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Why do we never learn?

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ChuckLuedtkeSEWI View Drop Down
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    Posted: 08 Jul 2010 at 5:42pm
In the past I have gotten AGCO parts from a local AGCO dealer, but it is always a struggle to work with them.  They are very backwards and write down the part number and your name and number on paper in a notebook and tell you they will call you when it is in.   Most of the time they can't tell you whether it is available or not, or what the price is, until it gets there.   Since then, I have gotten smarter and used many of the vendors on here to buy parts and have gotten any AGCO items from Albert and others at Dean Ag in Missouri and have always been impressed with their expertise and service and how fast I get my parts.   Well, three weeks ago, I went back to the local AGCO dealer to see if they had a complete sickle for the New Idea 290 mower/conditioner that I am fixing up.  They didn't have one, but they looked it up and it was $88 and he would order it on Monday.   Three weeks later and nothing.   So today I called on the way home to see if it had come in yet.  It was like I was never there three weeks ago.  He went back outside to check their inventory, and I had to remind him that I was there three weeks ago and they were supposed to order it.  It was like I was never there!   Now they are going to try and reorder again.  I should have just told them to kiss off, but I try to be nice and give them some business, especially in these tough times.   I used to go in there with my dad when I was knee high, and they all remember me since I was a little kid, but I am so dissapointed in their service it's pathetic.   I know I just am a pretend farmer and play with my equipment,  and don't use it to earn a living like many of you, but what if I was?   How could I continue to do business with someone that can't get me a part and it's three weeks later.   What if it was my only tractor that was down?   In the meantime, I called Dean Ag last Thursday am, and ordered a couple other small parts for the New Idea mower and they came to my house in the mail today, one week later, with a holiday weekend, and they came into their place in Missouri and then on up to me in Wisconsin.   Well, I guess I'll get off of my soapbox, but sometimes we try to do good things to people where we have been burned before, and we just don't seem to learn. 
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Brian Jasper co. Ia View Drop Down
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I know what you mean. There is a local AGCO dealer that I can drive to from work on my lunch break. I ordered about $300 worth of bearings for my D17D and got treated like they really didn't want me as a customer. Since then, they have missed out on the rest of my parts business, a couple grand easy. I've been getting everything from Sandy Lake. Betty just about knows my voice on the phone now.
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford
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Jeff Z. NY View Drop Down
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I never could understand why some are like that.
We have an AGCO dealer in Coxsackie , New York that has been an Allis Chalmers dealer since 1935.
If the part you want needs some research done he will do it and he won't let you leave until he knows if he can get it or not.
If AGCO says the part is no longer available he will search every AGCO dealer's inventory in the US and Canada and most of the time he finds a dealer with that item still on their shelf.
He uses the words Integrity on his invoices and he means it.
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Chris (swIA) View Drop Down
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Albert at Dean Ag is a certified genius when it comes the old ACs. I highly recommend him. I have yet to ask for a part that he couldn't find for me somewhere.
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Burgie View Drop Down
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Albert is the man!!
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David Maddux View Drop Down
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I havn't heard anything from Albert on here lately. Hope everything is is alright.  Dave.
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Reminds me of the experience I had this winter. Stihl chain saw died and I needed a carb rebuild kit. I get to the dealer monday am sharp to get the parts so it can be fixed for the following weekend. Give him the serial number, model number, and my cell phone. They said it would be there on wednesday. Get their wednesday and said the part can't be ordered as the model number didn't come up. I asked them to double check and it turns out they transcribed the model number. Bothered me that they did not bother to call me to confirm the model number. They said they could order it for me and I told them not to bother as I will deal with it.
Instead, I ordered it on e-bay for 8 bucks vs 22 from the dealer.
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ChuckLuedtkeSEWI View Drop Down
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Stan, that reminds me of the time that I went to the local lawn/garden dealer to order a part for my rototiller.   Had a briggs engine on it, so I came with a piece of paper with the model number and serial number of the motor.  Ordered the part and had to prepay for it and it was around $8.  A week goes by and I get a call that it is in.  Went over with the old part to double check and it was the wrong one.   He looked it up again, and said, oh we made a mistake as the carb changed and this and this serial number.   I told him that I brought the serial number the first time.   He looks up the new part and told me that it was $11 and not $8 so I would have to pay the difference.  I told them I would pay the difference as soon as they paid me for my time and gas back and forth another time as they were too lazy to look up the right part the first time.   He then told me just to forget the price difference and they would eat it.   Still ticked me off though. 

