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Church denomination

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Topic: Church denomination
Posted By: bobkyllo
Subject: Church denomination
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2022 at 10:05pm
I'm looking for guys thoughts on different church denominations. My church is currently hooked up with the elca. We are going to lose our pastor in May. We need to do something. There are 6 other churches in the area in the same boat. Any way there are a large part of the congregation that are not happy with the path that the elca is taking. They are pushing more and more politics. They are also pushing beliefs that go completely against the Bible.

So my question for you guys, we are looking at switching to either new life church or lcmc.

What do you guys know about either choice.

Posted By: 200Tom1
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2022 at 10:33pm
I've never heard of the 2 denominations named. My grandson is going with a young lady graduating from seminary. You folks might take a look at a new graduate.

Posted By: truckerfarmer
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 4:52am
We are very pleased with LCMC. So far no liberal policies that are in the ELCA.

Looking at the past to see the future.
'53 WD, '53 WD45, WD snap coupler field cultivator, #53 plow,'53 HD5B dozer

Duct tape.... Can't fix stupidity. But will muffle the sound of it!

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 5:52am

  Hey BobKYLLO,,,I hear what you are saying and that issue seems to just keep getting bigger and bigger these days. I was raised by two very staunch Catholics and we were always taught to "Lead you life Accordingly". Whether it is wrong or else, I have never felt you had to go to church or belong to a certain denomination in order to be "saved"  If you truely believe in your GOD and lead your life accordingly, you need not worry bout where you gonna wind up. I also believe the current pope has gone beyond what his position on life is supposed to be. Lots of long time Catholics are no longer donating to the church because of his lack of faith.
  Years ago a person of a denomination I won't mention told me with GREAT admonishment,,,,"The only way you going to get to Heaven, is thru MY church". That right there is worst than not believing at all.

Posted By: fixer1958
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 6:13am
I'm with you on that Joe. If you have faith and live life accordingly what's the deal if I go to church or not.
I think it is a hammered in fear/guilt trip.
Not much difference between religion and politics.
I know where I will end up and am not in the least worried about it.
Just my view.

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 6:34am
LCMS  (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) is old school very conservative teachings and worship. No women pastors. Nothing liberal in thinking. Music is 500 years old sometimes. I believe they are struggling to survive in membership and pastor numbers because of the liberal thinking of the young and the young don't want this old-school stuff. The greatest percentage in my church are older in age, not younger with families. The liberal teachings of the ELCA in my area satisfy "itchy ears" that are talked about in the New Testament and are generally false teachings.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 6:49am
Hate to say it but churches around here other than Catholic are going thru many 'Reorganizations' as well teachings are changing, doctrines are swapped as fast as some change socks.  Catholic is also changing but more slowly and as I see it not for the better.  Youth are yet again abandoning organized religions due to perceived inconsistency.

Posted By: Greg (Hillsboro, OH)
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 8:53am
I attend an independent non-denominational church.  It has it's base similar to a conservative protestant church belief, WITHOUT the meddling and POCKET-PICKNG of the district/state/national organization who takes a big percentage of the church's money and dictates what to do. (I grew up Methodist, and that church is about to implode with the division between conservative/liberals, and seems when the conservative churches want to leave... they have to BUY back their own church buildings  they have supported for generations, this is after the district takes all their money and assets).
I am very happy here.  I would suggest that you look into a local non-denominational church that meets your beliefs and support it.

Posted By: Robert Musgrave
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 9:07am
We are members/attenders at a WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) Church with a church-supported preK-8 elementary school.  I often say that, "If Lutherans were Mennonites, the WELS would be Amish!"  In all seriousness, we are very Othodox in our teaching and belief, and subscribe to the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, as well as the Athanasian, Nicene, and Apolstle's Creeds.  Our church also supports an Area Lutheran High School (grades 9-12).  The Freedom in Christ that we enjoy is seen by some as a
form os "strictness" that can stifle individuality.  The message from the pulpit puts Jesus front and center and tries very hard to stay OUT of Red and Blue Politics.  Our church history in SE Wisconsin pre-dates the American Civil War (1858), so we do have a history. For those so inclined, check out the WELS on the Internet.           R. Musgrave

Posted By: Steve Bright
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 9:52am
I agree with Gregg, NON denominational works for me also

Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 9:57am
I think Dr Allis pretty much summed it up! This is a subject I could spend hours on, as many, I'm sure could, but I need to get outside and clean up Shameless's mess! 

