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Going to look at a AC 8030 - tips

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Topic: Going to look at a AC 8030 - tips
Posted By: slowzuki
Subject: Going to look at a AC 8030 - tips
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 1:50pm
Hi, new member here, never been around AC equipment but an 8030 powershift, 2wd with under 2000 hours was advertised close to me and I think it would be ideal to leave on the discbine all summer.  The asking price is 7000$.

Its for sale by a jockey who bought it at auction recently, it was used at a construction company for snow removal in their yard.  I'm assuming he paid maybe  3500-4000$ for it and hauling.

The good:
-low hours
-I think later model as there is a factory looking drawbar stiffener brace
-Not much wear on drawbar or hitch, not surprising as it sounds like it always had a snowblower on it.
-I think 10 weights on the front and cast on the rims
-new batteries I think
-Says no blowby and starts well.

The bad:
-interior rough (seat/cab liner etc) but control wear seems to match hours
-nose cone broken
-lights wiring on rear is a mess
-a sensor to the right of the 3 point hitch is unplugged with the wire dangling - whats it do?
-Only 2 remote
-1000 pto rpm shaft not with machine, only a 540 stub

Thanks for any input.  My background is grew up operating 3000/5000 series fords, then 584/585 IH's for many years.  Now running 50 hp Kubota and a 100 hp MF.

Posted By: 8050/8030/185
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 2:10pm
All of the 8030 have the dual pto shaft, unbolt and reverse to get the 1000 pto. Wires back by the 3pt are for wagon/trailer lights. For that price you can replace the interior so it looks brand new. I have been more than happy with both my 8000 series AC. The powershift and Power director transmission are both great. You should really like the tractor.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 2:30pm
Its not all light wiring, goes to a hydraulic block on the right side of the top link casting, just left of a big filter can by wheel, sensor looks like an oil pressure sensor and there seems to be an adjuster above.  I'm just concerned the low pressure light or filter change warning light was on and they unplugged it to help sell.

My MF has a pressure sender on the canister for filter warning light but this is over a little bit.

Posted By: jiminnd
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 2:58pm
Not sure but could be safety switch on pto, I not sure where you mean but there is a safety switch on the back so you can't start it if pto is in gear.  Almost sounds too cheap to me, makes me suspicious of something.

1945 C, 1949 WF and WD, 1981 185, 1982 8030, unknown D14(nonrunner)

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 3:11pm
AC's don't sell well here.  Some 7040/50/60 sat for sale last year for 4000$ a piece for months and months.  Even had proper duals on them.

Re the switch it may be pto related, its left of the linkage rod for the 3 point hitch that runs vertically.

Posted By: Dave7060
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 3:18pm
If it's unplugged where the wires are in the first picture, the PTO safety switch has been bypassed so the tractor will start with the PTO in gear. If it's unplugged like in the second pic, it's because that switch has gone bad like mine an you can't get that switch anymore. It's for the transmission filter being plugged up." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: wekracer
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 5:16pm
Those are very nice tractors. We have an 8050. Big quiet cab.

Posted By: N6PETE
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 5:45pm
Excellent tractors. AC finally got a decent cab on the 7000 series frame. They got the crank balanced on that 426. I had a 8030PS 2WD, and now a 8030PS FWA & 8070PS FWA. I also have had two 7060's a 78 & 81 power directors.....excellent tractors but the cab sucked and after running a 8000 series I would never go back.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 8:57pm
It is the plug from the first picture.  Not sure why they would need to start with PTO engaged, maybe it was on a manure pump at some point.

Posted By: JohnCO
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 9:03pm
From your description, I would have to say it's a bargain.  I paid more then twice then that for a 20 speed 8030 with 2775 hr.  Had to replace the radiator and water pump for over $1,400.  Still, a nice tractor. 

"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer"
Allis Express participant

Posted By: Lynn Marshall
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 9:23pm
If the white wires are unplugged from the PTO switch, the tractor shouldn't crank over with the starter. The wires would have to be hooked together (jumped) for it to start from the cab.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 9:48pm
Some pics they sent:

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 10:04pm
That is the hardest used 2,000 hr tractor I've ever seen.....more like 10,000 hrs.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 10:12pm
I would tend to agree about the hours being fishy, I do have a modern 4000 hour tractor that clocks straight hours that came from the same general geographical area off a dairy and it looks just as bad.

The jockey says the construction company foreman was at the auction bidding on stuff too answering questions and claimed the hours were correct, they owned it since new.  I can't tell but it looks like a baler control box or sander controls in the cab too which seems to poke holes in that story.

I'll check it over pretty closely, I don't need 15,000 lb of scrap sitting in my yard.

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 10:15pm
The dirt and grime on the leaking left rear axle is a dead give-away to me....that ain't 2,000 hrs.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 10:21pm
I noticed the leak too, not good news that it would be left so long.  Nice they didn't pressure wash it spotless before selling.

