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The Top Five

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Other Topics
Forum Name: Shops, Barns, Varmints, and Trucks
Forum Description: anything you want to talk about except politics
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 6:54pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.10 -

Topic: The Top Five
Posted By: Gary
Subject: The Top Five
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2025 at 8:34pm

   Wow who would have thought?

The votes are in, the numbers tallied, and the WINNERS announced:

The top 5 cheapest DIESEL trucks to own all hail from the same automaker.

     General Motors makes the top 5 cheapest DIESEL trucks to own.


   1st Place: Chevy Silverado 1500   $714 / mo.

   2nd Place: GMC Sierra 1500      $727 / mo.

   3rd Place: GMC Sierra 2500HD    $912 / mo.

   4th Place: Chevy Silverado 2500HD $936 / mo.

   5th Place: Chevy Silverado 3500    $1,109 / mo.

I find it very impressive that a Chevy Silverado 3500 ( 1 ton ) could

beat out the competition FORD and RAM 1500 Series ( 1/2 ton )

And as everybody knows, the GM Duramax Diesel requires DEF



Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2025 at 9:16pm
LOL.... You expect FORD to win a VOTE made up of 90% CHUBBY owners ???  LOL

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2025 at 9:59pm

Are you actually suggesting that the vote might be a little bit one-sided ?

   Nooooooooooo   they wouldn't do that, would they?

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 2:30am
Garee, I have a 342,000 mile 99Ford SD250 7.3, routine maintenance every 5000 miles, twice installed under valve cover wire harnesses, a fuel filter heater plate and swapped turbos at 341,000 as felt could be due. Had the OE starter fail at 341,000.
BP Know of NO ONE here with a Duramax that has not changed all fuel injectors at least twice in 250,000 miles, always leaking always something electronically failed. Cannot keep seats in the trucks as foam collapses(My Ford are OE and sit Excellently), also seat drive adjustment systems in the GMs routinely fail.

All the 99 and later trucks corrupt as been hit by rust bombs, reminds me of the 1970s GMs and IH trucks the engineers have not learned from.

GM and Ford adopted the same Boxed Frame design in last few years, both brands rust from inside out and self destruct the chassis at rear of cab routinely, know that from local body shops. Ram adopted super stiff chassis and are now seeing chassis cracking, so is actually no decent truck on the market any further. And at a cost of no less than $70,k


Posted By: WF owner
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 6:35am
I have a cousin that has one of the 1500's with a diesel engine, who would probably not agree with your "poll".  
It has been at the dealer for 3 months (just after Halloween). It had been back several times for excessive oil use and, finally, the engine refused to start. They loaded it and took it back and it has been there since. He told me his car has 250,000 miles and is at the point where he doesn't really trust it to go on a long trip and he is making payments on a truck he can't drive.
I guess I would agree that his cost of operation for the last three months had been low!
Google "Chevy Silverado 1500 diesel engine problems". You will come up with a lot of reading!!!
I don't put much faith in these 10 worst tractor or 10 best lawnmower online articles. Most, including Consumer Reports polls, are geared to achieving results they want ($$$).

By the way old buddy, do you still wear those underwear with bowties on them???

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 8:33am
Hey Curt

How did you find out about my Bow-Tie Underwear?

Did your wife tell you? LOL

Sure wasn't my wife, she wasn't at the GOTO. Maybe it was Larry!

I guess I just have Chevy blood in my veins.

The most miles I have ever put on a Truck was a 2001.

Traded in 2008 with 97,000 km for my first Duramax.

Driving Duramax ever since. Just put the key in and go.

   Get out of the way FORD - I'm coming through

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 8:43am
I had a 1989 F250.. drove it 250K miles and sold..... bought a 2001 F150 and drove it 250K miles and sold.... Bought a 2002 F150 and drove it 250K miles and sold... have a 2013 now with 100K miles.......... Never have had much problems, thats why i keep driving them ..... 97K km is NOTHING..( thats 60K miles .... i dont consider a truck even broke in untill it hits 150,000. )

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: NEVER green
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 11:02am
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:

   Wow who would have thought?

The votes are in, the numbers tallied, and the WINNERS announced:

The top 5 cheapest DIESEL trucks to own all hail from the same automaker.

