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Hearing Aids,,in the ear or over the year

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Printed Date: 28 Sep 2024 at 10:31am
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Topic: Hearing Aids,,in the ear or over the year
Posted By: desertjoe
Subject: Hearing Aids,,in the ear or over the year
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 11:09am

  OK,,I've been wearing the OVER the ear Hearing Aids  for a long while and they are a PITA as the temples on my glasses tend to always try to push the thing off my ears,,,!!
 What are other's thoughts on these,,,?   TIA,,,

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 12:21pm
So far I have refused to get any but I think I would prefer in the ear. Between jet engines and emergency vehicle sirens my hearing is pretty much shot. If I finally have to get some the VA has some Bluetooth units that I have heard good reports from.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 12:39pm
I have been wearing hearing aids for 10 + years and don't have any trouble like that

Posted By: Dennis J OPKs
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 4:51pm
I wear over the ear type and have for years.  Glasses don't present a problem but back when we were wearing masks-that's another story.  Lost one maybe 6 times and was always lucky enough to find them.  Masks always pulled one off.  I did try full in the ear type, returned them.  For some reason, I would get feedback in my ear for every step I took and that's not acceptable.

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 4:56pm
Wondering the same thing if to try in the ear amplifiers or go to units from actual prescription type and over the ear . 
 Most times can her most things but certain voices I can't make out , and forget British TV programs as miss most of the sound - have went to captions on TV now (just have to get into speed reading though)

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: Kenny L.
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 5:09pm
Originally posted by Hubert (Ga)engine7 Hubert (Ga)engine7 wrote:

So far I have refused to get any but I think I would prefer in the ear. Between jet engines and emergency vehicle sirens my hearing is pretty much shot. If I finally have to get some the VA has some Bluetooth units that I have heard good reports from.

 Hubert, I've had mine for about two years now and they're over the ear and have no trouble with them I also wear glasses, love the Bluetooth for talking on the phone (calls come thru the hearing aids, the only trouble I've with them is in a crowd. Mine are Phonak Aud'eo P-RL and are made by Sonova out of Switzerland.

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 5:17pm
My FIL swears by the bone induction (?) "hearing aids". Says they work better for him than anything else he's tried. He also says the food at a local place is good and it ain't. They're a lot cheaper than actual hearing aids and that may be why they "work better"

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 6:01pm
Unless changed recently In the Ear style would not be set up to connect to my phone, No Blue Tooth.  Have to have a Answer Button exposed to trigger receipt of a call.  Mine are Over Ear, rechargeable as well Programmable to fit only the frequencies I can no longer hear.  Had them now five years, going on six, are rather handy and Sunglasses do not bother them.

Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 7:20pm
hmm, anyone got a cure for Tinnitus aka 24/7 'ringing in the ears' ?

3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 7:23pm
I keep mine in a little container on the night stand. They don’t bother at all.
I may have to start wearing them again or the wife may murder me.

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2024 at 7:24pm
Originally posted by Thad in AR. Thad in AR. wrote:

I keep mine in a little container on the night stand. They don’t bother at all.
I may have to start wearing them again or the wife may murder me.

By the way mine are over the ear and the glasses bother them.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 4:24am
Jay, my aids are for my tinnitus, the magic is they cancel out around 90% of the ring/hum, that was what had blocked certain frequencies for my hearing.

Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 4:28am
Originally posted by jaybmiller jaybmiller wrote:

hmm, anyone got a cure for Tinnitus aka 24/7 'ringing in the ears' ?

So you are hearing crickets in the fence-rows even when there ain't any crickets...

I have heard them since my childhood = never ending, day and night; they are always there.

I will forget I am hearing them until someone like you mentions them and right there they are, louder than ever.

A wise old man, lots older than me, said "son, I hate to tell you; but, there's nothing you can do about them; you will hear them right up to your grave"

As for hearing aids --- I love my big Walker Game Ear and the super-turbo options it has that ordinary hearing aids lack.

I got the deluxe version.

I am normally deaf as a post; but, I can tune in that Walker Game Ear and I can hear the neighbors conversations and they are half-a-mile away; I can hear them getting their supper dishes out of the cabinets as clearly as if they were in my house.