My suggestion is start from the beginning; the Bible is the infallible Word of God. All of it, not just part of it, with nothing added.  If the Bible appears to be conflicting, then you must broaden your study of the Bible, because it does not conflict. One must also, use common sense when studying the Bible, sometimes it is historical, sometimes, legal, sometimes poetic, sometimes in parables, etc. 

If one does not view the entire Word of God, in context, and exclude mans' add ons, then you have nothing. Not trying to be offensive here, but the same Bible that tells us how to get to Heaven, have eternal life, is the same Bible that instructs us on are responsibility for formal assembly and worship of God, of the responsibility of men, not women to be leaders in the church, and of the abomination of homosexuality, and abortion, etc.

There is not one denomination, including mine that has it 100% right! There is not one denomination that can assure membership in their denomination is a guarantee of a place in heaven. But, there are lots of denominations that if their teachings are heeded, is a safe bet for a 'rejection at the gates'!

The Bible is for everyone to read, study and follow. Don't take my word for what it says, and don't take a priest's or minister's or preacher's word for it. Your eternal life depends on it! Just living a 'good' life, 'doing the best I can', etc won't cut it! Jesus said, "be ye therefor perfect.....". Since we are all sinners, none of us can be perfect, but the Bible says we must be perfect to get into heaven, so who gets into Heaven? It's in the Bible, check it out!

Choose your denomination according to how faithful they are to the Bible, the whole Bible, and only the Bible!

OK, I could keep going, but I gotta go clean up some of Shameless's mess!

I am still confident of this;
I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27

Posted By: soggybottomboy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 11:02am
Amen Lou.

Posted By: Brian F(IL)
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 11:33am
Can someone tell me what LCMC is?  What do the initials stand for?

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 11:45am
Originally posted by Brian F(IL) Brian F(IL) wrote:

Can someone tell me what LCMC is?  What do the initials stand for?
Thanks for asking, I was wondering as well.  I think it maybe is supposed to be LCMS for Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, but I could be mistaken.

Posted By: Dennis J OPKs
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 12:10pm
LCMC & LCMS are 2 different groups. Google it.  Could be wrong but I think the LCMC spun out of ELCA as a more conservative approach.  There is a website that explains the present structure.

Posted By: Tbone95
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 12:25pm
Oh.  Thanks.  Not confusing at all.Big smile

Posted By: CrestonM
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 1:29pm
I was raised in ELCA but in college began attending LCMS. As others stated, much more conservative and I really like it. I've also attended a Mennonite church when I was working in Kansas a couple summers back and I liked it. They followed a simple, direct interpretation of the Bible (primarily focusing on New Testament). 

Posted By: Brian F(IL)
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 1:54pm
Originally posted by Dennis J OPKs Dennis J OPKs wrote:

LCMC & LCMS are 2 different groups. Google it.  Could be wrong but I think the LCMC spun out of ELCA as a more conservative approach.  There is a website that explains the present structure.

Thanks, Dennis.  I did Google it.  You're right; they are different.

Posted By: iowallis
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 4:35pm
I belong to an ELCA church and we are large enough to have a pastor and an assistant pastor. My M-I-L's church (also ELCA) is much smaller and her pastor serves 3 rural churches, and in a few years will be in the same boat as bobkyllo,  the pastor plans on retiring and nobody on the horizon to replace her.

I agree with the changing politics and have had a discussion with one of the pastors about his "political bent" as it was regarding praying for the people who are getting evicted for non-payment of rent. I asked why we weren't praying for the landlords (I am one) who have not been able to collect rent for the last 9 months due to government policies and are close to losing their properties as they can't afford the taxes and insurance with no income coming in and can't kick the freeloaders out. 

My biggest pet peeve with our church is attendance is WAY down due to covid, was shut down for 6 mouths (the pastors did video's), offerings/income is WAY down and yet they and other church staff were getting full pay (why are we paying full time building maintenance person when no one is in the church?) and the synod is getting their full amount but they keep begging for more instead of cutting expenses, like laying one of the pastors off until in person church started back up.