     General Motors makes the top 5 cheapest DIESEL trucks to own.


   1st Place: Chevy Silverado 1500   $714 / mo.

   2nd Place: GMC Sierra 1500      $727 / mo.

   3rd Place: GMC Sierra 2500HD    $912 / mo.

   4th Place: Chevy Silverado 2500HD $936 / mo.

   5th Place: Chevy Silverado 3500    $1,109 / mo.

I find it very impressive that a Chevy Silverado 3500 ( 1 ton ) could

beat out the competition FORD and RAM 1500 Series ( 1/2 ton )

And as everybody knows, the GM Duramax Diesel requires DEF



  No mention of the DOT putting out a bulletin on chevy gas truck engines grenading.  
  Law suit in the works for yrs.    
  Are you in high school???

2-8050 1-7080 6080 D-19 modelE & A 7040   R50       

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 12:47pm

Never Green

How about you start over by going back and reading the Post from the beginning.

Clearly stated at the beginning, Pick-up Trucks with Diesel Engines.

Nothing to do with Gas Engines.

But yes you are correct. GM does have an issue with there 6.2 litre Gas Engine that was used in Sierra and Silverado Pick-up Trucks.

I believe I read somewhere that the Oil Supply to a Crankshaft Bearing is somehow related to the Engine Ignition switching to only 6 cylinder or 4 cylinder modes.

Trying to figure out your question about High School.

Were you thinking of going back and continuing in to High School?

Bet it would do you a lot of good.


Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 1:00pm
Never Green CLEARLY STATED that he was bringing up GAS ENGINES in the CHUBBY trucks......Not a NECESSITY to follow the original post 100%.... You veer off topic CONSTANTLY with your posts...

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 3:13pm
More like Jr High now convinced.  HAS NO CLUE as to What engines and what sizes unless moves to WIKI to find them, and then trusts the CONS at WIKI that were proved NOT Experts but Opinion based References.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2025 at 8:11pm

You are partly right. I totally forgot about the 3.0 litre Diesel that is available in the 1500 Series.

When I think of Diesels in GM Trucks, I only think of the 6.6 L

Maybe because that's what I've been driving since 2008.

And 'Top Speed' didn't specify if the 3'0 L was in the 2 1500's.

Otherwise I think I have a pretty good knowledge about GM Engines and sizes.


Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2025 at 12:35pm
Ah the February doldrums. Long winter. Cabin fever. Bored. I KNOW! Let’s start a truck argument!!!

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2025 at 1:12pm

Yup TBone I would agree with you 100%

Dave and Steve in the Snow Belt all cooped up and bored.

So for entertainment decided "lets pick on Gary"

-- even though this is not even the So-Called Political section.

I'll bet Darrin is really pleased with the way his Forums have evolved.

Me on the other hand, no chance of Boredom here.

Spending the Winter down South on the shores of the GULF OF MEXICO.

Less than 100 feet from an MT Sandy Beach.

Have had days of setting record highs in the 80's


Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2025 at 1:17pm
pick on TDS Garee ???  Not needed... Your ignorance puts you in the spot light every day... Go drink some ANTIFREEZE .... and get that STARTER PUSH BUTTON installed !!  LOL

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2025 at 1:23pm
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:

Yup TBone I would agree with you 100%

Dave and Steve in the Snow Belt all cooped up and bored.

So for entertainment decided "lets pick on Gary"

-- even though this is not even the So-Called Political section.

I'll bet Darrin is really pleased with the way his Forums have evolved.

Me on the other hand, no chance of Boredom here.

Spending the Winter down South on the shores of the GULF OF MEXICO.

Less than 100 feet from an MT Sandy Beach.

Have had days of setting record highs in the 80's


Yeah that political section “border rules” got blown out of the water a long time ago.

Posted By: NEVER green
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2025 at 1:44pm
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:

Yup TBone I would agree with you 100%

Dave and Steve in the Snow Belt all cooped up and bored.

So for entertainment decided "lets pick on Gary"

-- even though this is not even the So-Called Political section.

I'll bet Darrin is really pleased with the way his Forums have evolved.

Me on the other hand, no chance of Boredom here.

