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farm for sale

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Topic: farm for sale
Posted By: shameless dude
Subject: farm for sale
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2021 at 9:58pm
yep....ours! the stockholders decided they don't wanna mess with it anymore and wanna sell it. this has been tearing me up since i found out about it. i did tell them that we can't afford to have the big green farmers farm it. this years profits went to taxes, and paying them input costs. i didn't recieve 1 cent from it from last years crop! guess i gotta start liquidating my treasures.

Posted By: HD6GTOM
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2021 at 10:31pm
Shameless, mom has 220 acres that isn't bad farm land. 20 acres of pasture. We had the choice to put it back into crp at 110.00 per acre for another 10 years down from 156.oo per acre or rent it for 3 years to a young guy for 150.00 per acre. She is 98 and doesn't want it sold as long as she is alive. I don't want to sell it, older sis doesn't want to sell. Don't know about younger brother or sister. Havn't spoke to them for years. Brother has Parkensons so bad he doesn't know where he is. We agonized for a year about this. Several guys wanted to rent it. We're gonna lime it and replace the crick crossing after Oct 1 this year. We took soil samples in a grid pattern so the renter knew what he was looking at. Its amazing with the computers in the spreader trucks just how they can vary the fertilizer rate on the go. Lawyer will draw up the 3 year contract. Taxes are 4000.00 per year on it. It isn't gonna be all fun and games but we are lucky enough to keep it in the family for a few more years. Got a 45 x 35 open front shed on it no other buildings. The 2 miles of Road fence was put in in 1961.   Its shot. The rest is decent. 1 crick gap to maintain.   I didn't get to finish last night, had to chase a darn cat. Mom sold the north 320 acres 10 years ago. Even though never liked that farm, I wish she had not sold it. She does too now.

Posted By: omahagreg
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 6:23am
I’m saddened to hear this!

Greg Kroeker
1950 WD with wide front and Freeman trip loader

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 6:29am
Dale, you and your loving wife will be in my thoughts n prayers. I truly am sorry to hear this.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 7:46am
That is so Sad Dale.

Posted By: bikley
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 7:52am
You should start a go fund me page to buy the others out
I would donate

Posted By: ac hunter
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 8:14am
     Sorry to hear about your farm. I assume it has been in your family for a long time? Difficult to think about parting with some of one's past. I think it becomes part of our personal culture. Brother and I have a farm that has been in the family for over 150 years and no children or grandchildren that are interested in preserving it; just the money I suppose. On the other hand we shouldn't get too attached to "stuff". Just appreciate the enjoyment we derive from it during our life. Hope for the best in your situation.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 8:55am

 Oh My Gosh,,,!! I feel for you, Shameless,,,I know how very much you cared for that land that came from your father,,, It's almost a slap in the face to say,,"It's the sign of the times". Hopefully,,YOUR attorney will represent YOUR interests before the stockholder's.
 I will "always" remember a commercial many, many years ago when we still lived on the farm,,,," There will always be more people,,but there will never be more land"
 Just look at it this way,,,now, you can come visit a spell,,,,,Wink

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 9:06am
Sorry to hear that Dale.......... all you can do is try to look at the positive side.. time to down size and move ahead... ought to be a big burden lifted from you going forward.... you dont need the stress.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 11:24am
No words to add, but praying for you. I kind of know the waiting to see how things go, and hoping and praying to stay where I am. Because even though I don't have stockholders to answer to, I can only hold on because of a property tax reduction program. If the greedy politicians take it away, no way to pay taxes on the inflated billionaires playground land valves.  

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 12:20pm
Best wish for you and your wife, we was luck that all but one agreed on in laws farm and see wanted us to give it to her

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 5:05pm
Aren't you a stockholder too?  If so, why not split a few acres off the place where the house and buildings are as part of your share of the place.  Then again, if you have to move into town, the pretty machine might get cut up for scrap.....
I hope it does work out for you ole friend.

Posted By: Michael V (NM)
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 8:30pm
yea,,, I think John has a good idea...

Posted By: Stan IL&TN
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 8:55pm
I'm so sorry Dale. I'll be praying for a good outcome.