As long as they make Walkers, I won't be paying ridiculous money for any other hearing aid.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 8:19am

 Well, I just recently had to get my "Over The Ear" aids adjusted up,,,mine have 3 levels of amplification and had been on the lowest setting. Within each setting, I can adjust up or down with my IPhone when the need arises,,,Both aids are now at the middle setting with lots of room to manually adjust up or down. I have an issue that when you do that,,,Everything else gets louder as well. There are some sounds,,noises I do not care to hear all the time at the amplified rate,,,,I can now whip out my IPhone and reset the volumne pretty quick,,,,LOL
 The Dr tried to adjust the transmitter where the temples on my glasses do not interfere but still get moved off my ears,,,CHIT,,maybe I need to get contacts instead,,,,,
 WOW,,Buckskin,,,you can actually hear your neighbors THAT far away,,,??ClapClap I'ma gonna look into the Game Ear,,,,

Posted By: Dirt Farmer
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 9:36am
Jay, I'm with you on the noise of tinnitus, the folks complaining of the noisy cicadas got nothing on me either. The only time I don't hear that pitch of noise is when I'm sleeping, probably there but sleep through it, glad for close captioning on the TV.

Posted By: DanWi
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 9:58am
A friend had bad tinnitus and he got hearing aids he said the doctor was able to do something with them set up to help him. I don't know if it's white noise all day long or what. I inherited a set of hearing aids, my hearing is bad. I have tried them a few times watching TV and they help but like some have said the noise of footsteps or a door closing is too loud. I need to take them in and see if they can reprogram them. I worry about starting to use them, will the amplifying continue to hurt your hearing and you have to keep turning them up. Or is the damage done?

Posted By: BuckSkin
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 10:16am
The thing about hearing aids, and I don't care what the vendors may claim, is that they not only amplify the things you want to hear, but everything else as well.

For people with really good hearing, being able to really also hear all this other unwelcome noise is just the natural way of things.

You either hear or you don't.

I have worn my Walker in our local restaurant a few times, hoping I could hear what the people across the table are saying and so I won't answer stupidly and make them look sideways at me.

I could hear what they were saying alright, but I could also hear everything going on in the kitchen very well.

Normal rattling and clattering around with the dishes sounded like an airplane had crashed in the kitchen.

I had always before been protected from all this painful noise on account of not being able to hear it; now, all of a sudden, I can hear it and don't really want to; but, that's just part of the game........ you either hear or you don't.

I can go without the Walker about my day to day business around the place and the only thing I ever hear are the tailgates on the dump-trucks slamming over at the quarry; it is sort of a status thing to be able to make your tailgate slam loudly many many times as you are easing back out to the highway; someone that really knows how can make it slam eighteen or twenty times before the bed gets down and they hit the highway.

Without the Walker, I never hear a bird or anything.

I can wear the Walker and immediately my silent world has been turned into an Amazon jungle, full of birds and rang-tangs hollering, and the big old Courthouse clock ticking eight miles away.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 5:23pm
My PHONAK Aids do NOT amplify Everything, just those frequencies I cannot normally hear.  The Technician set them up where I am due for a repeat hearing test with both Aids Out and Aids In.  She wants to see what changes in the narrow band mine are set for occurred in last going on six years.  Then go back and test with the aids in to see if need a tweak.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2024 at 6:00pm
does she check your WIFE first to see what FREQUENCY she speak so you know what to turn off ??? Wink

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 21 Jun 2024 at 4:48am
Originally posted by steve(ill) steve(ill) wrote:

does she check your WIFE first to see what FREQUENCY she speak so you know what to turn off ??? Wink


Sorry to say, NO!!
Audiologist actually stated most Women's voices as are alarms as found on Washers, Driers, Ovens are roughly in a same range of typical for Males UNABLE to Discern over time!
My loss is all midrange with machine alarms and female voices being almost hidden completely behind my Tinnitus.   Doc said no one has ever put a decent reasoning as to why it occurs, have noted around 70-80% of those with ringing have had head injuries, my own been thumped seemingly forever.  First incidents Grandmother's apartment stairs I would fall down, then the car hit when I was 3.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 21 Jun 2024 at 9:29am
Originally posted by Thad in AR. Thad in AR. wrote:

I keep mine in a little container on the night stand. They don’t bother at all.
I may have to start wearing them again or the wife may murder me.