Spending the Winter down South on the shores of the GULF OF MEXICO.

Less than 100 feet from an MT Sandy Beach.

Have had days of setting record highs in the 80's


  Why are you throwing Darrin under the bus???  Yep, every one is picking on Gary, I  figured you would not understand the high school quote.


2-8050 1-7080 6080 D-19 modelE & A 7040   R50       

Posted By: DiyDave
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2025 at 2:52pm
Y'all be good, or gaREE will tell teacher on you!LOL

Source: Babylon Bee. Sponsored by BRAWNDO, its got what you need!

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2025 at 4:46pm
Can still remember the Mid to Late 70s GMs, rusted so bad could HEAR them corrupt at night, my 1977 K20 had ZERO paint remaining in 1979 on the underside of the bed and was beginning to crumble away.  The 350 in it ran great, only ate a quart of oil between 3000 mile changes since Day One, terrible Valve Guide Seals in those days.

Posted By: Ed (Ont)
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2025 at 1:39pm
Originally posted by DMiller DMiller wrote:

Can still remember the Mid to Late 70s GMs, rusted so bad could HEAR them corrupt at night, my 1977 K20 had ZERO paint remaining in 1979 on the underside of the bed and was beginning to crumble away.  The 350 in it ran great, only ate a quart of oil between 3000 mile changes since Day One, terrible Valve Guide Seals in those days.
Yes they sure did rust back then. But not only GM. Others were just as bad. I towed Fords to the wrecking yard where I worked part-time with the box sides totally gone!! Two and three year old trucks. Lot of people in our area oiled their vehicles heavily at that time. My friend ran an oiling business for years - at the time only used engine oil or any old oil was applied. In our area roads are heavily salted all winter. Really makes it hard to keep a vehicle from rusting but oiling helps a lot.

Posted By: Ed (Ont)
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2025 at 1:43pm
Gary are those figures cost of buying the truck and maintenance for a certain time period? Or just maintenance costs? Smile

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2025 at 7:26pm

Here is the message 'Top Speed' noted at the beginning of their report.

In compiling this article, we have cross-referenced information for vehicle reliability, maintenance, and pricing from sources like J.D. Power, Kelley Blue Book, Edmunds, RepairPal, CarEdge, and Consumer Reports to give you the most up-to-date and accurate information possible. Please note that we have ranked the following models based on most reliable to least reliable. Please also note that the recalls are with regard to how many have been in the current generation.

The dollar figures posted are the average ANNUAL Costs (not mo.) over a 10 year period.

The Engine in the 2 1500 Series was the 3.0 litre Turbo Diesel.

The #6 if added to the list is the Sierra 3500 at $1131

and then finally #7 the F-250 at $1241 and #8 the F-350 at $1295.

Must be beyond FORD's capability to install a Diesel in an F-150 LOL.....


Posted By: WF owner
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2025 at 8:10pm
Or maybe Ford doesn't want to have their customer's vehicles for four months waiting for parts. It's pretty easy to have low operation costs when the truck is setting broken down on the dealer's lot. They don't use much fuel sitting on the lot.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2025 at 9:10pm
Happy Laughing Sticker - Happy Laughing Lol Stickers

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2025 at 8:19am


You could have a good point there.

Looks like L'il Stevie liked it anyway.

Apparently they give real good milage when they do run.

My Salesman told me one time about driving one to Montreal and back.

Averaged over 30 M/G


Posted By: DiyDave
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2025 at 2:31pm
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:


You could have a good point there.

Looks like L'il Stevie liked it anyway.

Apparently they give real good milage when they do run.

My Salesman told me one time about driving one to Montreal and back.

Averaged over 30 M/G


you believe EVERY salesman, dontcha, gaREE!LOL

Source: Babylon Bee. Sponsored by BRAWNDO, its got what you need!

Posted By: Ed (Ont)
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2025 at 4:24pm
Yes they do get that mileage when driving empty at steady speed and not towing!!! Some good info here but too bad that some want to make this into some kind of peeing contest! I thought this was a fun site but seems that some now are on some sort of personal vendetta. What is that about???? 