1957 WD45 dad's first AC

1968 one-seventy

1956 F40 Ferguson

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 9:08pm
Dang it, Dale. I hate it for you and will be praying for you and your loving wife. But I do think John has a good idea: split off your share from the rest of the farm and let them sell the rest. A positive point is that once it is over and done with you won't have to deal with the stockholders anymore. It is sad to see family land sold like that, the land is part of our heritage not just a piece of ground. I am at least the fourth generation to own my little spot of God's green earth, maybe more than that, and I hope my granddaughter will want to keep it in the family. This land and surrounding acreage has been in the family for well over 100 years. I really should do a deed search and see how far back it goes.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: Kansas99
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 9:55pm
Boy, that's too bad, especially in situations of more then one, if one wants to go it puts all the rest in the same boat. I don't understand your lands situation but if it's not making enough to pay taxes and inputs with some left over I could see people wanting to sell.  I farm ground on shares and the land owner always makes more per acre than I do, with no work involved, even in a drought, hail, wind, flood event, they still are ahead of me and that's not counting my fixed expenses just the variables on my end and everything on theirs.  It's probably too late but if only you could find a tenant that treated you like they needed your ground to survive the situation could be much better, but then again eastern NE is probably much different than w ks.  Trying to hang on to farms with people that aren't attached is a problem, they look at how much it's worth in their pocket today and not that once it's sold it's gone usually for at least a generation or two.  Sad situation indeed!   Hopefully something good will work out of it for you.

I know none of this helps the situation your in but one thing I've learned in life is that everything happens for a reason and no matter how bad the situation is or was someday down the road you can look back on what happened and realize it gave birth to something else that made or makes you happy.  It might not be tomorrow or a month from now but down the road at some point, no matter how bad or how bad it makes you feel today, there will be good come from it.  Just stay positive, everything happens for a reason.

Hoping everything works out for you and your wife.


Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 9:57pm
thanks everyone...i was the 3rd generation farmer on this property, it was my Grandpa's farm, then my Dads farm, then my (our) farm. John...i am a family member, the others want to be listed as a stockholder. it's a bigger name that way. the one stockholder appointed himself as manager and had all legal and other farm directed stuff directed to him for review before we could see/hear about anything. plus he held the checkbook for the farm. we all had to almost threaten him with bodily harm for him to put all of our names on the bank account! i farmed this farm for 36 years, before retiring...(forced by stockholders). the self appointed manager wanted the big green farmer up the road to farm it, said their equipment looked nicer than mine. it was shiney and newer. i told him new doesn't mean best or better. he doesn't believe that. now...just the other day he comes out and says the big green farmers want to buy our land because it's close to them. i told him that i wasn't gonna give them a discount if they do want it! he told me they know how to farm the farm and it fits their equipment. sounds like he's been talking to them alot already! they've farmed it for 5 years and they know more than me about the farm? they don't farm on the contour, they ripped out two small dams i had put in to help control run off, they pushed out the terraces, and tore out all the grassed waterways i had, and they don't farm corners. yep they know all about farming!  oh...shucks...sorry on this long post...guess i'm just so upset...i could spit!   

Posted By: soggybottomboy
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2021 at 10:00pm
Buy the whole thing. You already own a portion of it, so you could buy the others out for less than full purchase price. Interest is cheap. Then cash rent it to the big green for the going rate, which is going to be pretty high with prices where they are. With a little inflation in the years ahead it just might work. I do not know if you have children, but if you pass on from this life and the farm isn't paid for, they can take over the payments, or sell it and likely come out ahead. 
I know, it's easy to give advice,and maybe my plan might not make sense to you,but i would be exploring my options.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 3:21am
Land and homes prices are currently nuts high
Might be a good time to settle back and sell off

Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 4:48am
Just come buy a lake home down here on Beaver lake. We can have coffee together and I think you’ll be close enough to give Hubert, Joe and Tyler a nice blanket of purdy.

Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 5:44am
re: Buy the whole thing. You already own a portion of it, so you could buy the others out for less than full purchase price....

At the very,very least buy the house,buildings and say 5 acres around them !!! Since you do own part of it, the 'big sale' can't go through wiithout your signature. If that's true (lawyer will KNOW) , then  make it a 'condition of sale'....otherwise ,well...keep chanting 'I ain't signing' and them board meetings.....