Odd stuff too given how rough such as why the hydraulic coupler dust caps aren't broken yet?

Posted By: Dave7060
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2014 at 11:07pm
Fixer upper alright but hell, that's way too rough to me. No way the hours are correct, no one can wreck a tractor that bad in 2000 hours. I'd stay away from it

Posted By: VAfarmboy
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 1:43am
Originally posted by Dave7060 Dave7060 wrote:

Fixer upper alright but hell, that's way too rough to me. No way the hours are correct, no one can wreck a tractor that bad in 2000 hours. I'd stay away from it

I have seen tractors trashed worse than that in 1500 hours on farms where the guy had hired help running the stuff.

Here is an 8030 powershift in similar condition with 7100 hrs on it
for sale on craigslist just down the road from me and they are asking $19,500 for it with duals and a loader.

Posted By: JayIN
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 4:51am
That is about 1/2 price. Looks rough. But probably still worth it.

sometimes I walk out to my shop and look around and think "Who's the idiot that owns this place?"

Posted By: wekracer
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 6:06am
Look at how worn the hole is in the draw bar and if the hash marks are worn on the clutch and brake pedals. That is a definite indicator of hours. Also the balls on the lift arms.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 3:09pm
Looked at it tonight:
-low range is very clacky noisy in transmission
-upper spindle bushings missing
-cab fan not working
-ac components removed
-ether system removed
-seat absolutely destroyed
-low hydraulic pressure light on when above idle
-exhaust flange seems to be broken off turbo
-filters all old
- no oil on rearmost dipstick with engine off
- forage harvester control box hard mounted in cab so lots of hours at wot

The good
No rust - amazing for a snowblower tractor
Engine starts well, idles well, responsive etc
Power shifts are smooth no slip in high range with brakes on
Brakes are very strong
Rad looks good
3 point works well
Drawbar hole not very worn
3 point balls still tight

Posted By: N6PETE
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 6:55pm
Looks like a $2500 tractor to me. That is only if I had about $10k for contingencies. The cab alone will cost you close to $1k, the nose is ~$800, A/C components, all new fluids and filters, axle seal, etc......... and we have not touched the motor or radiator. If it does not have a coolant filter...... the list goes on and on 

Posted By: Daehler
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 7:11pm
Cab will cost over a thousand, I am doing one now. There will be rust under the floor mat. The shell around the grill is $800 as it N6PETE said the grill is another $430 as I just priced it yesterday. She does look like it came from a place with lots of hired help. A plus is it does have a right hand step that makes for easier cleaning in the cab.

8070FWA,7080 BlackBelly, 7045,2 200s,D19,D17,G, WD,45,UC,7 AC mowers and lots more!

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 8:40pm
I should correct a few things I recalled incorrectly about the description he gave me. They didn't say the company owned it from new just for many years. Also the foreman guy wasn't bidding only answering questions from folks.

The more details as far the seller knows is the construction company also had a beef farm hence the mud. In the winter it travelled to several sites to do blowing, not just the company lot.

The seller ( father and son who jockey equipment) both seem forthright and honest, they just haven't owned it long and didn't get any history.

I'm in no rush given the shape, another buyer was interested. The son was going to try to get in touch with previous owner to find out more history. If the hours of wear are correct I think the hourmeter was replaced at time of an engine rebuild.

The rattling transmission in low range, sounds like a countershaft gear with too much play to my ear.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 8:51pm
Other question re drawbar wear, it was oval by maybe 1/8 but little to no wear on the top. Our ih tractors the pin hole would stay round but the thickness of the bar wears down badly, are these hardened or does that mean all clevis hitched implements were used?

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2014 at 9:22pm
Before I think about this anymore, I'm going to pass, this tractor needs to go somewhere with several 8000's with a few spare ones in the weeds.

Not sure if its kosher to say on an AC forum but 7k will buy a clean White 2-135 around here with an owner who will give you 20 years of history on it.  Inferior in lots of ways to an AC8000 but will run a discbine fine.

Posted By: ACFarmer
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2014 at 6:52pm
So I'll be the one to ask, if you don't want it, where is the location of the tractor?

Making a living farming with and working on Allis Equipment

Posted By: VAfarmboy
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2014 at 9:35pm
Originally posted by Daehler Daehler wrote:

Cab will cost over a thousand, I am doing one now. There will be rust under the floor mat. The shell around the grill is $800 as it N6PETE said the grill is another $430 as I just priced it yesterday. She does look like it came from a place with lots of hired help. A plus is it does have a right hand step that makes for easier cleaning in the cab.

Eight hundred dollars for that shell around the grill?!?! I could fix that shell around the grill with $30.00 worth of fiberglass mat and West System epoxy, and with a coat of orange paint it would look like it did the day it left West Allis.