  Well,, Good Buddy,,,that right there is the best'ist way to keep them from bothering you,,,,LOLLOL
 It just seems,,, as time goes on that those "tinny" sounds are what tend to make me want to not even use the aids,,,anything where metal bumps against glass and similar,,,SO irritating,,,,Wink

Posted By: FloydKS
Date Posted: 21 Jun 2024 at 11:00am
I do not use the phone thinking is why should I have to mess with that added step when I can just reach up and touch one of the two buttons on on either hearing aid to change the 'power'. there are 3 settings from the lowest, crowd, middle one is normal and the strongest is speach. Or if things get really noisy I can turn them off with a longer touch of the button. If i am with someone that speaks softly and no one else around I use the speach setting but try to get by most of the time with the lowest setting so as not to pull in those 'extra' noises around. peace

Holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 21 Jun 2024 at 12:10pm
Originally posted by steve(ill) steve(ill) wrote:

does she check your WIFE first to see what FREQUENCY she speak so you know what to turn off ??? Wink

A neighbor had tried several hear aids over the years and never really helped. Then finally the type DMiller has.  His wife was telling the world how wonderful it was that he could hear her again. Then somewhere 30 to 60 days later he is not responding to his wife again. Don't know if using that part of the range of hearing wore it out, or if he just did not want listen to his wife anymore. 

Posted By: NDBirdman
Date Posted: 22 Jun 2024 at 9:10pm
I've used both, tried a couple different brands of both.  I dislike the in the ear aids, after a few hours they start itching/hurting.  Those were custom fitted to my ear.  My current over the ears are the best I've had in all the pairs (oticon), they're VA issue.  I wear glasses too.  There is a little, almost like a hair thin silicon retainer that prevents mine from falling off, most the time.  I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me.  I can wear them for 16 hour days or more and they feel natural so I'll never go back to the in the ear type.  YMMV
My only problem with h/aids, it also brings up the back ground noise as well as spoken words.  Sometimes, the increase in back ground noise makes understanding speech harder.  Love the blu-tooth though, I can listen to music from my iphone quite good.  Some, or all of my problem is severe tinnitus, too many years working on loud jet engines and thousands of rounds of ammo barking even with hearing protectors.

1955 WD45 S#205467, 190XT #6652 DXT

Posted By: JW in MO
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2024 at 6:21pm
Originally posted by Coke-in-MN Coke-in-MN wrote:

 Most times can her most things but certain voices I can't make out , and forget British TV programs as miss most of the sound - have went to captions on TV now (just have to get into speed reading though)

The British tv was my complaint too, my audiologist had an article on her board that told why hearing impaired had trouble with British tv and films.  Wish I could find it, explained about microphone placement and the camera angle is such that it makes lip reading difficult.
I too have tinnitus, the hearing aids help mask the locust sounds and as said before, someone mentions it and I hear them right off.

Maximum use of available resources!

Posted By: AveryD12
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2024 at 7:32pm
Which model Walker Game Ear do you have? I have hearing aids - behind the ear type - but they still leave a lot of room for improvement. I looked at the various Walker models online but don’t know which ones would work better for me. I think I would like the behind the ear but only see a right ear model advertised. I only have 10% hearing in my right ear. Would prefer having one for both ears. Left ear still has 40%

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2024 at 9:13pm
Originally posted by AveryD12 AveryD12 wrote:

Which model Walker Game Ear do you have? I have hearing aids - behind the ear type - but they still leave a lot of room for improvement. I looked at the various Walker models online but don’t know which ones would work better for me. I think I would like the behind the ear but only see a right ear model advertised. I only have 10% hearing in my right ear. Would prefer having one for both ears. Left ear still has 40%

 Well, Avery,,you beat me to the question for the Game Ear,,,,Clap

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 24 Jun 2024 at 2:23pm
The earing aids I have now are all computerized and are cheaper than the ones I have worn for years, and the work better

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