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norm [ind] View Drop Down
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  how many of the people you guys talk to grew up when your equipment existed
   any color  they are all the same  my 2 cents
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GT in Indiana View Drop Down
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All this time I thought it was just me.  I stopped working with our local Agco dealer for all the same reasons.  (By local I mean the only one for a hundred miles in any direction) They seemed far too busy to deal with my "annoying" purchases of a hundred bucks or less.  They earned the one finger salute for customer service and haven't been back since.  Just too big for thier britches I guess.
1955 WD45 we like to call Ruby
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Cary(KY) View Drop Down
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I guess what annoys me is no one stocks anything any more. You go in and ask for a part and the reply is no but we can order it. Well in this day and age so can I, for less money, no tax and delivered to my front door. Makes it hard to support the local guy.
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I'll second (or third, or whatever) on Albert.  I send him business regularly.  I even order from him myself ocassionally.  I try to alternate between Dean ag and Sandy Lake.
Owner of PM for an instant response on parts. Open M-F 9-6 Central.

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Roger Nolin View Drop Down
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needed a belt for the variable speed on my B212, Simplicity dealer 12 mile away. took them 20 minutes to find the part number after I had photo copied the page out of the parts manual. Then they weren't sure it was still available. I told them I had found them on-line. they wanted to know why I didn't just order it online. So much for keeping business local.
     Also went to the Agco dealer, they just took over Allis Chalmers after Agco closed local AC dealer. wanted to order part for my 1935 U they told me I must want parts for a Minneapolis U,cause they did not know AC built a model U.