Pretty sure I could knock the dent out of that grill so it would look acceptable too!   

Date Posted: 21 Dec 2014 at 9:40pm
Originally posted by VAfarmboy VAfarmboy wrote:

Originally posted by Daehler Daehler wrote:

Cab will cost over a thousand, I am doing one now. There will be rust under the floor mat. The shell around the grill is $800 as it N6PETE said the grill is another $430 as I just priced it yesterday. She does look like it came from a place with lots of hired help. A plus is it does have a right hand step that makes for easier cleaning in the cab.

Eight hundred dollars for that shell around the grill?!?! I could fix that shell around the grill with $30.00 worth of fiberglass mat and West System epoxy, and with a coat of orange paint it would look like it did the day it left West Allis.

Pretty sure I could knock the dent out of that grill so it would look acceptable too!   

I have a grille shell that needs fixed what's your address ?

Education doesn't make you smart, it makes you educated.

Posted By: VAfarmboy
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2014 at 3:22am
Originally posted by ILGLEANER ILGLEANER wrote:

Originally posted by VAfarmboy VAfarmboy wrote:

Originally posted by Daehler Daehler wrote:

Cab will cost over a thousand, I am doing one now. There will be rust under the floor mat. The shell around the grill is $800 as it N6PETE said the grill is another $430 as I just priced it yesterday. She does look like it came from a place with lots of hired help. A plus is it does have a right hand step that makes for easier cleaning in the cab.

Eight hundred dollars for that shell around the grill?!?! I could fix that shell around the grill with $30.00 worth of fiberglass mat and West System epoxy, and with a coat of orange paint it would look like it did the day it left West Allis.

Pretty sure I could knock the dent out of that grill so it would look acceptable too!   

I have a grille shell that needs fixed what's your address ?

You can fix it yourself. Repairing damaged fiberglass is not rocket science, I learned how to do it by watching Youtube videos on the subject. This video shows how it is done.

You can substitute the fiberglass resin and hardner the guy uses in the 3M video with West System 105 resin and 205 hardner which is what I use on boats.   It needs to be above 60 degrees for the epoxy to harden properly.

Posted By: JayIN
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2014 at 4:49am
That sounds like a good tractor to walk away from.noisy tranny? Yuk!

sometimes I walk out to my shop and look around and think "Who's the idiot that owns this place?"

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2014 at 12:42pm
Yes whirring and clacking from down below.  I've driven other high hour tractors that sounded like that for hundreds of hours but its not confidence building.

Park postion blocked out with washers as well.  See some of my pics below.

Still waiting on more history if they can find old owner through some friends.

Posted By: GWS
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2014 at 4:54pm
Hey VAfarmboy, I think you're missing out on a nice little sideline! Most of the noses on 8000 series that I've seen have at least some kind of cosmetic damage. A guy could do several every winter for some nice Christmas cash. :)

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2014 at 8:50pm
Another update, the seller contacted the folks that went bankrupt.  The last 3 years at that place they had lost their mechanic therefore the half arsed repairs.  They used it for many years (5,10?) after buying it from a CAT dealer for snow removal at a beef processing plant and a farm and other properties and field work.  

It had been bought not running from the cat dealer, they had done a lot of work but never got it running.  The construction company had an old AC mechanic look at it and something about the new injectors weren't installed right.

The forage harvester box was in the cab when it came from CAT.

I put almost 2000 hours on my little tractor in less than 10 years mainly doing snow removal and raking/tedding.  Hours are definitely suspect.

Posted By: DarrylinWA
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2014 at 9:22pm
I would walk away also sir. Don't know enough about these tractors, but you got a lot of wisdom on here to help you find the correct one. Best of luck sir. Take care Darryl

B 10 Custom. Serial # 1001 D21, First D21 built 69 #4498 and Last D 21 Built #4609. 1946 MM UTU. And 2000, 2005 Pete's. AC custom Hauling.

Posted By: slowzuki
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2014 at 9:43pm
Fully planning to walk away just want to finish following up the post with the real history if it comes out and I'll add the seller contact info incase someone wants to make an offer.

Onto looking at a White 2-135 mfwd that has come up.

Originally posted by DarrylinWA DarrylinWA wrote:

I would walk away also sir. Don't know enough about these tractors, but you got a lot of wisdom on here to help you find the correct one. Best of luck sir. Take care Darryl

Posted By: JayIN
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2014 at 4:35am
Aint nuthin but heartache there!

sometimes I walk out to my shop and look around and think "Who's the idiot that owns this place?"

Posted By: GM Guy
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2014 at 3:04am
at least a 2-135 is a heck of a nice tractor. If you said you were off to pay 20 grand for a 4430 deere, expect a raft of headed your way. :)

Gleaner: the properly engineered and built combine.

If you need parts for your Gleaner, we are parting out A's through L2's, so we may be able to help.

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