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 4:39pm
AMEN, Lou. You pretty much nailed it down. And others have presented some good points. Belief in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ is what will assure your salvation. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me." No person can save you, no church or denomination can save you, your good deeds can not save you. Only Christ can save you.

Don't take my word for it, read and study the Bible yourself. Find a church that preaches and teaches the whole Bible as the true word of God and listen to if what they have to say lines up with the Word. The more I study the Bible the more I see everything coming together.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 5:21pm
My thinking is in line with Lou and Hubert.
We are between churches as we speak.
I listen to an online services of now. until I find what I’m satisfied with I will keep up with the online church.

Posted By: DougG
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 6:20pm
Comunity Christian Church is big around here now , more relaxed married people are the pastors - Catholic is the biggest , and drawing the young folks away  all I can say  dang the Lord sure luvs money as every one are always  supposedly way behind

Posted By: Dorix
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 6:48pm
The old joke is that ELCA stands for Even, Liberals', Communists and Atheists'. Hope that doesn't offend anyone. We go to Community Church near here, they seem stay with what the bible says. And out of politics as much as possible. As I understand it Jesus wasn't trying to start a church, his goal was salvation. However a church is important, to have a place to teach the word of God and have a fellowship.

Posted By: Dennis J OPKs
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 7:08pm
I grew up in LCA now ELCA.  Churches in small towns and rural areas are having a very difficult time and even churches in metro & suburban areas are feeling the effects of covid along with the lack of interest by students & not feeling the call to go into ministry.  The trend to non-denominational churches is present but overall attendance is down.  Unfortunately, the trend will continue.  There are those few mega churches with dynamic pastors & messages that are exceptions.  We all have to make decisions based on what we feel is best for our own individual situation.

Posted By: DougG
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 7:43pm
Anyone remember Jim and Tammy Baker !!!???? And the PTL corruption

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 8:01pm
Originally posted by DougG DougG wrote:

Anyone remember Jim and Tammy Baker !!!???? And the PTL corruption

Even went to one of their services back around 1976/1977 when I was going through a rough time in my life. Didn't get much out of it though.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: Stan IL&TN
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2022 at 9:03pm
I would suggest that you attend several churches and maybe a couple outside your comfort zone.   I was raised Southern Baptist, my wife Catholic. I converted. Boy that was a stretch for me. I didn't agree with everything but kept an open mind. We both walked away from the church after all the sex scandals came out and both our priests were reassigned because of said scandals. Wife attends a nondenominational huge mega church now. It's vibrant and has three pastors and she enjoys it. Me, not so much but I go every once in awhile to keep her happy.

1957 WD45 dad's first AC

1968 one-seventy

1956 F40 Ferguson

Posted By: Sparky F54
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2022 at 7:27am
I am with Robert in the WELS,also LCMS is close to our save ways

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2022 at 10:40pm
Small church just across the field from me is LCMS , as was the church I joined way back when I was 16,  (that church changed to ELCA later) , so this church I have now been a member of since 1971
  The pastor at the church has been installed about a year now after last retired after 6 years there . Odd thing he was raised Catholic and decided around 30 to get more involved in his religious beliefs and decided to research more into religion, ended up becoming a Pastor in MO SYNOD . 
  Seems there were a couple divisions and mergers in the Lutheran church over the years and a lot of changes in ideas - Abortion being one big issue , along with Gay Marriage , Women Pastors and other interpretations' of scripture . 
  One thing I can say is for the last 50 years I have not missed a chance to go to church IF IT SNOWS as I have been plowing the parking lot there ever since I joined .
 use to be a gravel lot when I first joined and I did the grading on that as well as graveling it a few times . On the new church building they built i put in the septic system for it and also clearing much of area for new parking lot 
  Kind of looks like I might spend more time there later as wife is buried there , in part of Church Cemetery I was hired to create back in the 80's - never thinking it might be a final resting place within the work I created . 

