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Allis Cotton Days 2025

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Shows and Events
Forum Description: Discuss and Schedule shows and events
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 3:54pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.10 -

Topic: Allis Cotton Days 2025
Posted By: CrestonM
Subject: Allis Cotton Days 2025
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2025 at 9:50am
Hey everyone,
This has been a couple years in the making, but this year I will be hosting an open invitation Allis-Chalmers show on a farm near Hobart, Oklahoma. It’s scheduled to be November 14-15. I will have at least one of every model of self propelled cotton stripper Allis built from 1966-1982, for a total of hopefully 6 or 7 machines. If the weather cooperates this summer, we will have about 30 acres of cotton to harvest with the machines.
I’m hoping to get the word out to as many Allis people as possible, and encourage everyone to bring a piece of Allis equipment to the show to display if they can. The show will be very sparse and unimpressive if people don’t bring equipment. I have a few pieces to display but not enough for a show.
I’d like to have a moldboard plowing event also, but that will only be a success if people bring plows, I only have one.
If any Allis vendors would want to come, we could have a swap meet also.
We will have food trucks and portable restrooms, but those are the only amenities at this time.
Below is a link to the website. A link to RSVP is on the website. If we can’t get at least 40 people to RSVP by October, we will not be having the show. Ask me any questions you have, and I hope to see you there!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: BryceBurden
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2025 at 8:36pm
Sounds like a great time. We are just a couple hours north of you in the Woodward area. Too early to know for sure but I’ll put it on the calendar and get the old 48 WD ready to go. I’ll pass the info along to a buddy of mine over in the Fairview area that has some Allis stuff as well.

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