I KNOW, first hand, that 'forced downsizing' ain't fun.... I figure I got a month as  'contractor' been told his house dig begins end of March, so then I'll HAVE to move 1/2 ac of 'stuff' into an already full dbl car garage..... pretty sure you got a few more things than me !!! Hmm. maybe have an auction. That dang 'machine' of your will fetch a GREAT price !


3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 6:04am
200 acres just down the road sold last fall - out of family that owned it .
4 brothers and one sister owned it since mother passes at 100 - 
Has been a family fight for so long since dad died years before = was rented many years .
one brother was in real estate and owned a plumbing shop he took over from dad - then took control of property , sister and her husband got a 140 acre farm across the border when dad died . 2 younger boys got 3 acres off the 200 to build houses on .
 Well after family wars and death of one brother land was in a green acres tax plan - in for a time period so it could not be sold unless back taxes paid for non farm .
 One brother has it set into trust - with a bank as executor - he died and bank put land up for sale - but found a old farm dump on one corner - hired a company to clean it up . 
 $180,000 bill to load and haul out - now another son just died so unsure how this full deal will come out but expect soon they will be growing houses on it - only thing is they need to put roads in and the other thing is zoning here says 5 acre minimum and 300 ft frontage needed onto road .
 Another 60 acre piece up for sale also little ways on other side of me $700,000 asking price on that piece and its almost land locked behind home place and another 20 acres for original farmstead .  

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: Lars(wi)
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 5:26pm
Dale, did you ever receive a copy of your father’s will?
There may be ‘covenants’ in there concerning selling of the farm.

I tried to follow the science, but it was not there. I then followed the money, and that’s where I found the science.

Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 5:58pm
Sorry Shameless, I can only sympathize with your predicament as our farming equipment will soon be on the market as dad rented out his ground to a local BTO that only runs  Green. Other than our JD 7000 consertill, I never DREAMED to see a 4x4 JD tractor,S670 combine on sacred ground Confused . Not sure what to think when the entire parcel goes up for sale CryCry.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 9:46pm i never was able to see Dads will, the stockholders claim they have lost it now, and won't tell what attorney wrote the will. have tried thru the years to get them to show it to me, all i got were excuses. i will prolly with hold the house we are living in along with 5-10 acres. i won't let the present green farmers farm it just for spite! i'll ask another neighbor if he wants to...he runs AC/agco and Gleaners. if i feel good nuff, i still have most of my equipment....

Posted By: DanWi
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 10:12pm
Make sure you let everyone know the land is for sale so them green guys aren't getting a deal and makes your cut a little more. Sorry you couldn't hold on to it and cut the stockholders out. It would be nice to come in with another offer and see how loyal the stockholders would be to their green friends, at least just to stir the pot a little.

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 11:33pm
Dale, me thinks you need to track down a shyster lawyer, the kind that doesn't take no for an answer and vicious enough to hunt down the answers to all questions... like investigating to find the attorney that drew up your fathers will, He should have a duplicate copy in his files somewhere.  Or possibly filed at the courthouse...
and know how to impede said 'manager/s'. 
  I just hate to hear the stories of these 'family' affairs were the siblings can't get along for the good of each other, but are always looking out for their own greed.  Lot of nice farms have gotten hatcheted for that very reason.
  One thing them 'stockholders are over looking, you can't eat money, but land you can always raise something off of to eat...  for yourself and others.
  Praying for a rightful outcome for you, my friend.

He who says there is no evil has already deceived himself
The truth is the truth, sugar coated or not. Trawler II says, "Remember that."

Posted By: Ted J
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 11:39pm
I really feel for you Buddy.  Something you've cared for and nurtured for these past years and now......
I can't believe that an attorney wouldn't take your case and go to the judge and insist that they produce the will.  I know that that is the road I would venture down.  You might find out that Dad left the whole thing to you.  I don't know the laws there, but here in WI the will has to be probated and therefore become public.  You must know a judge that you didn't pizz off in your years of service?  Get him (or her) to agree to coffee and listen.  It might be worth your while instead of listening to your siblings.  GO for it big guy!!  If nothing else, it'll make you feel bettter and it'll really pizz them off!!

Whatever happens, I wish you and Dee the best and happy years ahead.  Do a little prayin, I will be helping in that department, to your Dad and have him help you out.  It's always easy to ask Dad for something.  God bless you buddy.