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: nella(Pa)
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2022 at 3:29am" rel="nofollow - EXPOSING THE ELCA - Exposing the Evangelical Lutheran ..." rel="nofollow - Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod

Posted By: Dennis(IA)
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2022 at 8:31am
I went from ELCA to WELS years ago.  Never regretted it.  When we would spend the winter in North Carolina we would drive an hour to go to a WELS Church.

Posted By: allischalmerguy
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2022 at 8:39pm
My daughter attended a Lutheran Church in Waukee Iowa that was:
Not Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Not Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

It was a Lutheran Congregations in Mission In Christ

I had the feeling it was a very Biblical group of churches. I think the Church in Waukee had left ELCA and joined Lutheran Congregations in Mission in Christ because the ELCA was getting pretty liberal and denied the Bible was God's Word o many topics.

It is great being a disciple of Jesus! 1950 WD, 1957 D17...retired in Iowa,

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2022 at 9:52pm
In the United States there are four major synods: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, or the ELCA; the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, or LCMS; The American Association of Lutheran Churches, or TAALC; and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, or WELS.

Lutheran churches follow the teachings of 16h century reformer Martin Luther, particularly his teaching on justification by faith and scripture alone (sola scriptura). It is one of the most liturgical Protestant movements, along with Episcopalianism. Lutheranism is more prominent in the Midwestern United States, particularly among those with German and Scandinavian ancestry. Lutheran bodies include the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.


  •" rel="nofollow - American Association of Lutheran Churches
  •" rel="nofollow - Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
  •" rel="nofollow - Association of Free Lutheran Congregations
  •" rel="nofollow - Association of Independent Evangelical Lutheran Churches
  •" rel="nofollow - Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America
  •" rel="nofollow - Church of the Lutheran Confession
  •" rel="nofollow - Conservative Lutheran Association
  •" rel="nofollow - Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, The
  •" rel="nofollow - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  •" rel="nofollow - Evangelical Lutheran Synod
  •" rel="nofollow - Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  •" rel="nofollow - Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS)
  •" rel="nofollow - Protes'tant Conference, The
  •" rel="nofollow - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2022 at 9:55pm

Inactive Denominations (Denomination is defunct, has been renamed or merged with another denomination, or has not reported data since 1980)

  •" rel="nofollow - American Evangelical Lutheran Church
  •" rel="nofollow - American Lutheran Church (1930-1960)
  •" rel="nofollow - American Lutheran Church (1960-1987)
  •" rel="nofollow - American Lutheran Conference
  •" rel="nofollow - Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches
  •" rel="nofollow - Augustana Synod
  •" rel="nofollow - Buffalo Synod
  •" rel="nofollow - Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church
  •" rel="nofollow - Eielsen Synod
  •" rel="nofollow - Evangelical Lutheran Church
  •" rel="nofollow - Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church (Suomi Synod)
  •" rel="nofollow - Icelandic Synod
  •" rel="nofollow - Iowa Synod
  •" rel="nofollow - Jehovah Conference
  •" rel="nofollow - Lutheran Church in America
  •" rel="nofollow - Lutheran Free Church
  •" rel="nofollow - Lutheran Synodical Conference
  •" rel="nofollow - National Evangelical Lutheran Church (Finnish)
  •" rel="nofollow - Negro Missions of the Synodical Conference
  •" rel="nofollow - Norwegian Lutheran Church
  •" rel="nofollow - Ohio Synod
  •" rel="nofollow - Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the United States of America
  •" rel="nofollow - Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches
  •" rel="nofollow - United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church
  •" rel="nofollow - United Evangelical Lutheran Church
  •" rel="nofollow - United Lutheran Church in America
  •" rel="nofollow - World Confessional Lutheran Association

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: bobkyllo
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2022 at 9:45pm
Thank you guys for all your thoughts and inputs. Like I say we are just getting started. We have a few other options to explore.

We met with the lcmc guy and was very impressed. What they stood for seem to be exactly what we are looking for. But like buying a car or home you don't just jump at the first one.

