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Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Construction and other equipment
Forum Description: everything else with orange (or yellow) paint
Printed Date: 06 Mar 2025 at 3:37am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.10 -

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 10:19am
Ok, So after following Dave's bucket rebuild we thought it was time to get our 7G in service, I know I was just picking on Brent for starting another project, but what the heck it's that Iron disease thing. photo P5300008_zpsquk2qdqi.jpg
We've had this 7G for several years but have never got it up to speed. It's been sitting here for almost 2 years because it wont start and I can't get to the starter with the bucket down. So because we can I cheated.
 photo P4180020_zpseemcx4ll.jpg
I used the big forklift, but couldn't find the right blocks. But found that 18'' backhoe buckets work perfect! photo P4180021_zpsxqdd7nl2.jpg
Got it up to it's almost comfortable to work on. I was sure it was the contacts in the solenoid (usually is) This is what I found. photo P4190001_zpsncrdugqn.jpg
Right call, it started right up.
  So I know Dave was sure he had the only ULRICH bucket in existence, I'm here to tell you there were 2 made and we have the other one! It's definitely a collectors item, as in not be used just collected! We do have the service manual and a original brochure for it which is cool from our collection stand point. Our plan is to put some logging forks on to use on the ranch.
  The other thing it needs is the decelerator pedal and linkage.  
 photo P4200003_zpswbmmvp59.jpg
It came without any of that. The hand throttle is there, but the other stuff was removed. We've looked around a little but not to hard. There were several different versions according to the parts book. Was thinking we can build our own,but would prefer to find original parts. Ironically we have another 7G (same vintage) in very poor condition without those parts too. photo P4200004_zpssp9quysm.jpg
So if anyone knows where to look or has parts, let us know. Also this is not getting a full restoration any time soon! This one's for play and maybe pay? (as in a working job)

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 10:22am
 photo P4200002_zpsa9suvgtq.jpg

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 12:44pm
Most God Awful heavy bucket I have ever been around!!  And we now know there were at least two!  Thanks Mel, made my day!!  That one looks to have had several Add On mods as well making it even more heavy than mine, nice looking old 7G.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 12:46pm
Let me go to scrounging on my donor.  The throttle on it was cabbaged together and a mess but I believe I have the decal system and linkage.  PM me a email and I will send photos when I find the stuff.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 8:43pm
I was just admiring that fine piece of engineering, appears has been re-engineered a time or two as mine has!! Hard mechanism to keep together and functional. Someone has put a lot of time on the rails, appears to have had grousers welded on.

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 10:51pm
Yes, somebody welded lots of rebar on the grousers. They did a good job. It will last the life of the machine (at least as we no it). The history appears to be that the county of Los Angeles or (maybe the city) was the original owner and they probably put the ROPS on when that law came in to effect. (1970ish). It later went to a private party that had it for many years in Bishop, Ca. We got it from Doug, at Tri City Tractor in Colton, Ca. He and his father were in the AC parts business for many years and had wrecked out lots of ACs. He was friends of the previous owner and when they called him to get rid of it he called us to see if we were interested. 

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 2:49pm
Yours is a earlier unit, floor throttle where mine is in dash as was the donor, both of mine have square air cleaner in the dash.  Yours has the round engine compartment filter which is easier to find as I have been told.  Temperamental old tractors but work hard when working.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 4:12pm
isn't that what that ole Darrel has up north of me? how much ya pay'in for me to makes a road trip??? lol

Posted By: HD6 Merv
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 8:25pm
whats with the 'treasure' on the left side of the first pic of the HD7G boys ??
Is a HD6 for sure and looks like a EP to me, as can,t see any master clutch lever that a 6E would have ??
Nosey people need to see a pic of that too !

tits tyres and tracks

they all cost you money

Posted By: Ray54
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 9:48pm
Shameless change your directions a little,Darrel has a HD5 that I could us. Maybe distract Mel by showing him a HD 14 C with Garwood blade. A genuine ran when parked some time in the 80's was started in the 90's and torch converter was rusted up.   