Sandy Lake and Albert gets my business now.  < id="gwProxy" ="">< ="jsCall;" id="jsProxy" ="">
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Steve M C/IL View Drop Down
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I go to a guy who's dad had the oliver dealership since way back and is now an agco dealer.Don't know much about AC's but can get the parts.I look em up on agco website and call him with the part #'s.He can tell me price and availability right on the phone.Most things are next day out of Batavia if I want to pay freight,otherwise he puts in stock order on Mon and get it Thur or freight.( usually keeps filters and popular belts for AC's)That's usually what I do but if I need it NOW the next closest dealer 20 more miles down the road who was originally an Allis dealer usually has it cost 20% more which would make sense for stocking parts but you'll pay that markup even if they have to order it in.GRRRR!
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Oldoug View Drop Down
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Being a parts person is a gerneally a thankless job cause you don't apperceiate a good parts guy till you've delt with a bad one.  I can understand the frustration of getting wrong parts and the stress that is involed in farming, I grew up on a farm.  I just recently got my butt chewed by a customer a few weeks ago cause I sent home one wrong part on his windrower.  The guy sends his 70 year old father up to get the parts and he has no idea of the model, he knew it was a Hesston though, so I got to figure out who owns this machine, hope we have the information on file, we did.  Okay, time figure out what parts he needs...well, I need that little one there that runs up against that bigger one and I think there's a chain or belt that drives's kinda off to the side of the machine sorta ya know...I think they're all the same-that phrase will get you everytime cause there all the same till they get home and they don't fit, then you should have known better.  What happen to me this day was I got the parts looked up right that he needed and even charged him for the right parts but grabbed the wrong part that had an 1/8th inch differnce on shaft size out of the bin and sent it home.  Of course, he called back and blasted me on the phone, then I got the "Three dollar gas" speech and all that when he came back, I just felt like crap the rest of the day.  You can help twenty-five people and let one guy down and you'll be an idiot to him for the rest of your life.  I don't know how many times I've woke up in the middle of the night and wondered, "Did I remember to order that for that guy today?" and then you can't sleep for the rest of the night even though there is nothing that you can do about it.  You're expected to know 15-20 AGCO brands dating back as far as the 1940's to the present and people want you to stock parts for equipment ranging as far as a sickle mower to computerized software so they can make maps for their fields.  Parts availablity is a joke, if it's 1985 or older it's probably discontinued, if it's 1990 or newer you run a 40% chance that it's backordered it seems, and if it's a new machine the part might not even be available yet.  People are always upset if you don't have something in stock, even if you've never sold one before, if you have it in stock, the price is to high, you just can't win.  What never fails to amaze me is how little most people know about the machinery they run.  What oil does this gearbox take?  They are to lazy to go read the operators manual and they want me to go look it up for them, or how some people will bust the crap out of 'just out of warranty' machinery then expect you to still cover the damage some how.  Then you have the guy that won't fix anything till it breaks, it always breaks at 5:20 in the afternoon, do you have it on hand? What time do you close?  How long are you gonna be there?   I'll be there in 15 mintues can you wait? and then he pulls in at 6:30.  Looking up hydraulic lines on a tractor that you're not familar with is the worst and you have the guy on the phone, your parts breakdown will just show a mess of lines looking like a rats nest or a scribble drawn by a four year old.  The customer description will go something like this "It comes off of some valve here in the back and goes a little bit then there is a bend and it bends again and goes under the cab, there is another right here next to it, I don't know what this line is for it's just got that one right?"  unless you've been on the other end of the phone with a description like that you will never understand what it's like.  Everyday the parts person's job gets harder because new stuff comes out and people want to keep the old going too, everyday there's more models, serial numbers, engine types, options, more parts you should be stocking and it just never ends.   All you can do is get up everyday and try to do the best you can no matter who you deal with.  If anything working on this side of the counter I feel has made me a better person because before if I was at the grocery store and the checkout person had a problem working the cash resgister I would have said something rude about it, but now having been in that situation with customers myself I understand what that person is going through.  I think everybody should have a chance to understand what that person is going through.
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Skyhighballoon(MO) View Drop Down
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Matt - go to sleep tonight knowing you are one of the guys that cares and those other 24 guys you made happy appreciate the hell out of you.  Mike
1981 Gleaner F2 Corn Plus w 13' flex
1968 Gleaner EIII w 10' & 330
1969 180 gas
1965 D17 S-IV gas
1963 D17 S-III gas
1956 WD45 gas NF PS
1956 All-Crop 66 Big Bin
303 wire baler, 716H, 712H mowers
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Matt I was laughing my ass off reading your description on the line on the tractor. I did the exact thing this spring when a hose busted on the 220A. I am the type that would chew you out for the wrong one,but I would also thank you for doing the right things. By the way did you send that order in today I talked to you about last week on the phone, I really need it its going to rain tomorrow and I HAVE to Have it in the morning..........................LOL