19?? WC / 1941 C / 1952 CA / 1956 WD45 / 1957 WD45 / 1958 D-17

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2021 at 11:49pm

  Hey Shameless,,,I believe ole JC and Ted got the right idea,,GER you a Lawyer FAST,,!! The stockholders HAVE to produce the will they are basing all their marbles on. And like Ted says it HAS to be probated for dispersal. We had an uncle that similar things were going on and the children were split and fighting like you wouldn't believe!! But after the Judge got thru talking,,,they all pretty much agreed and the one that was trying to put the chingas on the others was slapped BY The Probate Judge,,!!  Don't hold off any longer else they might get your house too,,!!

Posted By: mdm1
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2021 at 8:51am
Was the estate taken to probate? If it was probated go to the local probate court and ask for a copy of the will. I understand that after probate the will is public. Talk to an estate lawyer about how to proceed. I know moving all your stuff will be an enormous hassle but do you want to stay there and look out each day and see what has happened. If you do purchase the home and some acreage pay the going price so you won't have to feel indebted to the stockholders. Don't do something out of spite. I had a similar situation and just bought my own. First day looked out and said this is mine do what I want when I want. Big relief. Sorry about the length!

Everything is impossible until someone does it! WD45-trip loader 1947 c w/woods belly mower, 1939 B, #3 sickle mower 1944 B, 2 1948 G's. Misc other equipment that my wife calls JUNK!

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2021 at 9:38am
Originally posted by mdm1 mdm1 wrote:

Was the estate taken to probate? If it was probated go to the local probate court and ask for a copy of the will. I understand that after probate the will is public. Talk to an estate lawyer about how to proceed. I know moving all your stuff will be an enormous hassle but do you want to stay there and look out each day and see what has happened. If you do purchase the home and some acreage pay the going price so you won't have to feel indebted to the stockholders. Don't do something out of spite. I had a similar situation and just bought my own. First day looked out and said this is mine do what I want when I want. Big relief. Sorry about the length!

Second this!

My other thought was that if the land was legally transferred from your dad's name to another entity (trust, person, whatever) then something should be on file related to that at the county courthouse. I have seen wills listed out in the title abstract research books you get when you buy a property. If it changes owners, there has to be documentation of it with the county.

I got a few abstracts with a pasture that I bought that are for some other unrelated properties, and one of them was like reading a soap opera - the old guy's will was in there in its entirety, and it turns out he had some daughter that none of the rest of the family knew about and there were all kinds of legal battles that took awhile to settle. It was all documented in the abstracts. Not sure if NE does that level of detail or not but it might be worth paying a title company a few hundred bucks to compile an abstract of the farm property.

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 2:31am
i guess i don't know what probate is? never heard of it before...all i get on the web is more places to click on, nothing stops and explains it. can ya'll?

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 4:38am
Probate definition:" rel="nofollow -  

Here is a  search link" rel="nofollow -  

Just a couple links from above search..." rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -

He who says there is no evil has already deceived himself
The truth is the truth, sugar coated or not. Trawler II says, "Remember that."

Posted By: Lars(wi)
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 9:34am
Dale, in Layman’s terms, probate is the legal process of settling someone’s estate.
‘Probate Court’ in most states is at the county government level.
A Will ( if there is one), is submitted to the court, by the lawyer that drafted the will. The court is there to insure that the executor properly ‘disposes’ of the estate. That means that the person named in the will as executor( the person that was chosen by the individual that died), carried out the instructions in the will.
Everybody named in a will MUST receive a copy of the will. That is a responsibility of the executor.
I would NEVER EVER TAKE SOMEBODY’S WORD of what was in a will if I was named in it.

I tried to follow the science, but it was not there. I then followed the money, and that’s where I found the science.

Posted By: KJCHRIS
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 12:48pm
Shameless, sorry to hear this. 
You should be able to go to the county assessors office and see whose name is listed as owner of property where you live. Maybe on all parcels.  
IF you or at least more than 1 person is listed as part owner, you can try to get the others to go along with an auction. At least then you've a chance no sweetheart sale made. 
Hhmmmm, I got long winded again.!!!! 
I'm sure mine will be up for auction when I'm gone. The 3 Niece's will not have $$$ to pay taxes n keep it. Plus all live in Va. 
2 - 80,s sold on a online auction 2 years ago near me. Brought far more than local people expected. 
Last fall family across road to south of me auctioned off 190+ tillable acres in 2 parcels, to settle their mom's estate. Farming son kept 60+ acres. Both parcels sold near $9800/ acre. None of the local bigshots were in the bidding after $5,000. 2 new owners were in school when I was, 1 lives in Des Moines, 1 in Omaha. Both have brothers n nephews farming within 20 miles that will be new neighbors. 

