To post a picture from your computer, first click on new topic + or post reply/ . Do not use the quick reply box at the bottom of a previously posted topic. At the top of the box that opens is a row of icons. In the middle of that row is a picture of a tree, click on it. A window that says image properties will open, if that window is small, maximize it so you can see everything in the window. Click browse and find the picture on your computer and open it. Click upload and a small window will open asking you to be patient, click OK in the small window. The picture will appear in the box on the lower right side. Check the width and height of the picture. If the numbers are greater than 800 wide and 600 high, the picture will not be seen completely on the forum. You can change these numbers but need to keep the ratio the same between them or the picture will be stretched. Click OK at the bottom and the picture will appear in your post. You can add text to the post before or after uploading the picture. It is easier to insert your text first. Now click post reply or post new topic and you are done.