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IG, behave yourself, Matt will be wondering,  'What order was that?'
  I wish we had guys like that around here.  Use to be that just call G&G Implement and ask Clifford if they have this that an the other things and he would say "Yes, If your coming today, get down here quick cuz we close at 5. - They closed their doors at an auction and I tell you that was a sad day.  They said they were practically forced to do it since the company wanted their dealers to have fancier building and more new machine inventory and higher dealer charges. They were getting tired and older and it was the best thing they could do.
 Went to another long time dealer that sold the orange and a mix of other stuff. I gave an order to the parts man over the phone and he said he would have to order many of the  items. I called him a week later and he said that he was waiting on a couple items since the warehouse didn't have it in stock. 3 days later he calls and says items are in. run 60 miles and make quick look at items, forgot my list. Well it looked like to me it was all there. get home couple items are bent from shipping, one is incorrect and one item missing. Call  them up and we spoke then waited many days and finally called them. They just got the correct part ordered. told them to mail it. two weeks from the time I made first phone call to getting the last part... All the parts I would have said they should have had in stock.  ... Guess I had it good with the fellows at G&G, sure miss them. If they didn't have the parts, they would order them and be there as soon as possible.  
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I know what you mean Matt. I was a parts man at a CaseIH dealer for four years. One thing I was a mechanic first and also a farmer so I could understand better what was wanted by most customers than my fellow parts men. But sometimes things just don't go according to plan. Once a made up a hydraulic hose for a guy for his skidder and accidentally used the wrong die in the crimper. Blew the hose. I had done the job a thousand times but this time I screwed up. Man was he mad but he was right and I took it on the chin. Once a guy walked in and wanted a part for his plow. I thought he had said a 700 but he said a 710. Now I only looked in the book for a few minutes when I asked again the model number. He said I TOLD you a 710. He then blew a gasket when I put the book back and grabbed the correct book. I hadn't gotten him the wrong part even and after a few minutes had the right part but he proceeded to chew me up and down like he had been waiting on a part for a week. I just bit my tongue. Another guy came in to get parts for his New Idea spreader. He was a customer of another dealer that had quit. I asked him the model number and he didn't know. He said to get the books out and he'd show me which one. He picked out the one he supposedly had and then said they were all the same anyway and we had the part he pointed to (a couple of nylon bushings) and at the same time he wanted a belt for his Gleaner L2. Now we had no books for Gleaners as we were a CaseIH dealer but I called the closest dealer and explained we needed a double vee belt for the cylinder drive on an L2. Looks like one choice for his serial number (he did have the serial number) so I got it the next day. His wife picked it up. A few hours later I got a call and the part for his spreader was wrong and the belt was wrong and he said he was going to drag me across the counter. I was feeling bad about he whole thing and said bring the stuff in and we'll get him fixed up ASAP. His Dad brought the stuff back with the correct model number for his spreader and he brought back the belt. AGCO ships it's belts in a box. Anyhow I explained that Gene didn't know the model of his spreader and just guessed at it but his Dad would hear none of it. Then I looked at the belt and AGCO had shipped the wrong belt inside the right box. Part number on the box was correct but the belt was wrong and his Dad was going ballistic that I hadn't opened the box when it came in. Well if anyone knows how busy a parts department is and how many boxes of parts come in day in a large dealership you'd know you don't have time to open every box. It was just bad luck and it was his fault on the spreader part. Anyhow you just learn to take a beating every once in a while and try to smooth things over. I learned too. Later that year a guy came in and needed a part for an old Owatonna elevator. I asked the model and he insisted that they were al the same. He left mad when I wouldn't order the part without a model number. He needed the boot at the bottom of it. We didn't even have books for them but I would call the company if he had a model number. Eventually he came in with a model number and I called but part wasn't available. I told him I had an old Owattonna elevator he could have for parts if he wanted so after work we went to my place and looked it over and it was totally different from his which he could hardly believe cause he was still convinced they were all the same.
-- --- .... .- -- -- .- -.. / .-- .- ... / .- / -- ..- .-. -.. . .-. .. -. --. / -.-. .... .. .-.. -.. / .-. .- .--. .. ... -
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MilesGray (CO/KS) View Drop Down
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I called John Schmidt & Sons Inc.  in Winfield,Kansas a couple of weeks ago to see if they could find a governor for my '44 C, and while they did not have the part, the person I talked to did actually look it up and then said they were discontinued and I needed to find it in a tractor junkyard. (no I didn't tell them that I could get a new one
from several people on this site, and I had one that I could take off another tractor) just figured if they had one, I would get it from them.
I'm sorry for the long post, but I was impressed with the fact that they looked it up, and then told me where to find one, since they didn't have it.
Miles Gray (CO/KS)