AC 200, CAH, AC185D bareback, AC 180D bareback, D17 III, WF. D17 Blackbar grill, NF. D15 SFW. Case 1175 CAH, Bobcat 543B,

Posted By: DougG
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 1:49pm
I do luv when it's a mixed ppl deal, gal pals going thru that - in my book - not true blood no say

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 5:49pm
In reading Wjohns comment, it looks like the guy had another daughter, perhaps before he married the mother of his other kids.  If she has his DNA, seems like she should get a share, unless she is not listed in the will.  Then it's up to the court and the sharpest lawyer to work it out.

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 7:11pm
Originally posted by JohnColo JohnColo wrote:

In reading Wjohns comment, it looks like the guy had another daughter, perhaps before he married the mother of his other kids.  If she has his DNA, seems like she should get a share, unless she is not listed in the will.  Then it's up to the court and the sharpest lawyer to work it out.

Sorry, didn't go into enough details... He left her a proper share of his assets, but the rest of the family wasn't having it, and tried to deny her anything. Their lawsuit didn't hold up but it took a good while in court, based on the dates and rulings of everything I have in the abstracts. I suspect you are right and she was from before he married his wife that he later had several other kids with - or perhaps she was the result of an affair... I never dug around enough to try to find her age, or marriage dates, or anything like that.

And this was well before DNA testing anyhow!

My main point, Shameless, is that if the land is no longer in your dad's name, it had to have been legally transferred to somebody/something else, which would be documented at the courthouse. If death was the reason for the transfer then from what I have seen in my title abstracts (at least in KS and IL) the will or the relevant portion of it affecting land assets is referenced or fully listed out with the deed transfer documentation at the courthouse.

It could be as brief as basically saying all named heirs get equal parts of any estate left at the time of death, or it could be much more detailed. Either way you should be able to find something, I would hope.

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2021 at 11:15pm
thanks everyone! this gives me a place to start investigating. the name of the farm was changed just before Dad passed and has remained under that name(s). i'm feeling a little better about all this right now...but still saddened in many ways. thanks again for helping me with this. ya'll ROCK!

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 9:08am
Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote:

thanks everyone! this gives me a place to start investigating. the name of the farm was changed just before Dad passed and has remained under that name(s). i'm feeling a little better about all this right now...but still saddened in many ways. thanks again for helping me with this. ya'll ROCK!

 OK, Good Buddy,,,you are getting some great advise and ,,,,,,It also looks to me that you been being a "nice Guy" long enough since "they" been keeping you in the dark far too long!! UNFORTUNATELY,,,Land, Property and Relatives have always been a tri'some that spells BIG trouble for most families. Since "the stock holders have not keept you in the know, you gonna have to assume, that ain't gonna start any time soon,,,maybe not even AFTER they sell everything out from under you. IF, they were any where close to being FAIR with your interests, they would have already given you a copy of the deed and all other agreements that they have done since,,,right?
 You need to hire an attorney like SOON, Please don't try to do this on your own, cause you can bet your Big Boy trk and everything else,,they are gonna have a sharp talking lawyer on their side,,!!

Posted By: farmboy520
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 9:56am
Just my $.02, if the executor is telling you that the will is lost then he hiding something.

On the farm: Agco Allis 9695, 7060, 7010, R66, Farmall H, and Farmall F20 (Great Grandpa's)

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 10:12am
DJ, I keep getting the feeling that the 'stockholders' think they should have the most of the 'equal shares' than the one that actually stayed and worked...

