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"Dear Mr Hendrix"

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Forum Name: Shops, Barns, Varmints, and Trucks
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Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 11:40pm
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Topic: "Dear Mr Hendrix"
Posted By: thendrix
Subject: "Dear Mr Hendrix"
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 5:47am
"You are here by summoned for jury duty"! First time ever for me. Have to call in on March 23rd after 6pm to receive further instructions. A lot of people try to get out of it but I kinda want to do it. We've have some kind of inbred, meth head, shxt hooks around here. Might be an interesting experience

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 6:02am
With an attitude like that, you may be dismissed

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 6:09am
Tyler, jury duty can be an enlightening experience. If nothing else you can watch a bunch of lawyers put on a show. But it is part of our civic duty to serve on a jury. I have been on state court, superior court, and federal court juries. If you get assigned to a case sit back and enjoy the show. 

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 7:28am
I had to waster 7 HOURS just to tel the judge in person...'no I cannot be impartial'. 30 seconds later FINALLY out of the court house.
I do NOT want to be on a jury for ANY 'drug related' case...they're all bad guys/gals with 'connections'
Years ago was 'called'.... phoned them, wrote the, emailed them said in effect 'as far as I'm concerned, the accused IS guilty, and will vote GUILTY' STILL had to go in front of the judge.

3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water

Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 7:38am
served on a drug case when in my 20's. Been called several times since then, but always 'excused' when questioned by the lawyers for a case. could be because I'm white, male, or related to a state cop. I assured them I could be impartial, which I can be, but they seem to get hung up when they ask if there is any LEO's judges, etc in my family.

I do relate to J in one respect, I get annoyed to showing up each day for a week to set around all day and do nothing, for $30 or whatever it is. I don't mind serving, but I do frown on them wasting my time for nothing.

I am still confident of this;
I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 7:48am
just say.."he is probably guilty, hang um !!" ........... problem solved.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 7:53am
Living on n a small rural county, we tend to get called often.
I’m usually working out of town and it becomes a pain in the neck. I also agree it’s our civic duty but a pain none the less.
Used to be here they advertised on the radio weather court had been canceled or not.
I believe I was part of the reason they changed that policy to calling the prospective jurors.
I missed work and showed up to no court a couple times. I made a formal complaint over the fact the radio station doesn’t come in clear in Indiana and that we’re not allowed to listen to the radio at work anyway.
Haven’t had to do it in a few years now.
Jennifer has been called in but was working in Nebraska and was able to call in and get removed.

Posted By: WF owner
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 8:00am
I have been a (part-time) Town Justice for the past 19 years. We are a relatively busy court and average about 30 cases per week. Our town has two judges, and we alternate weeks on the bench.

As a Town Justice, we have jurisdiction over violations (which are not crimes), misdemeanors and preliminary jurisdiction on felonies. We arraign felonies and hold them in our court until they are either divested to a superior court or the charge is reduced to a misdemeanor, where we deal with it in our court.

Over that time, I, personally, have presided over (I'm guessing) six or seven jury trials and many bench trials. All misdemeanor trials (in NY State) are jury trials unless the defendant waives the right to a jury trial in writing. Violation trials are bench trials.

Getting a jury is sometimes hard. I applaud those that are willing to do their duty as a citizen and sit as a juror. The notion that anyone that is charged is guilty, goes against what our country was founded on and, quite frankly, is BS. I have seen many cases dismissed that had no business coming to court in the first place.

Several years ago, I had an acquaintance summoned for jury duty in one of the trials I presided over. She really tried to talk me into excusing her, to the point where she was angry that I would not excuse her (I later learned that she had bragged that she knew me and she would be excused). During voir dire (jury selection), she was selected and seated as a juror (and not happy about it!). At the completion of the trial, she came to me and apologized for her behavior and told me that she had learned a lot and actually was happy about the experience.

My advice is to do what they ask you to do. If you end up being called, go in with an open mind and be 100% truthful when asked questions. I am betting you will come out of this with a new respect for our legal system.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 10:52am
Originally posted by jaybmiller jaybmiller wrote:

I had to waster 7 HOURS just to tel the judge in person...'no I cannot be impartial'. 30 seconds later FINALLY out of the court house.
I do NOT want to be on a jury for ANY 'drug related' case...they're all bad guys/gals with 'connections'
Years ago was 'called'.... phoned them, wrote the, emailed them said in effect 'as far as I'm concerned, the accused IS guilty, and will vote GUILTY' STILL had to go in front of the judge.

What a load of BS.

Do you realize what terrible eye witnesses we humans are? Put yourself or a loved one on the other end of a jury full of that attitude. Not a criminal you say….ok, all it takes is a fender bender, a neck brace and a crap jury and you won’t have to whine about being cheap anymore because you’ll be flat broke.

It’s included in our lauded Bill of Rights. And yes, it doesn’t matter what crime the defendant is accused of, PROVE it beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s what we are about, and to do otherwise is a horrible slippery slope.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 1:45pm
I got called once and they said leave cell phones at home, so I did, I wear hering aids and can use my phone to adjust them when i have it. i told the judge that I was having trouble hearing because I done what they said and was having trouble hearing and got excused. I have not been called since.

Posted By: bikley
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 2:32pm
Only got called once it was a interesting case on the day of deliberation he coped a plea and I lost out om free lunch.

Posted By: Ted J
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2025 at 9:18pm
I have only been called twice.  As a professional Firefighter, we were exempt from being called because of our working schedule.  They finally changed that and I got called.  BUT, since then I have been called twice and I REALLY wanted to serve.  I got excused the first time because my father and brother-in-law were both policemen.  The BIL was also the arresting detective.  On the second call, the judge took one look at me and remembered and thus told me I was excused.  Now I'm probably just too old?...

19?? WC / 1941 C / 1952 CA / 1956 WD45 / 1957 WD45 / 1958 D-17

Posted By: JW in MO
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2025 at 6:05pm
Served once, federal case, was absolutely flabbergasted within minutes of deliberation and wondered if some of those people sat through the same trial that i did.  I didn't have to say anything as most of the others saw the same things I did.

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