Posted By: SteveM C/IL
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 10:30pm
isn't that rt track on backwards?

Posted By: donoman
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2017 at 11:25am
Looks like the HD6 Merv is reffering to has a 7000 motor in it, can we have some pic's, I'm in the process of doing the same to my HD6E.

Posted By: HD6 Merv
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2017 at 12:39pm
yep it certainly has a modified air cleaner that was done for some reason. Pics and storys Mel.

tits tyres and tracks

they all cost you money

Posted By: Lazyts
Date Posted: 25 Apr 2017 at 10:34pm
I've gotten a few parts from Doug at Tri City Tractor over the years.  Sounds like his selection of parts is pretty picked over now.  He told me they had dismantled over 30 HD11s for parts.  I also bought an SEC attachment, which came from just down the street from him, seems like.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 03 May 2017 at 9:12am
Headsup Mel, when you go to drop this monster 4/1 you may want to add a pair of iron braces on the back to level with the flat bottom or weld small box pipe or I-beam on the bottom sticking out the back.  As the buckets roll back when parked is because they are so off balance to the rear.  I blocked mine with it sitting on pallets but is only temporary until I can cut some steel for braces to weld on to keep it from rolling to its backside.

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 22 Jun 2017 at 11:34pm
So....Dave I know we have the 2 "worlds ugliest HD7G buckets"
 photo P6220040_zpsgkk5jq4k.jpg
The 4 pins holding it on are EXTREMELY UNCOOPERATIVE!! (right down to I'm about to get the mans torch out)  Had a few minutes this afternoon to take this bucket off.....but nooooo.... It was 110 degrees here today but only 108 when I started the bucket job.  Only supposed to be 105 I'll get it done when it cools down.(LOL)
 photo P6220037_zpsud9g7od0.jpg
These are the forks to put on....have already been removed from this 7G
 photo P6060029_zpsiwnchb93.jpg

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2017 at 6:21am
I had better luck rolling mine flat(set to dig) and taking all the load off the pins. Came out with a light hit from a four pound hammer(used it thinking would be worse). Once the lock pins are out the only resistance should be the friction between smooth pin(maybe grooved) and the bronze pivot bushing.

And YES, these are some really UGLY buckets!! Good luck Mel.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2017 at 6:53am
This is where I sat mine off, in the position I set it off Mel, tools used alongside.

Posted By: HD6 Merv
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2017 at 2:53pm
Whoa here Mr Mel Tongue
What is the story with the bush rigged HD7G; yes the one with the forks, AND the powershift E30 winch on its tail that my eagle eyes have spotted Clap
Whats the matter with her ?? Would be a very useful machine for woodlot work. Or is the 'new' 7G to take her place ?. . . . And. . .what are you doing with that E30PS winch ? They are quite rare to find these days; although must have been a few sold in the days when 6ep and 7G machines were sold.
Yes we are nosey people us kiwi,s
Cheers and thanks Thumbs Up

tits tyres and tracks

they all cost you money

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 23 Jun 2017 at 11:45pm
Merv... No problem...glad you ask. The "bush 7G" was the first one we acquired. It was many years ago and was in was a 3 day trip for Dave..but went well. The rails,pins and bushings are totally wasted...grousers are not that bad. The turbo is gone...and it did not steer. The engine did run ok. It needs least 1 for sure...those are hard to find.. somebody in Texas still makes weld on rims that we keep saying were going to order. We have rails that we can use....IT WILL NOT BE A COMPLETE DONOR TRACTOR!!!! I have borrowed some parts for this 7G that is ready for work. We have some projects for that we would like to restore it to good usable condition.