And I have the same thoughts as Farmboy does... Losing the will , they are hiding some facts.
 Happened close to here, in fact the daughter and s-i-l went into the old man's house and stole the will from his safe... never to be seen of again.  and the brother knew what was in the will because the old man had put his 40 acres in to be with the original farm that the son had bought from him. But the sister thought the 40 acres and house should be sold for profit for themselves since they took care of the old man the last two months of his life.  Where as the son had spent the last 3 years going down there and checking on him and helping him every day.  And then the personal stuff started disappearing and found stuff in a grandsons garage and some other stuff at the sisters place ...  The son said she could have all the stuff of their mothers but there were things that were left for the other brothers... which they didn't get because the sister got the courts to disperse it at an auction...  
  What is that old sayin? evil is as evil does...  the s-i-l died a few years later and the sister got sick.    

He who says there is no evil has already deceived himself
The truth is the truth, sugar coated or not. Trawler II says, "Remember that."

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 11:06am

 Yeah,,JC,, I do not know ole Shameless like most of ya'll do,  but I do see where he is a very trusting person and while that attribute is something most people will never be, it can and will wind up hurting him, I'm afraid.
 When they started that BS that the will was,,"lost", that was when the dishonesty on their part started.!!!  That will is NOT LOST ,,or they could have never reached any agreements with the leasing out of the farm that they did!!
I sure hope ole Shameless gets him a GOOD attorney "NOW" to represent his many years of working on his Daddy's farm cause I don't thnk them dudes are gonna be bothered too much with putting him out,,,,,

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 11:33am
It pains me to say this, but if there ever was a time for mean a$$ lawyer now is when you need one Dale. The even harder part is finding one that is mean enough but will not turn around and bit you too. Praying for you to find the right people to do honest work in these legal matters.

Can you tell I am not a fan of lawyers. But there are times and places your a fool if you don't at least try to find one to handle matters. Maybe a good bluff will make the stockholder pony up the will, BUT DON"T BET ON IT. I agree with the other that think you being take for a ride.

Posted By: CrestonM
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 11:39am
Hey Shameless, I'm really sorry to be hearing all this. I think the other guys have offered some pretty good advice. I would say we make pretty good farm ownership loans at the Farm Service Agency, rates this month are 2.75%, so that might be an option if you're looking to purchase more than just a few acres of the farm. 
Thoughts and prayers sent your way! 

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 4:38pm
I fully agree that you need a good sharp lawyer that will get down and dirty. One question I have not seen posed yet is "who has been paying taxes on the property since your Dad passed." In Georgia that goes a long way in establishing ownership, especially after 7 years. As for the will being lost, that is a crock of crap. Even if the original document is missing there should be copies out there. Probate should be done as soon as respectful after a person passes. Even though I was the only heir, shortly after my Dad passed I took his will to an attorney to be probated and everything transferred into my name. Is there a chance the stockholders had the will probated and "forgot" to let you know?

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Posted By: klinemar
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 5:09pm
Sad to hear of your predicament Shameless. Sounds like you have one stockholder who wants to be the Chief Operating Officer. As others have posted the will should have been Probated. I hope for you and your Loving wife everything goes for the better!

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 9:10pm
One of the stockholders is a distant neighbor of me, a couple miles away, still, I may have to pay him a visit...

As a side note, after one of my dads distant cousins retired, he spent a bunch of time at the courthouse tracking down the ownership of the family farm in Ohio.  Followed it from it was bought from the government in 1811 up to the last transfer a few years ago.  The farm was around 170 acres at one time then the family that owned it gave each of the children 20 acres, over the years my distant family bought up most of the place then after my grandfather died in a fire, the land was split up again.  My folks bought 7 acres of in in the early 1950's and sold it in 1956 when we moved to Colorado.  Not only was it interesting reading but the handwriting back then was simply beautiful! 

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2021 at 11:37pm
stay away from him'll only gits angry just talking with him, very unlikable fellow, one of them know it all's! he's stayed away from me mostly, so that's good. and i don't need any phone calls from him, it'll only raise my blood pressure up! hard to find any farm attorneys around here, but i do know some that they absolutly hate just because of who they are! i may hafta sell the Chevy/Allis to pay for the attorney! PffffT!

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2021 at 12:05am
another thing that gripes my ***, i might hafta leave my new cook shack behind! PfffffT!

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2021 at 2:07am
You got receipts on that... So they can't take your personal property from you.... unless they got a sharkster lawyer working for them.

He who says there is no evil has already deceived himself
The truth is the truth, sugar coated or not. Trawler II says, "Remember that."