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2022 at 11:56am
Seems many in the Lutheran beliefs have had to come to make a choice in their own beliefs - to follow a liberal new view or stay in a more traditional stance . 
  It's up to each individual to not only follow their own heart and soul in what they feel or know is the right path to follow , but to also find what is the teaching and beliefs of the Synod they belong to .
  I know others on here have looked and said the way the congregation they belonged to for many years changed direction and has caused a SPLIT in the members many leaving to find new churches that followed their ideas and the churches teachings were what they were raised to believe .
 One of the individuals on here that lives in Rochester MN area faced it a few years back when the congregation voted to follow a new liberal belief path - He could not accept it and found a new Lutheran Church - even though his family had been members for 3 or more generations of the former one . 

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: Lars(wi)
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2022 at 1:07pm
Coke, this very thing is happening to nearly all religions in the west, and has been going on for decades. From the Vatican hiding preist’s from law enforcement, to the catacombs under Vatican City stuffed full of gold, and artifacts from WWI & WWII, all the while crying the blues as the plate is passed at every mass. To the Bible being rewritten, edited, and supposedly translated for centuries on end, to be as some believe to be nothing even close to as the word of God. All designed to split, and pit citizens against each other.

I tried to follow the science, but it was not there. I then followed the money, and that’s where I found the science.

Posted By: DereonMalone
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2022 at 1:19pm
Have you been to a Pentecostal church? We believe that the Christian Church is, of course, a family. The local church is warm and close, and the Universal Church is global and majestic and a family. We are all related to Adam and Eve, according to Christ. So we invite you to our family, first virtually and then, God willing, physically! I leave contact info at http://" rel="nofollow - . We spend a lot of time studying and discussing the Bible. I believe that we, like no one else, devote a lot of time to this. We communicate, find friends, participate in events, and help children. Come, we are always glad to meet new people.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2022 at 2:35pm
Was born into Catholicism, attended Southern Baptist in Greenville IL with Great Aunt and Uncle and their family on Mom's side, Grandmother on Mom's side Non Denominational but trended to simple worship services and Churches, she could not tolerate the Tongues and Twitches of the Pentacostal meetings.
Her best Friend and lifelong confidant was Southern Baptist, Grandmother's Parents Lutheran and from the Old Country Lutheran.  Changes in that religion stepped her away from them.  Grandfather on Mom's side grew up occasional Methodist.  Grands on Dad's side Staunch Catholics, Both Grandparents and Great Grands.

I am a "Casual Catholic', do not attend regularly, still believe I am in God's most Holy Church EVERY Day just by being alive and being in our rural setting.

Posted By: Mnfarmboy
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2022 at 10:20am

Posted By: Ken(MI)
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2022 at 7:10pm
I'm a fourth generation member of a local LCMS church, but no longer attend there, my folks left there 25 years ago as they tired of watching it become more and more liberal from St. Louis on down. They and several other long time members joined a WELS congregation which is the same one my wife and I attend and where my daughter was confirmed. We have attended some classes there and have been invited to join, I'm just dragging my feet and feel a little guilt on being the last one out the door after our family has been on the membership roles for over 140 years, but that's my problem and I know I need to make the switch. The WELS foundation is much more solid and conservative in my opinion.

Posted By: dr p
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2022 at 6:48am
Interesting to read what you guys are experiencing in your faith communities. I am on the other side of the fence (jew) and we are going through the same issues. The young rabbis and modern reform synagogues seem more like a social club than a house of worship. I believe the world is a different place than it was 5000 years ago and the laws of man can change but the ten commandments are that, not the ten suggestions.

Posted By: Dan Hauter
Date Posted: 15 Sep 2022 at 5:11pm
I've enjoyed reading all of your posts. I grew up Protestant with one set of grandparents who were Catholic and the other set were "protesting" Protestants. I had a Jewish roommate in college. Then I married a Methodist preacher's daughter. One day a group of us were debating which church is "the church". A wise lady (Catholic) said "I thought we were all Christians here. Why are we arguing about which church to attend?". Excellent point. My humble opinion is that the most important things are that the church is Christian, Bible based, & preaches the word of God and Jesus. Our preference at this time is to attend a non-denominational Christian church loosely affiliated with a seminary. Our church is governed by a board of directors who control the finances. I absolutely avoid any church where the pastor is the center of attention and controls the church and the money. Let's all remember that churches' tax exempt status prohibits promoting politics. Many churches today do preach politics. Personally, I think that's wrong. A church's teachings should be based on the word of God and Jesus as written in the Bible. 

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