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mlpankey/Piston suppliers

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Topic: mlpankey/Piston suppliers
Posted By: Chris/CT
Subject: mlpankey/Piston suppliers
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2010 at 8:31pm
MLP, Do you think any of your piston supply houses could have a piston available for a 16HP Briggs/Stratton sigle cyl engine? Friend has a need for a .030 over piston because of rust pitting on cyl wall. Everyone has advised to scrap block, but he would be willing to explore. B+S  has discontinued the .030 over. The Cylinder bore after boring .030 over I'm guessing would be 3.5925. Advise please.

Posted By: mlpankey
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2010 at 9:09pm
I have a friend that builds gocart race engines I will check with him . He may know of something. Any of my suppliers will make custom pistons but its usually a minimum of four .

people if they don't already know it you can't tell them. quote yogi berra

Posted By: Chris/CT
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2010 at 9:40pm
Thanks for the time, will wait to hear if anything comes up. Is it possible that the bore size is common to another engine? I expect there are other factors I'm not aware of, like piston height, pin dia, # of rings, etc, etc. 

Posted By: mlpankey
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2010 at 9:45pm
some of the cheverolet 6 and four cylinders used a 3.5 bore and can be had in oversize bores . As you mention pin diameter and compression height  would be the thing that eliminates or makes one suitable for use. Go to kb silvolite web site silvolite has oem piston dimensions that they stock on the web

people if they don't already know it you can't tell them. quote yogi berra

Posted By: Good
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2010 at 6:17am
I have a B&S that has been sleeved I think my uncle told me it has a ford Y-block 292 overbore piston I guess you just have to bore were wrist pin goes a little bit.

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2010 at 7:10am
Chris, it would appear to me that you could have that puppy sleeved cheaper than haveing a custom piston made.
On second thought, I do very few small engines, but I would think that if it is somethng like an IC model it would have a sleeve in already.
Just a thought and I am sure youhave that base covered already

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