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2021 at 9:26am
Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote:

stay away from him'll only gits angry just talking with him, very unlikable fellow, one of them know it all's! he's stayed away from me mostly, so that's good. and i don't need any phone calls from him, it'll only raise my blood pressure up! hard to find any farm attorneys around here, but i do know some that they absolutly hate just because of who they are! i may hafta sell the Chevy/Allis to pay for the attorney! PffffT!

 Well,,,,,I will say this,,,,,"you done figured out how to keep me in line",,,,ain't you,,??Wink

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2021 at 10:40am
Wink My memory any more? That cook shack was new just months ago. Hauled in lifted up on your deck/porch?  Load it back up put on the land you bought in town, for now.  WinkWinkWink  You did not nail it down did you.LOLLOLLOL

It always hurts to pay a blood sucker, but can pay off BIG. If you win. Good luck fighting this.

Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2021 at 10:22pm
Dale, before you go putting out good money, go to the county court house, probate office and ask to see the records of your fathers will. That should be free, or small fee.
A good lawyer may come in handy, but you can do the preliminary for free yourself. While there, you could also check on the ownership of the farm, with all transactions as far back as you need to go.

I don't know much about your situation, but if you are being denied opportunity ot see the will, that smells very rotton! 

I wish you luck my friend

I am still confident of this;
I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27

Posted By: Lars(wi)
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2021 at 10:42pm
It would seem strange that every ‘stockholder’ lost their copy of the will.
Even stranger yet, the probate court did not follow up with the executor, do insure all bequests in the will were fulfilled.
In some states, the executor must file reports with the court detailing the actions taken to execute to will.
Dale, I have this sinking feeling these ‘stockholders’ have deliberately screwed you royally.
How did you all get along when you were kids?
Did the others enjoy growing up on a farm?
Did your father favor certain children in regards to the farm?
Do all the ‘stockholders’ have the same father & mother?

I tried to follow the science, but it was not there. I then followed the money, and that’s where I found the science.

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2021 at 8:52pm
Dale, the visit I was thinking about was not going to be friendly.....

Posted By: allischalmerguy
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2021 at 9:55pm
I am sorry to hear this Shameless! I pray things get better for you.

It is great being a disciple of Jesus! 1950 WD, 1957 D17...retired in Iowa,

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2021 at 9:56pm
How many stockholders are there ?  Older or younger ?  All from the city or out of state ?

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: mdm1
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2021 at 10:18am
Just out of curiosity. Have you found anything out yet? Inquiring minds you know.

Everything is impossible until someone does it! WD45-trip loader 1947 c w/woods belly mower, 1939 B, #3 sickle mower 1944 B, 2 1948 G's. Misc other equipment that my wife calls JUNK!

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2021 at 10:03pm i haven't, it appears to be a cluster **** at the court house, i will hafta go back there when i can spend more time there. appears the court house has no record of the house i live in...which has been here since 1953. the crops grown on the farm pays the taxes as most do. cept where i live, and i have to find out more on this. 

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2021 at 5:27am
Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote: i haven't, it appears to be a cluster **** at the court house, i will hafta go back there when i can spend more time there. appears the court house has no record of the house i live in...which has been here since 1953. the crops grown on the farm pays the taxes as most do. cept where i live, and i have to find out more on this. 

 OH, OH,,!! That right there sounds like it might turn out to be a serious issue as far as establishing the "Possesion" aspect of the law,,IN YOUR favor.,,?? I'll say,again GOOD BUDDY, you should get you an attorney since "last year" Sure sounds kinda fishy that your house is not included in the Farm description, AND,,could be that taxes have NOT been paid out of the profits,,,which could be a HUGE issue,,,that was planned by them stockholders,,,!!
 PLEASE Don't wait any longer and try to do this yourself,,get you an attorney, Now!!
 BUT,,if they do kick you off your farm,,,you can park your 5th wheel on my place,,,,Clap

Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2021 at 6:24am
re: appears the court house has no record of the house i live in...which has been here since 1953. the crops grown on the farm pays the taxes as most do.

sounds real familiar... City here can't find building permit for my old shop....

wanna have FUN at Cityhall ? Tell them your lawyer's drafting up paperwork to have the City repay you 100% of ALL the taxes you paid since 1953, and accrued interest. Also NO taxes will be paid until a full forensic audit has been done by the STATE 'records' office.
Mumble 'something about's incumbent upn the record department to have care and control over legal records or such....'Magically', they wil find the lost records.......

