Gleaner F2 Straw Chopper Pulley removal?
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Topic: Gleaner F2 Straw Chopper Pulley removal?
Posted By: jason82
Subject: Gleaner F2 Straw Chopper Pulley removal?
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2016 at 7:10pm
Having some issues getting the drive pulley off the straw chopper, so that I can replace the bearing and bearing housing behind it, I sprayed it, torch it, and used a air hammer, still can't get it to move. would anyone have any suggestions on how to get it off, I see there is three hole that got thru the pulley face, didn't know if there was a specific puller that would do the trick. any suggestions would help. 

Posted By: Lynn Marshall
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2016 at 9:20pm
The pulley isn't keyed to the shaft so you may be able to use a couple of large pipe wrenches to break it loose from the shaft. I wouldn't use those three small holes to try and pull from, probably just ruin the pulley by doing so.
Posted By: tbran
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2016 at 10:34pm
we weld a large grade 8 nut on the pulley centered over the hole with a bolt ground to a taper like a puller - weld 360 - this will heat the pulley - then screw the bolt in - instant puller! leave the nut on - no need to remove - just paint... this works on bin unloader as well..
------------- When told "it's not the money,it's the principle", remember, it's always the money..
Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2016 at 10:34am
Fine threads being the best choice, for more power.
Posted By: jason82
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2016 at 6:19pm
Welded a 1 inch grade 8 nut to the end of the pulley and used a air wrench, came right off. should of posted this sooner would of saved us hours of headaches, thanks guys for the info, gratefully appreciate the help.