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A few photos of some tractors at Sigourney on Sat.

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Category: Other Topics
Forum Name: Pulling Forum
Forum Description: Forum dedicated to Tractor and Garden Pulling
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Topic: A few photos of some tractors at Sigourney on Sat.
Posted By: allischalmerguy
Subject: A few photos of some tractors at Sigourney on Sat.
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2016 at 6:08pm
I had the opportunity to get down to the Sigourney Iowa Tractor pull today (Saturday, March 19, 2016) for a few hours. I had never been there before. And I don't think I have ever been to a place where there were so many puller tractors either. I would like to have stayed longer. It was a bit nippy this morning. Thanks to Dr. Allis for putting up with me and some of my questions. It is really neat to talk to a guy who has been pulling for over 40 years and knows the sport inside and out. I did not get a photo of Dr. Allis D17 though..I don't know why I missed that!
I hope this works to share some photos from this directory on photobucket--" rel="nofollow - click here to see photos

Pastor Mike

It is great being a disciple of Jesus! 1950 WD, 1957 D17...retired in Iowa,

Posted By: allischalmerguy
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2016 at 8:34pm
Photos of some of the ACs there are more towards the end of the slideshow.

It is great being a disciple of Jesus! 1950 WD, 1957 D17...retired in Iowa,

Posted By: HudCo
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2016 at 8:50pm
what class are they in ?  how many weight classes ? how many rpms , speed ?  tractor pulling out here is almost non existant  around here when you say tractor pulling they say whats that some kind of racing with a tractor

Posted By: allischalmerguy
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2016 at 9:12pm
They have a list of rules I am sure..some tractor pulling groups have different rules.....others on the forum will chime in I hope. I know there is weight classes from like 3000 lbs to 10 to 12 thousand lbs. It depends on the class as to what tires they can run, what height the drawbar can be and how many rpms they can run...and the speed they can go. I know one of the classes they had at Sigourney was the Antique classes for some different weights too...the tractor had to be so old. ..

It is great being a disciple of Jesus! 1950 WD, 1957 D17...retired in Iowa,

Posted By: PaulB
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2016 at 7:46am
Looks like a lot of "poor farmers" have plenty of money to buy those aluminum rims. The only ones around here that can afford them are the dairy farmers that were paid with our tax dollars to go out of business.

If it was fun to pull in LOW gear, I could have a John Deere.
Real pullers don't have speed limits.
If you can't make it GO... make it SHINY

Posted By: DougG
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2016 at 12:25pm
Yup always have money for - important stuff-

Posted By: d17brown
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2016 at 1:21pm
that is my wd 45. head gasket gave out on the 4500# class. had it hooked to the track but ,couldnt getr done, thanks for posting


Posted By: 7040
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2016 at 1:27pm
Thanks for posting the pictures. It's fun to see the personal touches on them.

Posted By: allischalmerguy
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2016 at 4:14pm
Just to defend some of the pullers,,, many did not look that nice. You only saw some of the nicer ones. There is a bunch of them that didn't have the big shiney alum wheels..including many of the Allis Chalmers tractors. I suppose some of the farmers who do farm, can take the tractor for a tax deduction for part of it if they take and disk or mow once a year with it...LOL!

Phil Brown sorry to hear that about your head gasket. Your son did a good job driving. You have a real nice looking tractor. So does Mr. Allis. There were a bunch of WC pullers there.

It is great being a disciple of Jesus! 1950 WD, 1957 D17...retired in Iowa,

Posted By: HaroldOmaha
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2016 at 9:21pm

 Speaking of Sigourney, Ia. they have a large Oliver Museum there. Lot of the large muscle
tractors. Well worth the visit.

Posted By: ACFarmer
Date Posted: 21 Mar 2016 at 9:04pm
Originally posted by PaulB PaulB wrote:

Looks like a lot of "poor farmers" have plenty of money to buy those aluminum rims. The only ones around here that can afford them are the dairy farmers that were paid with our tax dollars to go out of business.

So you know they are all farmers pulling these tractors? Reminds me of the saying don't complain about farmers with your mouth/belly full.....

Making A living everyday farming with and working on Allis Equipment

Posted By: coggonobrien
Date Posted: 22 Mar 2016 at 6:58am
I see you did get a picture of Dr. Allis' Wd 

Posted By: allischalmerguy
Date Posted: 22 Mar 2016 at 1:54pm
Originally posted by coggonobrien coggonobrien wrote:

I see you did get a picture of Dr. Allis' Wd 


It is great being a disciple of Jesus! 1950 WD, 1957 D17...retired in Iowa,

Posted By: coggonobrien
Date Posted: 22 Mar 2016 at 2:01pm
That tractor is a real beast

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