5 1938 B's, 1940 B, 1944 WF C, 1948 NF C, Gleaner A, White Top Rotobaler, 1957 IH Golden Jubilee... I'm either a collector, or crazy!
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Forgot to say in previous post that I was disgusted but didn't take it out on the parts man either, doesn't do any good for them or you.

 Thou I know of two case/Ih places that are 40 miles apart that people will drive the 40 miles not to do business with the one, wonder why. 

  Sometimes its the quality and sincere professionalism to help the customers that make a difference that makes a place excel as to just be in existance.
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I worked in an auto parts store years ago & an old guy had been all over town looking for a u-joint for a mm hay mower . nobody had one. I asked him if he had the old one with him. He brought it in & I measured it up & it was the same as a chevy . I'm sure every parts store in town had a dozen of them. boy did I become his favorite parts person.               Then you have the guy that don't want to give you the info you ask for, like he'll say it don't make any difference their all the same.why does he get the wrong part? I've been on both sides & can understand.
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All I can say is that I'm sure there are bad fish out there, but the AGCO or old AC dealerships that I have been around have been some of the best people I have met, and seem to have the time to always be frendly and have time to talk to you even if you live hundreds of miles away. My local AGCO/AC dealers (Haney equip.and B@G/tbran) have always been good to me and have most of the time parts in invatory and if not they will send them direct to me from AGCO and thats something that the local JD folks will not do. You also usually talk to the owners and they know there business if its parts, service, sales or other info. unlike the collage kids at the tri-green JD dealers.

"I would die a thousand deaths before I would betray a friend."...Sam Davis, Nov. 27, 1863.....DEO VINDICE
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Everyone should have to try to work a parts job before getting upset over getting the wrong part if it is an accident.  I help in parts here at the dealership, it is not real easy to talk to someone on the phone and find out what they want.  Mainly because 1/3 of the people calling have NO CLUE what they have or what the part is called.  It is always that little thing that hooks to this other thing.  OR it is right below this, as most of you know most parts books dont give you an overall view of the entire piece to see what is below what.

Lets just hope it doesnt get as bad as car and truck dealers.  I tried to order a door latch for our 3 year old Peterbilt the other day and they would not even attempt to help me with out a VIN.  Same with our pickups when I call the Chevy dealer.
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I buy from my buddy at Franzen Equip in IA, or Sandy Lake, or Schmidt in KS, or one of the vendors here. I don't really have a "local" AGCO dealer, but I don't really miss one because of the good job these guys do.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skipwelte Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 Jul 2010 at 9:50am
I can certainly identify with the parts guys problems.  The books, films, electronic catalogs have gone downhill badly in the last 10 years.   Machines are way more complicated, they dont show the relationship of one sytem to another, or one part to the parts around it.  I order lots of parts here where I work, its real frustrating becasue the bean counter that called that part a sender on this model called it a pickup on another model and I cant read his mind so Im looking for  a needle in a haystack!!   Not to mention the rampant errors on parts descriptions, numbers and totaly omiting parts!!   Im the service manager here, so I get chewed out for stuff that someone else does all the time!!!    Most times the customer wont chew on the mechanic, he want to chew on me!!!   Thats one of the benifts of the job!!!!!!!     Oh well, least I can get on the forum and complain a little!!!!    Hope everyone has a nice day-its FRIDAY!!!
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Nathan (SD) View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nathan (SD) Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 Jul 2010 at 10:55am
I manage production and shipping at work but i do some default sales because I happen to be the only one available at the time. There are good customers and bad customers. If you are on of those guys that believes that no matter what, the customer is always right, be prepared to have alot of bad days. New customers always get the benefit of the doubt. Career whiners get warned each sale might be their last. Guys that want discounts get charged extra. Good customers that pay on time and always are good to deal with get the rewards.
Sometimes the best words you can hear is  when a career whiner states he will take his buisness elsewhere. We usually don't make much on those guys anyway. Thinking about him spending  extra dollars out of his pocket to avoid me gives a guy a little long term satisfaction. If you are worried about those types spreading bad publicity, Don't. Chances are anybody that thinks he's a credible character reference you probably don't want to deal with anyway.
Discount guys. I don't mind them asking at all. Sometimes I can edge a little off sometimes I can't. It is when they demand it that things sour fast. I usally find some way to gouge them a little extra.
I deal with one product but produced in many sizes. Every part of the country has a different slang term for each size. Now standard procedure is to state that I need measurements because shipping costs too much to do it twice. Most understand. the ones that say I should know what they are talking about get charged extra.
Right now we are backlogged. With todays immediate gratification based society everyone expects product to be waiting for them. I tell them I can put them on the list and that is the best I can do. First come first serve. I will budge some good customers if I can. If they need to buy somewhere else, I got no problem with that. They need to do what it takes to keep their operation going so  maybe they can maybe buy here next time. Whiners that tell me they can't afford to wait and can't go anywhere else and need it yesterday because they won't part with any money until they absolutely have to keep getting moved to the bottom of the list.
I have made mistakes when it comes to shipping out the wrong product. I look back at my notes. Sometimes it is clearly my fault sometimes not so clear. I apologize and try to say or do something to show I want to make things right. Some guys will make do with what I sent them, so I knock some money of the bill. Good customers never say their is a problem till they order next time. Thats why they are called good cutomers. Guys that blow a gasket and berate me get a apology and then I offer to send a truck to pick up the wrong stuff. My expense. When they ask about the correct replacement product I look back at my notes. If it is clearly my fault I send out new ones, If it is not so clear I keep moving them to the bottom of the list.
My brother sells industrial parts. He gets the "Why don't you guys stock this. You guys need to order one every time". It is usually the most obscure thing immaginable. He is the only guy that ever buys one.
He started suggesting to customers maybe they should stock a couple in their own shop. Some like it, some balk. To the guys that balk he tells them that if they are not willing to invest a few dollars to keep their own stock for convenience purposes why should he be willing to invest his money? If its not important to you it sure aint important to me.
When I go to buy parts I try to be as informative as I can. I get the wrong ones sometimes and try to picture myself on the other side of the counter. I buy from the places I like the best. Sometimes I go to the places I don't like because I know they have it when I need it. I figure I can reward them for having it in stock. Sometimes that trumps customer service. If I can wait for a part I will order from the place I like even though they are a little higher priced because they don't move the volume.
Living here in the sticks I am usually happy to get anything. I hate driving out of town.
Do unto others as you want done to yourself is what I try to go by.
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bigfish_Oh View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote bigfish_Oh Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 Jul 2010 at 11:15am
Lonn"  Then I looked at the belt and AGCO had shipped the wrong belt inside the right box. Part number on the box was correct but the belt was wrong and his Dad was going ballistic that I hadn't opened the box when it came in. Well if anyone knows how busy a parts department is and how many boxes of parts come in day in a large dealership you'd know you don't have time to open every box."

