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Which AC dozer has the most parts support

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Construction and other equipment
Forum Description: everything else with orange (or yellow) paint
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Topic: Which AC dozer has the most parts support
Posted By: exSW
Subject: Which AC dozer has the most parts support
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2017 at 12:03pm
Well? If you were buying one for farm use which one would be your best bet?

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2017 at 1:16pm
Most of the AC machines are now on life support with donned parts from a machine that met it's demise . 
 AC did use parts made for open market in many cases so some can be found in general use .
 Later Fiat/Allis has more of a chance but it seems now that line is New Holland, or Fiat and dealer network might be slim - even though Fiat owns Case now the 2 are separate in markets .  

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2017 at 1:33pm
I would have to say the 21B, Can us much of Cat undercarriage, repower to a similar sized HP range is only limited to imagination. Finals would be a concern but the heavy iron parts should last quite awhile.

11B can be modified similarly, trucks pulled and remanned for CAT rollers, 6.91 rails, p/n's have been posted to convert the sprocket to cat segments. 6BT Cummins would be a good choice repower.

Posted By: SteveM C/IL
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2017 at 10:38pm
for a 21B,you want your farm all in one location

Posted By: Ian Beale
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2017 at 10:52pm
Some notes here on repowering a 21C" rel="nofollow -

Not for the faint hearted

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2017 at 11:03am
Ian we are to make this poor fellow want an AC not discourage the poor guy. Started out as good story  just that there is not a good ending.

Maybe it is a bad subject for me as I should be out working on a 9u D6 . I have several that are not that far gone just need more sweat to have another one running.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2017 at 1:30pm
Lots of negatives to owning a Allis, parts is number one. Almost everything on a Allis is Allis alone. Rockford made the transmission parts and torque converters internals but that is about where they stopped and Rockford Clutch div Borg Warner is near as much RIP as Allis.

Allis engines are strong and dependable overhaul parts are available for many but not all. Some pieces have to be custom made for repair parts where items as rails are particular to Allis and some to IHC/Dresser and Allis. HD11, 11B my own 7G and the 7G-b all used 7,0 pitch rails as did IH 175, TD9? I believe and a few others. Cat used to make a change over sprocket weld on and could use 6.91 rails/rollers/segments, do not know if still in production or NOS still available fits from D6/955k and a few others.

I am currently trying to overhaul a trans from a 7G as a replacement, is becoming VERY problematic but managing, just a lot of time digging thru generic parts and custom repairs shops.

Posted By: Tracy Martin TN
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2017 at 2:44pm
I have a real low hour HD4 with great undercarriage. If i were looking for a dozer I would replace it with a Cat. JMHO

No greater gift than healthy grandkids!

Posted By: orangeman
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2017 at 3:24pm
Agree with some of the above comments,  Caterpiillar parts support would be the best at this point based on production numbers and the fact that their  business is still in place.  

Cost and overall condition should be the driver of what you choose to use for a dozer on the farm.  Allis has a place due to the fact that there was some commonality on engines between Ag and Industrial machines.  They also have a place due to their lower overall purchase price when compared to a Caterpillar product.   

Lots depend on the scope and scale of what you hope to accomplish with the machine. 

Good  Luck with your decision.   Orangeman

Posted By: exSW
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2017 at 7:48pm
Entry cost is my main objective (I'm cheap). I've also seen extraordinary AC machines go for low money in the past. Obviously a decent undercarriage is a prerequisite. I had a Case 850 here a couple weeks ago. New paint and tracks coulda shaved with the sprockets. It left with out me asking about how much.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2017 at 8:05pm
Most current equipment the owners become real proud of. Look to rails wear charts, get educated on what to look at as to rails, rollers, sprockets and idlers, then step a little deeper to see as to trans/torque converter slippage, oils samples for wear deposits indicators, ask for service records and step back slightly when they cannot supply as if to doom the sale, may get a few discounts that way.

Otherwise, if find a Proud Owner unwilling to listen or cannot accept measurements being out of spec, will not consider coming down to a reasonable/negotiated price walk as that machine probably has NOT had the maintenance needed.

Posted By: Josh H
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2017 at 9:21pm
Probably more hd6 and 11 out there, being they're smaller.

If you buy an A-C crawler, make sure its in great shape, cheap, and consider the money gone when you buy, and you're good to go. My brother use to say buy for near scrap and you're safe.

Posted By: Ian Beale
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2017 at 2:35am
Originally posted by Ray54 Ray54 wrote:

Ian we are to make this poor fellow want an AC not discourage the poor guy. Started out as good story  just that there is not a good ending.

Maybe it is a bad subject for me as I should be out working on a 9u D6 . I have several that are not that far gone just need more sweat to have another one running.


If he wants a 21 he's already not in the faint hearted!  But then he could also look at a FD 30.

There is this verse from Rudyard' Kipling's "Certain Maxims of Hafiz"

"If he play, being young and unskillfull
For shekels of silver and gold
Take his money by all means, praise Allah,
The kid was ordained to be sold"

So I'm guessing that warnings as appropriate will make a better Allis preserver

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2017 at 9:17am
One other consideration, as a 16B or a HD16 when the rails(New OE are 7.875) are at 50% from new they would be the same as Cat early D7, 977 and D6C with 8.0 rails. Doing as the 11B with mod for Cat rollers and using OE segments can probably get away with running reasonably new SALT Cat rails from those or Chinese derivatives. For farm use would make a great dozer. Modifying for Cat segments I do not knw how much modification would be entailed to the sprocket flange.

For that matter Dresser/IHC TD20, 250C and a few others also used that spec rail.

Posted By: Lazyts
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2017 at 11:23am
At present more parts are available for the 844 engine than for the 516.  Parts support and AC is an oxymoron.  That being said, it's good fun finding used parts, because you are meeting other people with the same "iron disease".  Much different from going to the CAT dealer and just being a small number in a big system.

Posted By: Ian Beale
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2017 at 3:23pm
Originally posted by DMiller DMiller wrote:

One other consideration, as a 16B or a HD16 when the rails(New OE are 7.875) are at 50% from new they would be the same as Cat early D7, 977 and D6C with 8.0 rails. Doing as the 11B with mod for Cat rollers and using OE segments can probably get away with running reasonably new SALT Cat rails from those or Chinese derivatives. For farm use would make a great dozer. Modifying for Cat segments I do not knw how much modification would be entailed to the sprocket flange.

For that matter Dresser/IHC TD20, 250C and a few others also used that spec rail.

We've got some HD16DP's still in action around us.  IIRC from discussions there were two track types used in 16's and DP's are different.  Maybe same pitch but wider.  I'd presume the 16B's would be the same.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2017 at 7:58am
My faux paux, HD16 were 7.875 the 16B 7.850 but still within enough range should be able to convert to the Cat 8.0 rails with the smaller bushing diameter?

Cat used a roughly 66mm bushing the Allis just over 70mm. Rail width/height would be the harder part to convert and I do not have those dimensions handy.

Posted By: ac_sd
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2018 at 6:47pm
Small dozer... HD-5... GM power, many parts interchangeable with HD-6 !! Great little tractor !!

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