Posted By: WF owner
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2025 at 4:55pm
Originally posted by Ed (Ont) Ed (Ont) wrote:

Yes they do get that mileage when driving empty at steady speed and not towing!!! Some good info here but too bad that some want to make this into some kind of peeing contest! I thought this was a fun site but seems that some now are on some sort of personal vendetta. What is that about???? 

I agree 100%. 

Both steve(ill) and Gary are valuable members of this forum. Both have contributed some great info over the years. I don't know what started this controversy, but guys, enough is enough!

We are all here because we like AC tractors. Can't you guys put your differences aside and be civil to each other?

I do not participate in the Politics section, but I assume that is where this stuff all started. That section is the worst thing that ever started on this forum.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2025 at 7:50pm

I agree with you 100% Curt.

And I can tell you exactly when it started.

It started a few months back when SteveILL replied to a New Member who posed a

question about replacing the seals in the double acting cylinders from a 400 Series Loader.

SteveILL replied and went in to great detail about replacing the Chevron Seals in a typical WD loader, unscrewing the large cast end, removing the Chevron seals etc. etc.

I replied and pointed out to Steve he was totally wrong in what he posted and the 400 Series were nothing like the WD cylinders.

I believe I made some comment pertaining to how important it was to know what your talking about and even having experience in what you are talking about.

Well that didn't go over well with Stevie and that is when the name calling and ignorant comments started.

Over time the select few regulars from the Politics started to join in with their similar comments.

Another of my comments that instigated even more was when I replied to one of Steves comments to another New Member that the D-10 and D-12 basically replaced the Model B

When I pointed out that I thought he was wrong and there were many other Allis Model Tractors in between.

This is the way I recall the progression, but you can expect SteveILL to come back with a totally different response.


Gary Soper
Peterborough, Ontario

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2025 at 8:32pm
TDS, your comments on ANTIFREEZE and STARTER PUSH BUTTONS were both WRONG.... this has NOTHING to due with what i posted about tractors.... TDS Gareee is constantly pissed about what i post ( and most others) in the Political Section and he carries it over into the tractors...... Let it GO...  TDS.... your comments in the tractor sections should NOT be related to your opinions in the Political section...  EVERYONE  of us ( except you) can post in the Political and disagree, then comment in the tractor section and have no problems....... LET IT GO !

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2025 at 10:35pm

See Curt and ED

What did I tell you

Stevie turned it all completely around.

The Antifreeze bit came long after the info I posted.

There were numerous remarks about my Antifreeze post, and I don't believe I

replied to any of them.


Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2025 at 8:35am
GEE.. give it up gary... I post about 1000 times per year in the Tractor section.. After a few days i have forgot about ANY of the posts... You say i called the D10 a small tractor and that so OUTRAGED you that you had to lecture me and cant forget it after a YEAR ???  So its REALLY NOT the tractors.. 95% of what you post in the political section is shown to be FALSE by a dozen of the guys that post.  Your from Canada and dont have a good idea of what is going on in the USA... I would suggest you DONT READ OR POST in the political section as it appears your hate and rage carries over to the other sections and you cant  differentiate between them..

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: WF owner
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2025 at 9:50am
The Politics page will end up being the demise of this forum, with you guys carrying your hard feelings over because someone has a different political view than you. Haven't you all learned that you are never going to change anyone's views on politics or religion and arguing it only leads to hard feelings???

Posted By: DiyDave
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2025 at 2:24pm
Originally posted by WF owner WF owner wrote:

The Politics page will end up being the demise of this forum, with you guys carrying your hard feelings over because someone has a different political view than you. Haven't you all learned that you are never going to change anyone's views on politics or religion and arguing it only leads to hard feelings???

On the contrary, down there we can hash out the politics, knowing that its a waste of time, generally.  It's our time to waste.  Its part of what makes this forum work so well, the fact that politics is separated, yet visible to those that want to see it. I see a lot of forums that scrub every political post off as soon as its posted.  They don't have near the number of posts, nor last near as long as this one has...Wink 

As to why I say what I say, up here, its the know-it-all, never admit you're wrong attitude that gaREE demonstrates, that earns him my jibes.  He  reminds me a lot of the guy who lost his blue oval fluid...LOL

Source: Babylon Bee. Sponsored by BRAWNDO, its got what you need!

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