3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water

Posted By: Kansas99
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2021 at 6:36am
Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote: i haven't, it appears to be a cluster **** at the court house, i will hafta go back there when i can spend more time there. appears the court house has no record of the house i live in...which has been here since 1953. the crops grown on the farm pays the taxes as most do. cept where i live, and i have to find out more on this. 

Are you saying the house isn't listed as a improvement on the ground or isn't deeded separate or both?  Around here they will have to have title insurance to sell the land or no bank will ever loan money on it.  A title and abstract co might be cheaper then a attorney to find your answers.


Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2021 at 10:19am
Originally posted by Kansas99 Kansas99 wrote:

Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote: i haven't, it appears to be a cluster **** at the court house, i will hafta go back there when i can spend more time there. appears the court house has no record of the house i live in...which has been here since 1953. the crops grown on the farm pays the taxes as most do. cept where i live, and i have to find out more on this. 

Are you saying the house isn't listed as a improvement on the ground or isn't deeded separate or both?  Around here they will have to have title insurance to sell the land or no bank will ever loan money on it.  A title and abstract co might be cheaper then a attorney to find your answers.

Yeah,,Kansas,,,that sounds correct AND the more ole Shameless "Discovers" bout his kinfolk,,,the more diabolical their actions appear!!  Me thinks they been plannin this over a LONG period of time with the intent to push him out of everything and they bout READY to finalize the takeover!!  Them telling him they can't find the title to the farm is pure friggin preposterous.
 Having just recently gone thru this same worst kind of THEFT with the "Outlaws" on the Wife's side,,,I KNOW what lowlife relatives are capable of,,!! AND, once the DEED is done,,, it all over ,,,,except the Crying AND  the courts do not listen to Crying,,!! To this day,,the wife still cannot BELIEVE her brother and sister done what they did to cut HER and Her children out of their Rightful inheritance and thinks,,," They WILL share" I tell her, they ain't started "sharing" in 2 1/2 years, why would they start any time soon,,,,??? Them Titles ain't got your name anywhere on them,

 SO,,Shameless,,,get down to the closest Abstract Co and find out,,THEN Call an attorney!!!!!

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2021 at 1:55pm
Shameless, you got your lunch box packed  for tomorrow so you can stay all day harrassen the court house, the register of deeds and the abstract offices??? An possibly hunting for a shrewder lawyer that them other 'stockholders' have... 

 Sale, it seems you have a nephew that you liked cuzz he seemed to like the farm... was that because he liked the thought of capitalizing on it as his portion of inheritance? or that he might get some dirt under his fingernails?... Farm gets sold he won't have nothing but the money, what is left after his parents burn through it.

He who says there is no evil has already deceived himself
The truth is the truth, sugar coated or not. Trawler II says, "Remember that."

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2021 at 3:37am
Jay...that DOES sound fun! i can't print in here about some of this. spoke to my banker last week, he said if i needed anything in this to just call him. my attorney is out of town for several weeks yet...musta made some good money last year...he's across the pond drinking wine! JC...the nephew just wanted part of the farm free so he could return home and build a new house on it, no other interest other than that. he lives in England. the niece went thru $2.2 million in under a year from other inheritances, and is out of money, mom and dad having to keep putting money in her accounts to cover overdrafts. the hurt goes on and on.... 

Posted By: farmboy520
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2021 at 12:13pm
Good luck shameless and keep us informed as much as you can. Also know that we are behind you 100%

On the farm: Agco Allis 9695, 7060, 7010, R66, Farmall H, and Farmall F20 (Great Grandpa's)

Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2021 at 1:05pm
Just from what I read quick, Dale's family is trying to cheat him out of his share. Lost will? Really? Wow! What an absolute poor excuse! The longer I read, the madder I was getting! Was an interesting read over my lunch break though lol! The "chief" with the checkbook is likely lying to all the others too. Only making enough to pay the taxes? Really? I'd need to see the books! I call BS there too. Maybe so after he pays himself big $$$ to be executor. Something is definitely not right here! Lots of good advice!

210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!

Posted By: JohnColo
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2021 at 3:28pm
Ed, you've got to remember the guy who farms it now runs JD equipment so between the machinery payments and repairs, there's no money for paying rent!

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