So I got the "mans torch" out today for "the Melvin Method" of removing uncooperative bucket pins. Dave mentioned bronze bushings....these are steel and after applying lots of BTUs the bushing was still stuck to the pin....end of story..I win 

 photo P6230041_zpsilrvlxfm.jpg
 photo P6230042_zpscvzxybou.jpg
The "WORLDS HEAVIEST UGLIEST BUCKET" has been carried to storage in section 7G in the donor tractor parts inventory.

 photo P6230043_zpsqpqvg2lt.jpg photo P6230044_zpsacdr9xty.jpg
So...we're up on blocks and ready to drop the pans and have a bath.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 24 Jun 2017 at 6:55am
Little tractor actually looks 'Happy' that damned bucket is OFF!! My 7 had what I thought were thick wall bronze bushings in the curl arms, no rust on them and appeared to be a copper-ish color, could be wrong. No grease fittings either, the lowers were steel but in fine shape.

Good to know the other one won't be a strictly donor tractor as my second is.

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 24 Jun 2017 at 10:16am
Well....I'm 'HAPPY' the dam buckets off.  So..back to the grease fittings..was going to run this by you anyway. The parts book indicates those bushings (4) are the same...the (4) pins are the same...the pins are supposed to have grease fittings in them...these don't...they appear to be the right ones. Spent quite some time cleaning one looking for the holes for grease...not there...assuming they got changed out....also appears that some one torched the boom arms and dump arms where the grease fittings would be...if they were out there....where are your grease fittings?

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2017 at 5:57am
My 7G has fittings at all but those four points too. Not one of the four bucket pins is lubed or drilled to take lube or the curl arms drilled, even the curl arms are solid at the bucket end off the donor I have.
Not one fitting to either tractor and now yours.

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2017 at 9:39am
Very interesting.....maybe it was the standard feature that came with the 'worlds ugliest heaviest bucket' LOL. That would be the common thread here. We'll have to figure something out....when that squeaking starts I go bizerk.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2017 at 7:13pm
Even the GP off the donor had no lube points on the pins, just solid and square headed.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2017 at 7:17pm
I did manage to get mine out for a little dirt work today, had a spoil pile in the back I wanted to move most of, did that then moved a load of concrete scraps to the back ditch. Got it back up to the shed and noticed an oil smell then saw the running leak off belly pan leaving a snail trail. Not certain where yet but parked machine for the time being. Bucket performed as well as expected.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2017 at 12:23pm
Well will be easier fix than not. Trans oil cooler line popped thru, was losing oil down the joint of the engine block to bell housing. Both lines off but will await to tomorrow to run up to Union MO to the hydraulics shop. May take the spare Cessna Eaton Trans pump and see if anything can be done with it as the one on my machine is weak.

Posted By: rickv57
Date Posted: 27 Jun 2017 at 10:32am
Nice-looking 7g loader Mel

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2017 at 8:01am
How goes your conversion Mel, old tractor back to work?

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2017 at 11:59pm
Dave....was hoping to beat you to the question.We made this a 4 day weekend hoping to get some ranch things done etc.  We've spent the first day and half branding and moving cows and calves to our summer pasture. The other goal is to get this 7G moved to start loading firewood logs.
  So.....that being said...we knew when we got your parts that they were not compatible with this model...but knew we would use them some where.
  So I used all of your parts in our re fabrication of the way we wanted it ....really,really happy with it.
 Some history...yes we know some AC stuff..Our father bought a HD9G and a HD5G new in the early 50s to load logs. Those of course were direct drive machines and very nice in there day.  When David and I started our sand and gravel business in 1972 we migrated to rubber tired loaders....645s and later 745s...crawler loaders were not at the top of the chart anymore. When we decided to start logging again in the mid 70s we decided to try to upgrade to HD11B series dozers....powershift...with a decelerator pedal.
 The 7G was one of ACs first powershifts...and had the ground speed govenor with whatever else they though they needed. After thousands of hours on 11Bs...I can't imagine not having the same system....and the biggest problem is I can't call anyone...cause there's no one left!!!!    So this is my design...I used the floor board and the pedal....the red pieces are welded to the bottom to hold the linkage...welded 2 flanged 1/2'' nuts also 
 photo P7020047 - Copy_zpsiqao7pr7.jpg
Cut the top of the floorboard off a couple of inches and torched holes to fit the existing holes. The black pen marks are where the existing floor board will match.
 photo P7020049 - Copy_zps89n5vlgf.jpg
So the pieces should match up like this when installed.  With the 2 nuts welded to the bottom bolted to the top pieces.

 photo P7020051 - Copy_zpsdibyczsh.jpg
This would show how it goes.