I can except that to point.... I have been to 2 different parts stores, AGCO and Auto, 60 miles and 10 miles away.   I got an oil pan gasket at one that had one sides holes mis punched from AGCO, of course they swapped it out.... after pulling out the other bad ones they had and given me a correct side. They knew it was an existing issue and cost me 120 miles by not looking.

I bought a couple simple muffler clamps for my AC umbrella, I did not look in boxes. no nuts in one box, I wanted matching nuts on my mounting. They acknowlegded that they always find nuts in their incoming parts tubs....
1941 WC sat for 29 years,started & dynoed 27 h.p.
1957 WD45 Grandpa bought new,factory p.s.,added wfe
1951 WD, factory p.s.
1960 D14 HnMk IV BkHoe 4 sale
2014 HD Tri Glide
2009 GMC CC SLT Dually
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Embellem View Drop Down
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For most anything I need parts for--tractors, lawn equipment, bicycles, etc.--I usually just order it from places on the Internet. Nothing personal against dealers, it's just that most times I go in they have to order what I need anyway. Plus I don't have to leave the house. 
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Lonn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lonn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 Jul 2010 at 2:19pm
You know what I do when I pick up a part that I ordered at any dealership. I open it myself to see if it's right before I take it home. Now true, the guy sent his wife in to pick it up but I didn't expect AGCO would have shipped the wrong belt with the right part number on the box. We would get in maybe 6 to 8 pallets of parts in some weeks so if anyone wants to open every box the customer better be the most concerned and then do it himself. Now I would open and look at a part if there were an issue such as not being sure what the customer really wanted. I couldn't do anything about it that day anyway so he went to a New Holland dealer that had a belt from some piece of equipment that was the same belt. Don't know what that machine was but the double vee belt was the same. This guy would blow up every once in a while on something.

Once I had a guy blow out on me cause he said he had an 800 planter and needed a sprong (don't remember which) so I went to get him the one in the book. Wrong one. So I looked again and he was getting frustrated fast. I said are you sure it's not this one and he said just get me a spring. A SPRING IS A SPRING! So I went to the drawer and guessed and of course he blew and said THAT'S NOT IT! I said A SPRING IS A SPRING! and walked out to cool off. Turned out that he had married a 400 and 800 together and forgot to tell me. He gave me a little puppy later that year when he heard I was looking for one so water under the bridge.
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