clutch, pretty much problem free. I second what victory said also, about looking at fan belt pulley. Darrel

Posted By: AC7060IL
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 3:19pm
Originally posted by TREVMAN TREVMAN wrote:

Well, they aint making any new ones, and they didnt make that many to begin with. What you are buying is a core...It can be made to look and perform like new, takes money, time, effort. Some of the "afters" on this forum are amazing, I refer you to the most recent is the man that restored and I think vastly improved a 440. Very impressive. Then there is sumerix tractors, and fokkers I think is the name. The gentleman and his brother I think from northern CAL that restores AC crawlers. Awesome. Go check it out, if nothing seems to be tremendously out of order, buy it. It can be painted, cab kit etc. after the mechanicals are dealt with, make a very nice tractor. JMHO, Trev.

Trev, Well said.

Posted By: AC7060IL
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 3:27pm
After viewing photos again & doing more thinking, I wonder if this 8010 was used for some kind of a Coop liquid fertilizer application tractor? Or, maybe a drainage or irrigation pump tractor?? Seems like the exposed metals (top of engine hood, front wheel rims, & front of cab) saw a lot of humidity and/or 28% nitrogen solution.

Posted By: DougG
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 6:10pm
So just asking on Steves post, I'm not famiar at all with the 8000 series,, he,s saying they have no clutch, all clutch packs , ? IS THIS RIGHT ? Always thought they had a break away from the engine

Posted By: SteveM C/IL
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 7:20pm
I don't know how PS is made but PD has hi-lo wet clutch and uses low for starting/stopping...they all since 7000's have clutch disc clamped to flywheel via big Bellville washer and pressure's called torque limiter...that pulls the drivetrain.

Posted By: Michael V (NM)
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 9:27pm
That's where I got my 8010, don't expect them to back off the asking price, they can sit on it until someone buys it

Posted By: Mosin9130
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2017 at 10:06pm
Ok, yeah, I did misunderstand about the clutch wear thing but checking the pedals for "use" makes sense.

I appreciate all the comments and feedback so far which is really increasing my interest in this tractor. I've got everything set up to take a more detailed look and test drive on Sat.

'56 WD 45...'63 D15 II...'66 D17 IV

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2017 at 6:40am
Originally posted by AC7060IL AC7060IL wrote:

After viewing photos again & doing more thinking, I wonder if this 8010 was used for some kind of a Coop liquid fertilizer application tractor? Or, maybe a drainage or irrigation pump tractor?? Seems like the exposed metals (top of engine hood, front wheel rims, & front of cab) saw a lot of humidity and/or 28% nitrogen solution.
Or lots of intense sunlight nearly 365 days a year for 30 years.

Posted By: wekracer
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2017 at 8:54am
The AC isn't that hard to fix. If you got a set of gauges you can replace the compressor lines an dryer for $6-800 and have all brand new. It my be a little higher by now. I did our 8050 5 years ago.

Posted By: PeteMN
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2017 at 4:46pm
Looks like its been sitting in the texas sun for a while, decent looking fiberglass and tires.  Allis used some pretty poor paint on the cab and other metal surfaces so after 30 years it does fade pretty bad and the cab liner disintegrates.  I bought one with better paint for $13k a few years ago.  Nice size tractor for baling or pulling a 12 row planter. I think that tractor is a little over-priced unless it is in great condition mechanically.  

Posted By: Bobbyg
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2018 at 12:31pm
8010 has moved to alabama

Posted By: allisrutledge
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2018 at 12:41pm
Welcome and congradulations. Keep us posted on your progress

Allis Chalmers still exist in my mind and barns

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