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This would be installed in the tractor....The linkage needs to be hooked up before the left floor board is installed.
 photo P7020053 - Copy_zpsr7frlgpp.jpg
The 2 shiny bolts in the middle are pulling the bottom plate to the floorboard and the 2 at the top are in original holes for the floor board (one is not visible under the pedal)
 photo P7020057 - Copy_zpsznd5s5nd.jpg
I made a longer 1/2'' shaft to accommodate the decelerator linkages.
 photo P7020058 - Copy_zpswm1tpa4s.jpg
So Dave.....really, really happy with these parts.  It gives us a pattern for fixing the other one also.
So these are the forks of the other 7...gave them a bath and had to torch a pin out that was still in there at the bottom left.

 photo P7020061 - Copy_zpshom7vr5g.jpg
So,It's matched up and ready for pins.
 photo P7020065 - Copy_zpszso37vav.jpg
So.... going back to the grease fittings...some one torched 3 of the 4 ..but only one went through the inside bushing too..I might do that to all of them...and then weld some kind of grease fitting....for tomorrow they get a heavy dose of nevesieze (yeah,I know, probably where it will end) LOL.  Have to make a pin to use...for the one I cut out....that's the chrome shaft that's showing.
 photo P7020067 - Copy_zpslkaiutlt.jpg
Hoping to get the forks on tomorrow...load it on the lowbed and move it about 3 miles to the back of the ranch. The Mrs.really wants to see some firewood soon!
  I'll take some videos...but seem to be out of photo space...I'll figure something out.
 Dave, Thanks again

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2017 at 12:08am
PS...the right brake pedal will also be moved to be run by your left foot and the right foot will be for the decelerator pedal (like a mans tractor)...have a design for that ....but not this weekend.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2017 at 12:20am
should be able to run that thing bare footed! lol

Posted By: AC Mel
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2017 at 12:36am
SHAMELESS!!! What are you doing up at this time of night?  You know it might be a good time to post that one would see it now.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2017 at 12:57am
I had to gits up to go pee....what's your scuse? oh...and I ain't smart nuff to post any pics on here, if I knew how, ya'll would see lots of my blunders and such! lol

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2017 at 6:26am
Awesome work as usual Mel, that is one hefty set of forks, Ulrich didn't make those too?!

Looks like you have a handle well attached for this mod and so glad it is working for you.

My 7G has the delete on the ground speed as did the donor, all of those components are just plate covers on mine. Could see where that would be handy on steep inclines.

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2017 at 2:12pm
Something else I am considering with moving brake pedals to a combined side is to remove so much of the throw on them. Brakes adjusted to spec they travel almost to the toe screen, adjusted any tighter and they drag. Already reduced the boost or actually allow the fluid pressure to relieve early on the assist as they were set WAYY TOO HIGH!! when I got the machine, ended up breaking a shoe early in ownership. Would really prefer for the brakes to be a lot lighter than currently and to be more sociable as to making turns rather than so abrupt.

Posted By: doctorcorey
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2017 at 5:29pm
Originally posted by DMiller DMiller wrote:

Awesome work as usual Mel, that is one hefty set of forks, Ulrich didn't make those too?!

Looks like you have a handle well attached for this mod and so glad it is working for you.

My 7G has the delete on the ground speed as did the donor, all of those components are just plate covers on mine. Could see where that would be handy on steep inclines.
My 7G has the ground governor, not connected. That and when they disconnected it they butchered the linkage and disabled the decel pedal. I've considered removing it as it's just something there spinning that could eventually fail and fill the tranny with hardened American steel fragments. Also it's an extra lube pathway that could leak internally. If I remove it and it's good I'll sell it to someone. 

Posted By: LeonR2013
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2017 at 3:58pm
Hey Dale, that ain't the way to spell bloomers.

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